Sermal, determined to reach his goals, refuses to give up on the project and prepares for a great battle against the angels that try to stop him. He summons his new race of hybrid beings to join him and fight for their right to create a new life form.
A shortcut against the angels who oppose him. He uses his hybrid creatures in combat, and his powerful magic allows him to manipulate the natural elements to his advantage.
The angels confront him, battling the abominations created by Sermal. The battle is intense, and Sermal uses everything he has to try to win. However, his former allies are powerful and experienced, and the battle turns out to be an even fight.
Increasingly wounded and exhausted, Sermal begins to realize that his selfish plan has deeper implications than he realized. With his defeat imminent, he decides to scrap all hybrid creatures and abandon the idea of creating a new race.
The angels, seeing Sermal's change of mind, help him undo all the abominations created by him. Sermal is forgiven for his mistake and returns to Heaven a changed angel, working to help humanity in other ways.