Impressive, isn't it? Max Willam remarks, gesturing towards the newly transformed humanoids bulls.
The spy nods, still in shock at the sight before him.
Shall we continue? Max Willam asks, a mischievous glint in his eye.
The spy braces himself, ready for whatever comes next.
Suddenly, the humanoids bulls charge towards him once again, but this time with even more force than before. The spy quickly dodges their attacks, narrowly avoiding being sliced into pieces.
Max Willam watches with amusement as the spy fights for his life.
This is just the beginning, Max Willam thinks to himself, excited for what's to come.
"Wow, your confidence is impressive. But that was just a warm-up," Max William said, snapping his fingers.
The humanoid bulls began to regenerate, transforming into a new form with steel bodies and extra hands.
"Shall we begin round two?" Max William asked.
The spy couldn't believe it. "Who is this guy? He brought back the monsters I just killed," he thought to himself.
Suddenly, one of the humanoid bulls roared, unleashing an inferno flame straight at the spy.
"What?! Flames? I need to get out of here," the spy said, using his skills to dodge the attack.
"I must admit, I miscalculated this mission," the spy thought, standing at a safe distance from the two humanoid bulls.
Max Willam approached the two humanoid bulls at the center, eyeing the spy and then back at the bulls. "Are these two too big for you? I thought you claimed to be someone great, whom I should never mess with," he said to the spy.
The spy retorted, "Why don't you send back your pawns and find out for yourself, one on one?"
Max Willam chuckled and snapped his fingers, sending the bulls away. "Since you want a one on one fight with me, why don't we start moving?" he suggested.
Suddenly, the spy vanished and reappeared behind Max, wielding poisonous daggers. Max quickly used one of the ancient tyrant kings' abilities, summoning four tyrant spike walls to defend himself. The spy managed to escape, but not without sustaining injuries from the spikes.
"I barely escaped his trap, but unfortunately, I sustained injuries. I must be cautious around him," the spy said as he tended to his wounds while eyeing Max Willam.
"You may be skilled, but that doesn't guarantee your victory against me," the spy confidently stated as he stood up.
"Even after being injured, you still have the audacity to challenge me," Max Willam remarked.
"It doesn't matter. Once you're dead, I'll make sure your body is delivered to someone in person," Max Willam threatened as he unsheathed his sword.
The spy chuckled, "Do you really think a sword can defeat me?"
Max Willam emitted a powerful aura of lightning and death from his sword, causing the spy to be taken aback. "What is this power? It surpasses even the head of the family clans," the spy thought to himself in surprise.
Max then took action, swiftly moving ahead to eliminate the spy. However, the spy employed the art of illusion, enabling him to evade Max's sword strike.
"You seem to enjoy your illusions a bit too much," Max remarked, his tone serious. "But let me show you some amusement as well." With that, Max sliced his own fingers, allowing his blood to flow onto the ground. As the blood seeped into the earth, an enigmatic figure began to take shape.
The blood itself started to emit smoke, which quickly spread and transformed into a group of tangible chimeras within the spy's illusion.
"Now, my boys, bring him out," Max commanded, his voice determined. "Ensure that he is injured, but do not kill him."
As the illusion began to fade, one of the chimeras sensed the spy hiding behind a tree. It slowly descended to the ground, ready to pounce. The spy was completely unaware of the danger, as he was too busy watching Max from afar. Suddenly, the chimera pushed him to the ground and threw him over with its tail.
Confused and disoriented, the spy looked around and asked, "What just happened?"
The chimera spoke, "My master wants you to come with me quietly. Will you comply?"
The spy was surprised to hear a monster speak, but he refused to go without a fight. As he moved towards the chimera to strike it down, the chimera's tail, which was in the form of a snake, tried to attack him. The spy managed to jump over and avoid the attack.
Feeling dizzy from the near miss, the spy asked, "What was that behind the monster? Was it a snake?"
The chimera taunted him, "Looks like you're good at avoiding close strikes, human."
Meanwhile, Max realized that the illusion was fading and he saw the spy surrounded by chimeras. He moved closer to the spy and asked if he was okay. The spy, still defiant, insulted Max for not being able to kill his enemies. Max just laughed and kicked the spy in the face and stomach multiple times.
Max William observed the spy and commented, "You don't look so good there, friend."
The spy retorted, "Shut up, are you going to talk, or are you going to finish up the job?"
Max responded by kicking the spy in the face and stomach multiple times, while the spy continued to belittle him for not yet being able to kill his enemies.
Max laughed and asked, "Are you trying to draw me closer to you so you could stab me with your other poisonous weapon, which you kept hidden in your left side of your clothes?"
The spy wondered how Max knew that, but Max simply replied, "Those tricks don't work on me, nothing does."
Max then demanded to know who the spy was and who sent her after him. The spy refused to answer, so Max summoned his chimeras away and took out four black robes made out of ores emitting both lightning and flames.
He removed the spy's mask and discovered that she was a woman, but that did not deter him from finding out who sent her. Max repeated his question, but the spy remained silent, which annoyed him. He then impaled her left hand with the black rod while smiling sinisterly.