A place that he found by pure luck. An opening of a door that leads Angelic Blackwell to a place.
A hallway filled with unnamed doors.
He wandered in the hallways. His curiosity is thriving. A completely new place unknown to him.
The feeling of thriving and overhausting excitement from all the things that he could learn.
This outshining curiosity lured close another being which is a core element of his nature.
"Greetings, I didn't know we'd have a guest with us. Please come with me and have a seat."
This mysterious person had the same kind of warmth to it. As Angelic Blackwell.
"Let me ask which door you came from?"
"I was at Guild, Nebulion. I came back from a journey. It was from Farum to all the way of Neckria." The Solus medallion, I had to take it from one city to the other."
"Tell me more about this place. Memories started to flow back. I may know where you come from."
"I took this mission for a ride. Those two cities were glamorous. Farum is a pinicle of what you call steampunk city. Neckratia has this odd beauty with gloomy Victorian architecture. In the daytime, it's a bit crowded. When the sun goes down and the city is enveloping itself with a brim of orange light from a lamp. Horsecart and the people at night. It gives its odd beauty."
"It sounds amazing. Neckratia really has its own beauty. Mayheps i should visit it someday. It was long when i was there."
Angelic Balckwell was suprised that he was there once. Atleast.
"He could know which door leads where." Angelic Blackwell's thought
"Do you know where these doors lead to?"
"All of the doors have their destination plated on them."
"No, they are all unnamed."
Angelic Blackwell saw that his mood changed slightly.
"So she did it again? Don't worry, just go to the door to your right, 3rd isle, 6th floor, 4th wing. I heard there is a good adventure there. Oh, before I forget, don't take any advice from a dragon. It only leads to misfortune."
"3rd isle, 6th floor and 4th wing. Are those still have their plating or they gone too?"
Angelic Blackwell asked, but the answer didn't come. He stole a glance, and saw that mysterious person was entering one of the door. Then vanishing.
"Okay, I just need to find this door. I can look around too. This place seems interesting."
While you travel, you see a flower garden, a giant well, a pond full of ink, and an endless cemetery and a giant metal sculpture of a being close to an angel.
Many travel, Angelic Blackwell find himself lost, every direction sign missing from this place.
While he was looking for the door, he bumped into a small person who was wearing a gilded red cloak. His hood was on, two long purple flocks and his smile greeted him.
"My apologies, I seem to be lost here. Can you help me find this door?"
In response to his question, he pointed to a door next to him.
"Thank you."
As Angeli Balcwell parted with him, he said thanks to him. Angelic Blackwell entered the door.
"Don't thank anything for this dragon. It only wanted peace." He replied.
The door closed on you.
The other side was a plate. Locomotive Mayoigiga to 7th isle, 1th floor, 9th wing.
You tried to open the door but it only led to the wall of the train station.
The train station had many exits, but it didn't matter which one he tried as an exit. Angelic Blackwell finds himself at the train station.
He checks the place and equipment. It had everything that we needed. It had restaurants, hotels, arcadas. Bunch of empty office just for him. There was only one thing which this building lacked. Working exit.
When he checked the offices, he saw that there was a fully prepared studio too.
Stable net, which is itself a mystery how and where it comes. But Angelic Blackwell has it.
Angelic Blackwell decided to travel all around now as a Vtuber on the net. Joining many journeys, just like back in the days.
Sometimes a train goes into the train station, bringing many people from all around the world. After a few days, the train departs, taking its people back to where they come from.