The answer is and always will be no.
God loves every person ,He sacrificied His own Son for us and you believe that He'll hate you for something you can't control ??
He hates the sin , not the person who commits it .
If people told you that God hates any type of people then they are projecting themselves as Him.
They would stray you apart from God , so please cut ties with them.
Don't listen to those who curse and yells at you , but those who respects your decisions yet is trying to calmly coax you to the Lord's path.
Your choice is something only you have , no person can force a choice on a human without consequences.
But we can suggest you a choice and wait for you with open arms , unless you are in a toxic church house.
The church that doesn't have love in it doesn't have God .
As our Savior told us to love others as if you love yourself.
So other Christians out there , treat each other and others with the same respect as you show yourself and show them the will of The Lord through you.
Amen !!
The next chapter i am going to talk about something serious.
So please if you want to argue with my beliefs , comment them here .