After the Capatians retreated, Prince Cedric bellowed a few orders to his men to ensure that the fallen soldiers were retrieved and their bodies brought back into the city as well as instructing whatever mage he could find to ensure that their commander patches the giant hole in the wall.
He then returned to his residence inside the city, trotting slowly, clearly exhausted, on the back of his mount. He was halfway to where he called home, which was now a quaint villa perched atop the hill of this hastily modified border town, but despite the hurry in which it was constructed, the beauty it boasted was nothing short of breathtaking.
Cedric arrived at his gate, and without acknowledging his guards, they quickly opened the gate, after which he then made his way inside the residence; hopping off his 8ft tall horse, which an attendant carried away, his heel swiftly changed the step on which they were sat as he made his way into the house.