Chereads / Heavy Weapons - Sweet Venom / Chapter 58 - Chapter 31 - The Future Comes for All

Chapter 58 - Chapter 31 - The Future Comes for All


"I know! Stop yelling! I'm concentrating!" Leech's voice cracked as she shouted back.

"LOOK AT MY FACE! LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO ME!" Ink screamed, pointing furiously at her bloodied eye. "I HAD TO POP MY JAW BACK INTO PLACE!" The Controller's temper flared wildly, ready to unleash the full force of her feelings, but as she stormed over, she slipped into an unsettling silence; Leech was cradling her looted dragoon rifle. Her eyes were locked onto a small nomad ship near the city centre, hovering a few feet off the ground and tilting in the air. It was orienting itself to take off and disappear into space, never to return.

I don't know if I can do this…

"You need to take the shot, Leech."

"If it goes wrong -"

"If you don't, you'll have to explain to Moltezz why you allowed them to fly away." Ink growled, bearing her bloodied teeth. "You need to fix this." 

Leech felt her heart thump against her ribs as she raised the rifle to her shoulder. Despite it being as long as she was tall, she managed to bring its swaying barrel on target. She knew what kind of damage this weapon could do. There was no room for mistakes.

"That's if we even still have a ticket out of here." Ink was saying. "Moltezz could collapse at any moment, leaving us stranded. But no, you take your time. Like you did when you were helping me."

"I-It's not that easy, Ink! If I hit the ship wrong, I could kill them both! This needs to be precise!"

"Then be precise." Ink snapped, her breath hot against the back of Leech's neck.

Suddenly, the ship took off into the sky, ascending rapidly. Leech's heart shot into her throat, threatening to choke her. Time was ticking, it would only take thirty seconds or so for it to completely leave the atmosphere. She squinted through the rifle's scope as the ship's engines came into focus.

Her finger wobbled against the trigger as she held her breath, the air tight and uncomfortable in her lungs. 

Suddenly, Ink's hand clamped onto her wrist and squeezed tightly. "Take the shot! They are literally getting away!"

"Y-You're messing with my aim! Let go!" Leech protested, pushing Ink away with her shoulder whilst trying to stay locked onto the rear of the ship.

"You're hesitating!"

"I'm fucking aiming! Fuck off!"

"STOP FUCKING AROUND, LEECH! TAKE THE FUCKING SHOT!" Ink screeched, her gaze darting rapidly between Leech and the getaway ship.

"LET GO -"


Leech felt her brain shudder to the front of her skull as the rifle roared.

A silver stream of scale steel shot through the air. Both Controllers slipped into a tentative silence as they watched the needles shred through the body of the vessel. A spatter of shrapnel erupted into the air. They heard the ship's engines splutter, and then die. Nothing happened for a moment, then, the ship came to a halt, and hung lifelessly in the air.

Slowly but surely however, its momentum reversed, and the ship began to plummet towards the ground. 

The rifle clattered to the floor as Leech clutched her hands around her mouth, watching with wide eyes as the ship turned and twisted as it fell, the pilot trying desperately to regain some form of control over its landing.

I-It should have emergency landing jets or something… Right…? I-It's not slowing down! Oh no… I got it wrong.

The Controllers could only watch as the craft accelerated towards the ground, far away from the village and into a surrounding forest. For just a brief moment, Leech swore she saw a slither of sable fall out of the craft as it disappeared beneath the treeline. It crashed through the branches and foliage, and disappeared from their vision.

"T-That wasn't a clean crash! I think I completely killed their engines!"

"We better get over there. Together." Ink replied, her lips curling into a snarl. "In case you fuck it up again."


Seeth blinked wearily, moaning quietly as pain rippled through her body. Her vision swam and her head was ringing, but through the white noise she could hear a distant hissing, and dripping. Her hands felt over the strap tight across her chest: she was still strapped into the singular pilot's chair of Venner's ship, locked in the now destroyed cockpit. The ship's interior was a crumbled mess, bent out of shape and heavily deformed from the impact. Strewn throughout the creaking metal were chunks of wood and bark, splintered and sharp.

Her head thumped with pain. It had been a hard landing. Her fingers clumsily moved over her body, unsuccessfully trying to find the release for the belt.

Still dazed, she glanced behind her, only to see the back half of the ship had fared no better than the front. The rear of the ship was gone, and the mid-section was ruined, caving in on itself as a thin trickle of bright blue coolant leaked from a broken pipe, hissing on contact with the floor.

There was a slight sweetness in the air as her tongue flickered out between her cracked, bloodied lips; a mixture of freshly-punctured forest sap, and the tang of dripping fuel.


The sudden realisation was like a slap in the face.

She glanced around the darkened cockpit. He wasn't here.

Her eyes landed on the cockpit glass, now cracked and smashed open. Her tongue tasted the air again. His scent was stronger towards the broken glass.


Her body twitched painfully as she waited for a response. Surely, any second now, he'd call out?

But the ship remained quiet.

Panic was rising in her chest, her heart banging against her ribcage like a drum. 

"DIEGO?!" She yelled, frantically scrabbling at the belt strapped across her chest. Her hands clamped onto the fabric, heaved it up and snapped the metal buckle. She spun around and examined the remains of the ship closely, but he was nowhere to be seen. The cockpit glass was smashed, but the hole was too small for her to crawl through without getting cut. The rear airlock was all but destroyed too.


But this was no time to be picky. She focused and allowed her mind to feel out the area. She could teleport anywhere nearby.

But if she could teleport…?

She blinked and appeared on top of the roof, landing with a thud as the metal beneath her feet groaned loudly. The trees of the DA forest were noticeably taller and thicker compared to the old dungeons' stomping grounds, stretching up into the sky for many metres. The crash had left a wide trail of shredded mud, carved through the ground along with the chunks of obliterated trees that had broken their fall. In the distance, the horde tickled at the edges of her mind. They were coming. But as long as she stood, the horde would be powerless.

She spun around frantically, her body shaking from head to toe as she tasted the slightest hint of the blood on the tip of her tongue.

Her panicked gaze landed on a small clearing, straight in front of the ship. There was a second, smaller trail of broken soil, and a mound at the end of it.

Seeth broke into a painful sprint, galloping clumsily over the grass with all the force she could muster as her heart slammed in her throat, stinging tears welling in the corners of her eyes.

She was unsure at first. He didn't look right. But as she came closer, his smell grew stronger.

It was him.

He was facing away from her, his tail bent painfully out of shape and half buried in the dirt. He was completely still.

She collapsed onto her knees to his side and gently tapped his shoulder, her every limb quaking relentlessly. 

"D-Diego? Honey? Are you o-okay?" Her voice quivered, fearful and unsure.

He didn't respond. 

She shook him a little more insistently, the cuts of her cheeks stinging as tears rolled over them.

"Diego?! S-S-Stop this! Wake up!"

But he did not stir.

Gently, Seeth rolled him onto his back and gasped loudly, audibly choking on the air as her head swam. 

"Fuck - FUCK! Diego! Wake up!"

Beneath his body, his left arm had shattered. A slither of white bone protruded from his elbow and punctured straight into his chest. A thin dribble of blood oozed out from his mouth as he bled into the soil.

She desperately felt for his neck, for any kind of pulse, over and over again. Her hands jumped between his remaining intact wrist and his neck, but both were cold and still.

She felt her own heart stop beating. Her stomach clenched. Her head was dizzy and faint.

This couldn't be how it ended. She had finally found him, after all this time! They were supposed to escape, together! 

"Diego… please… w-wake up…"

A world without him wasn't worth living in.

Her lip wobbled as she ran a shivering finger over his cheek, her tears dripping over his broken frame.

"This can't be how it ends… We were going to travel the stars together, Diego… you promised me…"

She keeled over, unable to stop her body shaking as her head spun violently. It couldn't be real. It must not be real. Not after everything. Not like this.

But it was true.

He was still. His vibrant eyes shut. His chest frozen like stone. His tail all curled and bent out of shape.

All she could hear was her own tormented, shuddering breath as her world collapsed around her. 

She squeezed her dreadlocks in her fists, rocking back and forth as words failed her. 

It wasn't supposed to be like this -

The sound of a twig snapping behind her seized her attention immediately and she was on her feet blindingly fast, claws extending from the tips of her fingers as her eyes landed on its source.


The giantess was cautiously approaching from behind the crashed ship, stepping over the crackling cables and fuel leaking into the grass, where their eyes met.

Ink's gaze flickered to Seeth, to the body between Seeth's legs, and then back to Seeth.

"Oh. That's… unfortunate." Ink murmured, a cold chill running up her spine. Seeth's darkened eyes were locked on her. "So… what happens now?"

Seeth swallowed quietly between broken breaths, her fists clenched in anticipation. She might not have known what tomorrow was going to look like now, with Diego now gone…

But she knew exactly what was going to happen next.

"Why don't you blink and find out?"

Seeth had vanished before Ink could even comprehend her words, or her own fatal, involuntary action.

The air behind her plunged cold as ice.

Seeth booted Ink's knee from behind and slapped a hand onto her neck, driving her face into the remains of Venner ship. The giantess snarled in pain as Seeth drove her claws into the base of her remaining tentacles, rendering them weak and floppy. Ink powered through the pain and forced herself back onto her feet. She wildly swung around, throwing an elbow backwards to catch Seeth. But Seeth calmly ducked under the blow, carving her claws through Ink's side and ribs as she danced under the Controller's arm and turned back to face Ink head on.

Blood and goo squirted from the trenches carved into the Ink's flesh as Seeth flung her fists up, smashing into Ink's already aching jaw.

But the rake back down was far more brutal.


Ink winced as a tearing sound filled the air, Seeth latched her claws deep into Ink's front and forcibly dragged them through her skin like a bloodied plough through clogged dirt. Her claws sliced down from her shoulders all the way to her thighs, before finally pulling free of Ink's skin. Ink tried to retaliate, she tried to fight back, but her body collapsed under her as it exsanguinated profusely from the multi-metre long claw wounds running down her body.

She thudded to the ground as more slashes and cuts shredded her and Seeth pounced on her immediately, whipping her claws back and forth. Ink raised her arms to protect herself, but they fell limp as Seeth cut into her flesh, slashing her tendons through her skin.

"NO! I WON'T BE BEATEN! I -" Ink screamed, cut off mid sentence by the heel of Seeth's foot, stamping her head into the ground in one, firm strike. It was far, far too late.

Ink laid still, her head embedded awkwardly in the ground, finally silenced. Seeth drew her claws once again, flicking her arms out either side of her, the blood coating her hands hot against the ice surging through her veins.

This was what they chose.

This was how it was going to be now.

She wound her arm back, leaning towards Ink's exposed neck.

This was how she would end.

It should have been faster; she intended to split Ink from within, but her body couldn't do it, or perhaps she wasn't allowed to do it. She'd tele-killed before; the memory of that poor nomad on Barru X still haunted her, and then the Barons purposely after that, but for whatever reason, she hadn't been able to intersect with Ink's body. No matter. Ink was granted to live only a mere few seconds more from this other-worldly technicality. She'd do it the old fashioned way. The soil would drink the bitch dry, right here.



Seeth spun around, claws still bared. Leech was huddled over Diego's body, pressing her fingers to his neck. With her other hand she fumbled through a bag on her hip and pulled out a syringe, hovering its tip over Diego's chest.

"He's dead." Seeth replied coldly, her voice dangerously calm. "I checked myself."

"No! You're wrong - H-He's still alive. Barely. But he is dying, I-I can save him, if you'll let me!" She stammered, her breaths as quick as her words. "But you leave Ink alone! I won't do this if you kill her."


She's playing me. Seeth thought, glaring at Leech with furious, dead eyes. But she could already feel the doubt, and the hope surging desperately in her chest. 

But what if she's not…

"Then shut up and do it." Seeth spat through gritted teeth.

"I-I need your word!" Leech yelled back, her usually sharp, venomous eyes now wide with fear. "You'll let her live if I stabilise Diego." She glanced down at the lizard for just a moment, only to see Seeth gone when her gaze flickered back. A cold air enshrouded Leech's shoulders, and she shivered.

"Fine." Seeth growled against the back of Leech's neck. "But I'll burn your corpse next to his grave if you're lying to me."

Leech swallowed loudly and nodded. Her forehead was glistening with sweat, but despite her fear her hands were remarkably steady, as she gently pushed the needle into Diego's chest. She moved quickly despite her wracked nerves, pulling more stims from her bag as she got to work. She twisted his punctured bone free from his chest with a wince of effort, the bleeding wound quickly sprayed shut with medi-foam. More injections were administered into his skin, one at a time, with a skillful precision.

"He's lost a lot of blood, likely some severe internal bleeding." Leech murmured. "The stim shots will help quell that, but -"

She pulled an empty syringe from her bag, felt with her fingers along his chest, then plunged the needle between his ribs. Gently, she pulled on the plunger, and the tube filled with blood. 

"-He needs room in his lungs for air. That should do it."

She was so focused on her craft, she barely noticed the blood drenched claws resting on the sides of her neck, ready at a moment's notice to pounce. The razors plucked in anticipation at the veins within.

"I mean it, Leech. You'll pay for what y-you've done." Seeth threatened. But the coldness in her voice was breaking down even as she spoke.

"I'm not lying - I think I can save him." Come on, Diego… You gotta survive this. Don't do this to Seeth. 

But the lizard didn't stir.

Seeth's grip around Leech's neck tightened… as she began to cry. She averted her gaze, staring off into the trees. Leech fumbled through her bag again and brought out more of her medical kit to treat the lizard's injuries.

"I… I-I don't want to kill you, Leech…" Seeth stuttered through pained breaths.

I'm not letting you die here. Fucker. Wake up!

Leech pressed her palm onto Diego's chest and pushed on his still body, when something wet dripped onto her head. Crystal tears ran down her carapace.

"... But I will."


But he did not stir.

Leech bowed her head. Life had seemingly not returned to him. He'd been given stims and nano-bot injections, his lungs had been cleared of fluid, but it wasn't enough. 

Her hands curled into fists; she wasn't going to die without a fight. She doubted she would even get to swing, but she wasn't going to die without at least trying.

Maybe though, all of the ways to die, this would be… acceptable? Better to die to someone you knew, than dumped into a corpse barrel or starving to death on some decaying space station.

"I'm sorry, Seeth." She exhaled slowly. The sensation of Seeth's claws against her skin sent shivers down her spine, neither pleasant nor uncomfortable. She tentatively reached into her bag again for anything that might be of use. Her shaking fingers curled around a scalpel. "Do what you -"

Suddenly, a weak cough cut through the air like a blade.

Diego swallowed, his bloodied nose whistling ever-so-quietly with each laboured, shallow breath he took.

He's alive?! HE'S ALIVE!

"SEETH! HE'S ALIVE!" Leech cried out. 

The grip around Leech's neck shuddered open, like a vice finally released. Seeth collapsed to her knees, whimpering quietly as she leaned over him as wiped her tears away, gently reaching out towards him.

"H-He's breathing - He's alive - I - I -" Seeth's wracked body shuddered violently again, her eyes glancing up at Leech now with nothing but pure regret. "- I was going to kill you, Leech! I nearly did! He's - oh my - I just -" Seeth was stammering desperately, her eyes now alternating between Diego's wavering chest, and Leech.

"You uh… take five… breathe and stuff. I need to go make sure Ink is alright. I'll be right back…" Leech replied cautiously, her hand drifting towards Seeth, but stopping a few inches short of her shoulder. She stood up and brushed her knees down, before carefully making her way towards Ink's bloodied body.

Seeth gently stroked a finger down Diego's cheek, huddling over him carefully, her mind absolutely frazzled by the sheer emotional load she just went through. Her man was still alive, and right now, that was all that mattered. Her head continued to spin, her chest still shuddering, the last few minutes of her life rocketed back and forth through her mind.

She reached down and gently grabbed his hand, as softly as her quaking fingers would allow, feeling his soft scales against her skin. The gaping hole in her chest began to knit back together as the fuzzy, warm feeling of hope filled her once again. She couldn't pull her eyes off him, knowing he was alive. She didn't know if she could ever look away again.

Her trance was broken by a pair of muddy knees suddenly appearing behind Diego, she glanced around, unsure of how long she'd been staring at him. Leech returned to the lizard's side once more and sighed softly.

"Ink's gonna live. Barely. You did quite a number on her but I stopped the bleeding." She produced a can of medi-spray and rattled it to emphasise the point. It was hollow and dry, and she discarded it behind her casually. "Our kind is apparently tough, just gotta stabilise them and our biology does the rest. His kind is… also surprisingly tough. He was barely clinging on, it's no wonder you thought he was dead. Thankfully, death is a process, not just a switch." Leech pressed her fingers to his neck again. "I'm going to give him a lock serum. It'll freeze his bones and fractures, let you carry him without potentially making this worse. But it needs a few minutes to set..." said Leech, her voice trailing off as her eyes landed on Seeth, who was already watching her.

The lock serum was a substantially thicker syringe, cold frost emanated from its body as Leech gently raised Diego's head, then pressed its needle into the base of his neck.

"I think we need to talk." Seeth murmured, still holding Diego's hand.

"...Okay." Leech nodded back, the quiver in her voice taking her off-guard.

It took a moment for the words to come. They sat in silence, Diego laying between them, both fidgeting awkwardly as they tried to figure out what was the right thing to say. It felt insurmountable. What was there to say that could possibly help or explain… this?

"I-I've…" Seeth started, her breath still broken and difficult. "I've missed you."

A small smile crept onto Leech's face, despite her best efforts.

"Really? Me?"

"Y-yeah. More than I thought I would. Last time I spoke to you was… when I attacked you in the dungeon…"

"I suppose it was." Leech winced, remembering the scene all too vividly.

"In hindsight, maybe that wasn't the best way to get you to change your mind."

"Fuck no it wasn't, you massive twat." A shy chuckle escaped Leech's lips. "You could have just talked to me, Seeth. Why didn't you?"

"I… I was upset. I was angry with you. I felt like you were dragging me along, using me. I needed it to end and-and I just… I needed you to change. Immediately. It was an emergency. You can't talk to a blaze, Leech. You have to put it out."

"I suppose in hindsight, I… I feel like a bit of an idiot. It was obvious you weren't happy. I just… fuck- I didn't know how to deal with that. Maybe I didn't even want to! You seemed happy enough cumming bucket-loads and kicking doors in, guess I didn't want to look any deeper than that."

"I did enjoy the sex, Leech. I still do. And the power I have now… yeah, I like that too. But not for that cost. Not the way we were doing it." Seeth met Leech's eyes deliberately. "I'm guessing you do like corrupting people then?" She asked, the disappointment palpable in her voice.

Leech paused for a second, glancing off into the woods.

"I… I haven't corrupted anyone since you left."

"Really?" Seeth recoiled gently, her mouth agape. 

"I wouldn't ever fucking say that to Moltezz, or even Ink, but no. I… mostly just stick to Marks and other Rewritten."

"Rewritten?" Seeth asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Oh, that's what we call ourselves now. On account of the whole rewriting of one's personality and goals. And body too I guess. I think it makes sense. Moltezz came up with it though, so if you don't like it take it up with her."

"Speaking of -" Seeth said, still processing Leech's words, "- where is the Molten Mistress?"

"Up there." Leech nodded her head up at the dreadnaught, which was still visible through the canopy. "Big red bitch is powering our way in and out."

"How do you mean?".

"Dreadnought didn't come to us in perfect condition. The heat cell she came with is dead. Moltezz is currently keeping the heat chamber hot, if she fails, we'll be stranded. The Nodes are saying she's ok but she could fail at any moment… Hmm, I feel like I should be more worried than I actually am about that." Leech frowned, shaking her head dismissively.

"Do we know Moltezz's limits? I don't think we've ever seen them."

"No. But if this doesn't tire her, you might want to consider swapping sides. The queen bitch is powering a country sized ship herself. It's a hell of a feat, even by our standards."

"Noted." Seeth glared back, unimpressed.

"I didn't mean it like that, I- Ugh." Leech sighed, feeling rather defeated. 

They both went quiet again, their attention landing back on Diego as his ears flicked in the gentle breeze gracing them.

"Was he worth it?" Leech asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because my lot are only getting more obsessed with him. Moltezz practically wants his hand in marriage. Calls him her 'Dark Prince' for reasons only known to her."

"Her fucking what?" Seeth scowled defensively.

"I thought you'd find that funny! I think it's cringe-worthy, personally. But you know, it's Moltezz. She's called our new ship the fucking Renewal for Chance's-sake." Leech shoved a finger in her mouth and fake-heaved. "'I can't wait to bring the Dark Prince aboard the Renewal' - fuck off. But for real, he's all she wants, and the Nodes are getting lost in her hunger too. Is he worth the fuss?"

"He is. More than worth it." Seeth smiled, her eyes lining with tears again. "I've missed him so much, Leech. I… You said you haven't corrupted anyone - I haven't had sex with anyone since losing him six months ago."

"SIX MONTHS?!" Leech exclaimed, her jaw dropping. "YOUR BALLS MUST BE FUCKING HUGE!" 

Seeth snorted loudly and choked back an unexpected chuckle. "Shut up! Asshole!" She grinned back through a fresh wave of tears.

"Wow. If this doesn't kill him, six months of Controller seed in one night may well do! Holy moly! Good luck boy, you're gonna need it!" She gestured gently towards Diego. "Seriously though?! Six fucking months?! You must be in agony!"

"I am." Seeth's shoulders dropped, although she was still smiling.

They fell into silence again, both glancing away. Leech's gaze landed on a small lone bluebell, fighting for light between the towering trees around it. Somehow, it had found its way.

"So… what's the story with the massive ship?" Seeth asked tentatively.

"Nothing to do with me, this time. Ink wanders off for a few days to sort her cunt of an ex-boss out, comes back with that. Honestly, it's a bit of a beast, and I don't mean that in a nice way." She hadn't moved her gaze away from the flower. She cocked her head slightly and stared at the stubborn little thing. There was something about it that was… familiar.

A few quiet seconds drifted by before Leech suddenly clicked her fingers and started bouncing on her knees excitedly.

"Oh-oh-oh! We rescued Plasia from the DA!"

"You…? Rescued Plasia?!" Jace really was telling the truth! "You… You attacked a DA space station?!"

"Yeah! Don't look so surprised Seeth, we've literally launched an attack on a planet now." Leech replied dismissively. "They took her from Barru X. She was being experimented on, tortured, nasty shit! Then one day, every Node on Barru X collapses and it's Plasia sending us a message! Still don't know exactly how she did that. But we broke the bitch out!"

"D-Do you still have her?!" Seeth asked urgently, her body visibly tensing, ready to launch her own rescue.

"Nah. She mounted an escape! You're not gonna believe it, she actually walloped Moltezz, straight in the head!" Leech grinned.

A wave of genuine surprise hit Seeth and she stared blankly at Leech. "Really? And she lived…?!"

"Yeah. I tried to keep the two of them apart, but Moltezz blames her for Diego escaping in the first place. Shit got serious for a bit, but Plasia knocked her out and made a break for it! Stole our fastest ship too."

A small, proud smile crept over Seeth's face. "That's… Fuck! Well done, Plasia. I knew she had it in her! But you don't know where she's gone?"

"No. She just fucked off into space." Leech sighed softly, her tongue briefly flicking between her lips. "I… I hope she's okay."

"Yeah. Me too."

They went quiet once more, but this time, the silence was more haunting than ever and Leech fought to keep tears from pricking the corners of her eyes. But it was useless, she began to sob quietly. Her hands balled into tight fists, which she pressed against her face and forcefully wiped away her tears.

"Oh fucking - fuck me… I… What am I doing? I've missed you too, Seeth." Leech sobbed, her eyes glassy and twitching. "I…" The words croaked painfully, desperately in her throat… but in her throat they stayed. She couldn't bring herself to say them. Her stomach wretched and churned at her own cowardice.

"Leech… why are you doing this? You said it yourself, you haven't corrupted anyone since! Why don't you just leave?" Seeth asked.

Leech shook her head, stifling her tears and sighed loudly. "I can't just leave, Seeth. Things are complicated."

"There's a life outside of this, Leech. I promise." Seeth replied, with a genuine softness to her voice reserved only for those closest to her. "You could come with us…"

An array of emotions flickered across Leech's face. For a brief moment she seemed lost in her thoughts, when suddenly she felt Seeth lean over, and gently stroke the back of her hand. Her touch was almost electric.

"I keep thinking to myself, I don't know why you ran straight for Diego… You could have jumped on me and tried to help your friend." Seeth gave her a subdued, subtle smile. "But instead, you went to his aid."

Leech physically recoiled in horror at the implications.

"I am not in love with the fucker. You better not be suggesting -"

"No! I'm not saying that, asshole. I'm saying that I think you're better than you think you are." Seeth's smile intensified.

"No. Fuck the fuck off." Leech scowled back, purposely looking away and crossing her arms as her eyes continued to sting.

"So why did you save him, then?" Seeth asked coyly.

"Because it was the right tactical play? You're a better fighter than me -"

Because I've never seen you look so utterly, irreparably broken -

"- and honestly? I wasn't sure even with the two of us -"

- a-and maybe we weren't talking, maybe the last time we spoke, you nearly stabbed me, maybe I was still mad at you

"- could take you on together. So I distracted you, I didn't even know if he was actually alive or if I could save him! Thank fuck you -"

- but I couldn't live with the idea that I did that to you. Not to you. Not when you were the only person who - 

"-believed in me."

Leech exhaled loudly, seemingly exhausted after her explanation. In the end, she wasn't exactly sure what stayed in her head and what came out her mouth. Seeth simply continued to grin back, embracing the quiet this time. For once, she looked like the know-it-all. Leech couldn't hold back her frustration and quickly broke.

"What? You're grinning like I usually do. Spill it, fat nuts!" Leech demanded.

"You're a lot of things, Leech." Seeth buried her grin at Leech's retort. "But heartless isn't one of them."

The words rocked Leech to her core. She sat speechless, processing what Seeth had said. The idea that her, the backbone of the Rewritten's biological research and development, all the lives she'd taken and changed, the damage she had caused… For all she'd done, that she wasn't heartless

Seeth decided to let Leech have a moment to reflect and turned her focus back to Diego again, stroking her fingers over his body once more. For a few more precious seconds, nothing but the wind whistling through the trees could be heard.

"T-Thank you." She whispered under her breath, as if she were trying to blend it in with the wind so not to be heard, before clearing her throat nervously. "But n-no. I'm not… I'm not ready for that again." Leech shook her head. "Plus, I have other people I care about too." She gestured over towards Ink's battered body with one hand. "Even if they do act like a spoiled brat and nearly get themselves killed, repeatedly. A-And I've actually achieved things! I destroyed three dragoons today, Seeth! Dragoons! Aaaaand, my research on our condition is only possible through the hierclasty too! I -" She stopped mid-sentence, bringing her fingers to her lips. "Can you keep a secret?" She asked proudly, huddling closer to Seeth.

"No, I'm going straight to my best buddy Moltezz if you tell me anything." Seeth responded, rolling her eyes sarcastically.

"Shut up, Seeth! Or I won't tell you!" But Leech was already leaning in, her hand cupped around her face. "I think I might have a way of making people immune - I-It's super early days! Nothing tested, no one knows anything. But, I think I can do it? I don't know. This condition of ours, it's not material."

"Really?!" Seeth spluttered in shock. "You can make people immune?!"

"Jeez, say it don't spray it, bitch." Leech pulled away and laughed. "I've been doing a project on the side and the more I've looked into the corruption, the more I think it's anomalous in nature. Like 'breaks the natural laws' anomalous." Leech plucked at her chin, deep in thought. "Did you know all Controllers have a second heart? It doesn't seem to pump much blood, but it's very linked to our corruption. The blood that passes through it seems to come out richer in corriphite - that's the stuff that actually corrupts people. I think understanding that second heart is the key to this shit. But I can't continue my project if I leave. I need the Slaves and Nodes. I'm using their subconsciousness as a big computer, crunching numbers in their heads -"

Leech was interrupted by a sudden, persistent bleeping from her pocket. She reached in and pulled out a timer, diligently warning her of her impending doom.

"Ah shit. We're running low on time. The DA fleet will be here soon."

"Don't fancy your chances?" Seeth asked slowly, still trying to process what Leech had told her.

"No. The dreddy is a big lass but she's not invincible. She's not tooled for it. Needs work." Leech stood up, her hands fidgeting around each-other. "If you could keep that immunity shit on the low though? I'd appreciate it. It's uh… been… nice. I'm glad we did this. N-Not this -" She gestured towards Diego. "But - you - you know what I mean."

Seeth stood from Diego and walked up to Leech, holding her blood-soaked arms out towards her. "Stop yapping and give me a hug!" Seeth demanded, a smirk creeping onto her lips in the face of Leech's awkwardness.

They threw their arms around one-other. For a few precious moments, it felt like they'd never been apart. They each savoured it, feeling the battle-worn warmth of one-another's skin. Neither could have predicted how drastically their life would change upon leaving the DA to start their own adventure. Finally, they pulled away, both tasting the air nervously with their tongues. After a few more seconds of silence, Seeth turned around to scoop Diego off the floor.

"Erm, what do you think you're doing?" Leech asked sternly, interrupting her friend mid crouch.

"You said he would be okay to lift? Has it been long enough?" Seeth replied, her voice immediately pricking with urgency.

"Not that." Leech shook her head, rolling her eyes.


"There's something you need to do first." Leech gestured towards herself, marching a few paces away from Diego's muddy trail and glancing around to make sure the ground around her was clear. "Yeah, that'll do. Nice soft grass."

"I'm not following." Seeth stated blankly, a tingling sense of panic buzzing through her feet.

"Ugh. You're really going to make me spell it out? You need to fuck me up." 

Seeth's eyes twitched for a second before the realisation hit her, Leech nodded sarcastically as she witnessed the thought process.

"That's right, you know I can't lie to the big red bitch. If I go back looking like we had a nice chat and I let Diego go, do you think she'll accept that? You need to knock me out, BUT NOT FOR TOO LONG! The DA will have back-up coming, we're on a timer here, you know? This way, I can say you knocked me out and took Diego, and it's not a lie."

For what felt like the hundredth time this afternoon, tears swelled in the corners of Seeth's eyes as she inched forward. She wasn't sure how much she could keep crying for.

"I-I don't want to…" Seeth whispered quietly, shaking her head in denial.

"You need to. If you want me to live, you need to lay me out. Now."


"Oh come on, Seeth. You were gonna kill me earlier! Now you don't even wanna punch me? You've always wanted to slap me one! I'll need some wounds too, but nothing too painful please."

Seeth pressed her hands to her neck, still shaking her head. The internal debate playing out in her head was all too visible to Leech, but before Leech could assure any words of encouragement, her friend suddenly turned to face her, determined and focused.

"Okay. I can see the logic. But I-I can do those wounds after you're knocked out. No need to torture you." Seeth wiped her face with her forearm, leaving a massive bloody smear over it.

"So thoughtful!" Leech laughed, rolling her shoulders in anticipation. Her gaze briefly dropped to the floor before finding its way back to Seeth. "You know, it's really gonna suck that I don't get to see six months of jizz unleashed. You're gonna turn him into a man balloon!" She joked, shaking her arms out in front of her nervously.

"Leech!" Seeth protested, desperately fighting once again to stop smirking.

"Next time we meet, you gotta tell me how it went." 

"Yeah." Seeth replied softly. "Next time."

"Okay. Next time it is." Leech exhaled slowly. Despite the situation, she couldn't help but grin back. Next time sounded good. "Right, just a quick knockout yeah? Don't overdo it, I don't - HNG!"


Leech immediately fell backwards, thumping straight to the ground, silenced in one punch directly to her face. Seeth quickly leaned down to check her over; she was out-cold, but still breathing.

"Guess she was right, I did want to punch her…" Seeth cleared her throat, blinking in surprise. "Gotta hurt her, to save her. Okay." She repeated, flicking her claws out. "Just some surface wounds…"

She winced as she traced her claws over Leech's body, her eyes flicking between several points that would make reasonable locations for non-lethal wounds. Her daggers sliced effortlessly through Leech's clothes and skin, as requested. The work only took a few seconds to complete, leaving Seeth with a deeply uncomfortable pit in her chest. She looked down over her friend's bleeding, unmoving body and shook her head slowly. There were far too many feelings fizzling through her right now, and she couldn't deal with them right now.

I really hope you see sense one day, Leech. I need you back. More than you know.

Seeth turned her attention again to Diego. She kneeled down and gently picked him up from the floor, cradling him with all the care in the world. For all the aching and pain coursing through her body, it would wait. It had to. She began the journey back to the village centre, still mulling over exactly what happened, padding over the scarred grass and into fresh territory. 

The Rewritten seemed to be retreating, for now. The Barons were destroyed, or scattered. Diego was alive. And she managed not to kill her best friend.

Things could have been worse. Much worse. That glimpse she had been shown was nothing short of catastrophic. Her heart shuddered in her chest at the thought again. Her mind went back to V's funeral, and what the Baron's had taken from Garnet. She thought of Geralt too, surprisingly, and his daughter, and the suffering the Rewritten was still inflicting.

It was all so much to bear. But for all the pain suffered, she felt a glorious golden glow replacing the anxiety emanating from the man in her arms. 

They were together again. 

She swore she saw the corners of his lips curve into a smile as his warming scales brushed against her, but despite the colour returning to his cheeks, he still seemed to be out cold. All she knew was that she was beyond grateful he had survived. With him back in her hands, everything else came second. It could wait. They had so much to catch up on, so much time to make back. There were so many questions, so much to do, her body began to buzz with excitement at the mere thought of it all.

Her woodside walk was interrupted by a loud ring, sounding from her comms device strapped to her hip. She reached for it -'incoming call from - Officer Kintrax.' The screen read.


The blinking device beeped in recognition and patched the call through.

"Lockblade? You okay?! One of the guys said they saw your ship get shot down." Theo asked, the urgency in his voice obvious despite the crackly audio.

"Yeah. We're fine. Survived the crash, but barely. Diego's gonna need a medic when we get back. I'll need a ride to my destroyer too."

"Done and done! The corrupted lot looked like they pulled over in your direction. Do you need me to send back-up? I can muster a squad if you need assistance. Anyone on your tail who needs mopping up out there?"

Seeth slowed to a stop, sighing softly as the gentle wind blew across her stinging face.

"Seeth? Do you need help?"

She glanced back towards the crash site, now barely visible between the trees. She could just about make out a slither of Leech's slender frame, lying still on the grass. She wasn't exactly sure what Leech deserved, or Ink for that matter. 

But for all the thoughts in her mind, it was her heart that spoke.

"No. We're okay. There's no one out here."