Eileen and her agents watched in awe as Xander walked up to the Nightmare Gate and put his scythe away. By now they had realized that Xander wasn't just another greedy loudmouth trying to con people. He had delivered what he had promised and felled the monstrosity without sustaining any injuries.
Although Detective Locksley had seen Xander fight the Ethereals at the park, it was nothing compared to the feat he had just achieved. The Death Gazer had massacred two squads of first responders and petrified over a dozen patrol officers. But Xander had felled the abomination with a single devastating blow.
While the others were relieved to see the Ethereal defeated, Xander knew that his job was far from over. Walking up to the Nightmare Gate, he called out to his friend. "Leena, I need your help to destroy the Gate. You have to cleanse the crystals."
"I'm coming. Hold on!"
Extracting her staff from the ground, Leena hastened towards Xander.