On the way back , this time Nero enjoys the scenery of the lands, different foods xyz…to the fullest….
Eri :- you are being way to relaxed…..
Nero :- i mean why not. we achieve Gate 5 ...it's a really good achievement for me….
Eri :- it took 170 days….. don't you see that?
Nero :- chill, it took many year…..if not guided properly. so, i think we were super lucky…..
After this everyone back on their way , it was night... Mooai,Eri was driving the carriage while others along with Nero are sleeping... Eri also nearly in sleep….. Then the carriage passes by an Ancient building...… Due to this Nero feels an sharp pain in this head….. it was super intense….. Nero sees the memories of someone….. A person who is fighting Gate USers and it's seem taking him down is not easy...
That person :- Huh!!! That's all what you have got….. you monster of greed , all you want is power….. and you Bast**d Aekai... i am telling you , today your head won't be stay connected to your body….
With that being said the flash back disconnects and reconnects …..we see this unknown person is lying on ground in near dead condition....
THat person/unknown person.:- You are ….ahhhh(coughs blood) a coward…..using my peoples as a shield for you….. why don't you face me 1v1 a fair fight...…
Aekai :- everything is fair in war…..and BTW your peoples betray you ….what would i did ? (and aekai laughs)
Unknown man :- they won't (coughs ) betray me…. you ….
Aekai to his minions :- ohhh he is dead….. now it's time bring that Eternal fragment to me????
Minions :- lord Aekai , what happening…..
THen we sees a powerful light emits from THat unknown person shielding the whole Anandvana, Yep a country of 1000's of KM large…..
Aekai is standing outside the barrier , gritting his teeths….:- you bast**d…..
The memory cuts and Nero's come back to consciousness…..he sees that Mani,Mooai and others created a shield around his ....cuz when Nero is unconscious his power is fluctuating crazily…. destroying the nearby Area...
Mani :- ohh, you back to senses….
Nero sees Mooai is very angry on him…..ready to cut him down...after a lot of pleading she let him go...
Then the last stop :- haunted village...
Nero meets with village childern and Takuseki .... and talks to them for a while….
Takuseki :- (Angry) So, you are leaving for real.... but you promise me…..what about Anandvana????
Nero :- (in lower voice) :- look , i am not leaving ….but this is just to cheat the contract with Mooai…. cuz according to soul contract….i have to leave after my learning is being completed... but there is nothing specific about retrun…. that mean i can just re-enter after exiting….. see very easy…..
Takuseki :- ohh , that's how it is…. then no problem…..
Then after a while Nero and Eri exits the village , along with the country using a portal Magic…..
Mooai :- We are outside the Anandvan. SO, you leaving…
Nero (being a little serious) :- ok , i am leaving ? but i want a last Answer from your heart…. will you be able to handle the incoming crisis…
Mooai :- you are talking about Gate USer who are after Eternal Fragment….no worry….. till Gate 5 …. This country legends are powerful enough to handle and masters like Ancient lord can Even handle Gate 6….. so , rest assured …..we are far more capable to handle any incoming battle...…
Nero :- is that so, but still take this?
Mani :- A summoning stone..
Nero :- You can call me whenever you want my help.