Marcella's heart skipped a beat.
Tony was the target?
She fisted her hands. She thought she couldn't hate Paul Romano more. But if the commissioner is right, it gives the answer to a lot of questions.
Logan noticed Marcella getting second thoughts. "I'll tell you more if you~"
"And what are you doing sitting on that information? Waiting for blackmailing me?" Marcella asked.
She was pissed. All the good information she gets is from people in law enforcement. Yet, not one has the guts to do what it takes to bring justice to her sister's death. Everyone wants to dangle the truth in front of her like a carrot to make her dance to their tunes.
She knew this is how this world works. But it tired her.
"I'm not sure if I can trust you. So, if Olive Groove doesn't want the interference of people like you, so be it!" she added.