Chereads / SLOTH / Chapter 16 - CHAPTER 15:the elder forest bear

Chapter 16 - CHAPTER 15:the elder forest bear

apathy anna lara and her friends

arrived at the forest if you find a elder forest bear blow this

whistle got it lara said and gave one for each person

and if you're in danger blow the whistle 2 times

and then all of them spreaded out in 3 groups

duke couldn't come since his injury from the elder boar

is still healing

the groups were anna and apathy/ lara and nalia/ kile and serena

after 10 min of searching kile's group blown the whistle

after apathy and the others arrived there was 2 elder forest bear

apathy:strike the forehead its their weak spot

if you slice it or the other parts it wont do any thing

only piercing its skin is the way to deal damage to it got it

lara:got it



nalia:of course


kile and nalia bring'ed out their bow

and lara unsheathed her sword so is anna and apathy un sheathed their weapons

serena bringed out her staff since she could use magic

anna and lara strikes the nearest bear causing it to roar in pain

the second bear noticed its partners roar in pain

and apathy attacked it in order to change its attention in him and it worked

nalia and kile shoots their arrow but they are missing the eyes of the bear

kile;it knows we are here so its doing anything to not let his eyes get damaged

lara and anna can you get the bears attention?


lara then pierces the bears stomach making it move ravagely and looked at lara

kile and nalia saw the opportunity and shoots the eyes

kile and nalia: bullseye and they clapped each other's hand

anna then went at the head and piercing it directly

the bear falls to the ground cold

then they looked at the second bear they saw

apathy on top of the bear who is rampaging

apathy: can i have some help now!

kile and nalia: i cant get a good aim at the current state

lara and anna then went in but was unable to get close enough

apathy we cant get close or shoot the bear can you make it stop

just for about 5 sec?

apathy then grabbed the fur and slowly getting in the head

once apathy could strike the bear charged at the near by tree trying to crush apathy whem he gets

on top of the head the bear roared ferociously and went more in a tantrum 5 min later the

bear was slowly getting tired and moving slower and slower once apathy

was in the head apathy pierced the head with his great sword

causing the bear to die apathy was exhausted

apathy:haa... haa.... haa... haa...

anna do you have water ?

yeah here you go

apathy drinked and emptied the water bottle

that was exhausting i hate it

lara and her friends were shocked that apathy killed and

elder forest boar

apathy stood up and said im gonna go home and sleep after i sold this

lara: apathy what plate are you?

apathy:bronze and anna is a silver plated

lara and her friends:ehhh?! how are you bronze plated when you could even kill a

elder forest boar

apathy:it got tired so it got easier

we still have a lot of questions

after answering all their question

can we go now before it gets night rises?

they all noddded and went back to town

after apathy sold the bear he got 1000 silver equal to one gold

apathy splitted it up since he killed the other bear solo he got 500

lara and the others got 83 silver each

apathy and anna then splitted up with lara and her friends

and got home

and little did they notice that there was someone watching over them

apathy kinden'na the murderer of emanuel i have found you

and i have a little surprise for you

a hooded man with a large body with a hunch back body

said with a grin.