the light of the full moon shine's and watches the two preparing to spar
sebastian:are you ready apathy?
sebastian:then come at me!
apathy raises his great sword then rushes to sebastian without a plan
sebastian raises his sword and slams it down to apathy apathy dodges
the attack before sebastian's sword lands to land
sebastian then change's the pose of the great sword thes suddenly
sweeps it apathy jumps to dodge the attack apathy was wide open
before apathy could land sebastian grabs apathy's clothes
sebastian:you're too risky apathy try again
sebastian throws apathy back where he stood before
sebastian:get up apathy its not over yet
apathy:nnnggh! *i could not even touch him apathy said
in his mind*
apathy stood up and nodded this time apathy went to the defensive
apathy just stood in place
sebastian:ho ho going to the defensive eh
sebastian goes in for the attack he jumped and raises his sword going for
the greatsword crashing down apathy backs up a little he dodges
sebastian then sweeps the blade but again apathy moves a little he dodges
sebastian notices that apathy was reading his movements sebastian then goes for a grab
but that was something apathy was waiting for apathy then rushes and dodges sebastians
grab and sebastian was cought off guard he went for a pierce sebastian cant dodge and he was impressed
sebastian:well done apathy youv'e proven your worth to me i also noticed that you do
well on the defensive keep your mind in that you read me like a book
come follow me i wanna show you something
apathay followed sebastian to the basement and sebastian showed a crystal ball
apathy:a glass ball?
sebastian:apathy thats not just any glass ball its a magic ball
once you touch it you can see something deep withing you
apathy:magic? isnt magic not real
sebastian:its real apathy although its a secret and only higher ups are only
allowed to get them because its very very powerfull
apathy:sebastian youre a noble or something?
sebastian laughed a little: apathy what will you do if i tell you i was the former demon king
apathy:i will not believe you
sebastian:i see well we should continue place your hand at the top of the ball
and it will show it self onto you
apathy then placed his hand on top of the ball
name:apathy kinden'na
age:8 gender:male
nature: lazy
passive:the user is almost always lazy
skill:[sloth knight avarice]
makes a 1 meter
field of negative
effects of
for everyone
exept the user
[rest makes the user asleep]
[percise eyes
gives the user prediction of the opponents
next move but makes the users eyes sleepy
[field of dreams] makes every one in a 2 meter radius sleep including the user
apathy:whoa theres a lot of words
sebastian laughs
apathy looks at what sebastian is looking at
the user is almost always lazy
apathy realizes and smiled well if i feel comfortable here enough
ill get lazy sebastian apathy said
sebastian: well its getting late you should get to sleep
ok apathy said with a smile