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The Holy Council

In this world, to keep the balance between the races, The Council's rule is essential. Mortals are restless in order to strengthen their war spirits called 'Souls'. They kill and torment each other just to make their soul stronger. Among all the Souls, there is one that is different from the others. It is not the strongest, nor the greatest. But in a fight, it doesn't lose to anyone. The Council wants to find this soul, and use it's power to make the world more balanceful.

Chapter 1 - 'Extend'

The Council's next meeting was about to begin. They were waiting for council members named 'Legions' to arrive. The first to come to The Council was Legion of Light, Novolia. She was waiting in her seat, reading the notes about this year's topic. There was nothing particularly special for this year, except Dragon Souls. According to the notes written by Counselors, who are servants of Legions, the strongest Dragon Soul in existence, Dragon God Naga, reached its full potential on February 20. She was worried about this bothersome news, but she was sure it wouldn't turn out to be a big problem. Because she knew Dragon Legion would handle it perfectly. While she was reading the notes, the man he trusted most, his brother, Legion of Dragon, Bazelisk entered the Council Room.

''I greet you, sister. Why are you so early this year? There are still a couple of hours until the meeting starts.''

''Well, I am not doing anything particular, dear brother. I just thought I could come early and read the notes. You know, maybe some changes in the world occurred that could endanger our position. Have to take a look at these notes.''

Yes, their position. Although The Council itself exists to balance the world, the Legions themselves don't care about the balance. In this world, being a Legion is the most prestigious title, as you seem like a celestial being, a god to the mortals. However, the truly strong ones have the authority to challenge one of the Legions for the position.

''You shan't be so worried, sister. Although the strongest Dragon Soul has emerged, my life and my position are not in danger. I would prefer to not reveal my abilities to anyone, but as we are the same blood, the least I can say to you is, if you know how to use your power not blankly, but efficiently, you won't lose easily.''

After this, Novolia just stood in silence. Bazelisk was always cold-hearted, and so sure of himself. Resembling an old man, you would never think he is capable of destruction, but he is. Naga would pose a threat if its host is strong. However, Novolia just couldn't imagine his brother losing a duel.

After hours of weird silence, The Holy Council's meeting was about to start. All the Legions were present, except Agrio, The Wrath Legion. He would rarely attend meetings, he had no sense of responsibility. However, his power was the real deal. In a contest of brute force, not even 'Prime', Leader of The Council could beat him. That is why he is one of the oldest members of The Council. Everybody bows their head before the absolute power and wisdom of Prime, naturally, they will also acknowledge the strength of the ones whom Prime also does.

''Welcome, Legions. As all of you are gathered, I would like to start The Holy Council's Meeting.'' Said one of the Counsellors. Prime was asleep as usual. He would wake up from his sleep only if there was something important or interesting.

The meeting was going on as usual. Legions were discussing topics, trying to find solutions to problems. It was going very stable. The conversation heated up a bit when Naga came to the topic, but Bazelisk silenced everyone with his might and cold words.

The meeting was about to end. There wasn't anything interesting as usual. Counsellor was preparing to make his closing speech, while most of the Legions had already left or were preparing to leave. At this moment, Agrio entered the room, with utmost confidence.

''HEY HEY! What are you noble-looking weaklings doing here? Discussing stuff? Pfff, who do you think you are, someone deciding the fate of the Universe?'' Said Agrio, bursting into laughs.

Surprised by Agrio's appearance, the Counsellor greeted him: ''S-Sir Agrio! We are very happy that you decided to come to the meeting, but we were about to end it. Also could you please keep your voice down a bit, Lord Prime is asl-'' while still speaking, Agrio shut the Counsellor's mouth with his hand.

''Stop your bitching for a while, will ya? I have some news. Thought maybe just this once I should be a responsible Legion and share what I found with you.'' When he said this, there were only a few Legions left in the room; Bazelisk, Novolia, and a few others.

''Wake up old man. I bet you will want to hear what I have to say.'' Said Agrio to Prime. Prime opened one of its eyes to look at Agrio, and he understood he wasn't messing with him. 'Speak' he said. His voice was so deep, it almost felt like the universe itself was talking.

''I guess all of you thought I was bitching around somewhere instead of attending the meeting, I normally do that but this time around I was doing some investigations. Our great lord savior Prime's right-hand man asked me to search a certain area back in my hometown, Zeglis. Normally I wouldn't accept it, I mean why should I bother with it huh? Do your work yourself. Is that asshole even in here?'' He said, looking for Rugiel, Prime's right-hand man. But to Agrio's luck, Rugiel already left the room to attend to his own work.

''I don't see him, he left I think. Tch, inpatient brat! Anyway, one of you Counsellors tell him what I say, If he is interested in it he will find me and ask me about it. Anyway, I was searching alleyways in Zeglis. It was a shithole, had a really bad smell you know?'' Agrio started laughing again. While others were listening to him, Prime said angrily:

''Cut it short, Legion of Wrath. I didn't wake up from my sleep to have a chit-chat with you.''

''I found him. The Extend Bastard.''

Suddenly, all of the room turned their attention to Agrio, full of surprises. The Legions were asking many questions, the room was very loud. ''How did you find him?'', ''Did you kill him?", ''Are you kidding with us?''. The room was restless.

''SILENCE!'' Shout Prime. His aura was so heavy that some of the seats shattered into pieces from his voice only. What drew the attention of Legions, and Prime was the power 'Extend' itself. Since the time The Holy Council was formed, The Council tried to recruit people with the Extend Soul. It was a very rare soul that appeared once in a hundred years. Although it wasn't the strongest or greatest, in a duel, no matter how strong the opponent is, Extend wouldn't lose. Prime was trying to recruit someone with Extend, but they either died young or refused Council positions.

''I assume you didn't do foolish things such as killing him, Legion of Wrath. I demand success this time. We will force him to join if we must. I would also like to presume that since we only found out about them just now, their Soul must have awakened not so long ago, meaning they are sixteen, a mere kid. We will support him in every way we can. Send one of the Counsellors to train him. A skilled fighter that knows all 6 styles, including Void style and Creation style.''

After the Counsellor said ''Right away milord!'', he ended the meeting quickened. There were only 4 Legions and Prime left in the room. It was Agrio who broke the silence:

''Yo Bazel, what do you think about my magnificent discovery? Pretty cool huh? Don't go killing this one too! Hell, I would suggest you stay away from that kid! Last time you were in battle with the good old Extend dude, you lost your right eye!''

Agrio was clearly messing with Bazelisk, trying to piss him off. However, Bazelisk calmly answered:

''Sir Agrio, although I appreciate your concern, it's meaningless. I killed the last Extend host because I thought he would pose a threat to me and my family. He killed my father, the Legion of Void, and was about to kill all his bloodline too. If it weren't for Lord Prime's orders, I would go and kill this one too. Void style is the strongest style in our universe, and this kid mastered it in a year. She was even strong enough to kill the Legion of Void, presumably the strongest user of Void style.''

''May I ask what is this Void and Creation style that Lord Prime mentioned?'' Said Pagon, Legion of Frost, trying to join the conversation. Because he joined The Council last year, he still lacked information about styles and Souls.

''I can tell you about them'' said Bazelisk, and he continued: ''As you know, all Souls have certain styles. The main four are considered to be Fire, Nature, Light, and Darkness. My sister Novolia is the Legion of Light as you know. Although there are four main styles, there are quite a lot of sub-styles. Almost as much as stars. Souls that are strong enough leave the main style and start evolving in the sub-style that fate has seemed suitable for it. Sub-Souls can use the sub style it has, and also carry some attributes and skills from the main style it evolved from. However, If I am not mistaken, something close to six hundred years ago, there were only two main styles: Void and Creation. I don't know why, but The Council decided to divide the Void style and make it two separate styles; Light and Darkness. They renamed Creation to Nature so it sounds more clear, and Fire became a main style with time due to it being so common.''

''Thank you sir Bazelisk, but I still don't get why Lord Prime wants to teach Extend those 2 ancient styles you mentioned. Aren't they just the same styles with different names?''

''Not quite, Sir Pagon.'' interrupted Novolia. "Those styles have their own shaping. When Darkness and Light connect, before there is an explosion, there will be a purple light for a second where they connect. That is the essence of Void style. Although I don't know about the Creation style, it also has a unique shape like the Void style. Maybe Sir Agrio can tell us about it since he is one of the oldest members."

other Legions turned their attention to Agrio. While they were having a conversation about this, Agrio was thinking about something. It was very unusual for Agrio to think about something, so they asked: ''What are you thinking, Sir Agrio?"

Agrio stood in silence for a few seconds, then he suddenly said:

''Alright, after thinking for not much longer, I came to a conclusion.'' Said Agrio, and then stood up, preparing to leave, and said one last sentence to the Legions:

''I am going to kill the Extend Bastard.''