The knock on the door resonated through the empty street, Zubie was standing in front of the door Ada gave her directions to. With a rattle of a chain, the door flung open.
"I'm here to see..." Shoot, he never told me his name!
"---A boy with curly hair."
The guard seemed dumbfounded, coming out of his surprise, he spoke, "You have to be more specific, half of the population have curly hair."
"Umm, right."
"You can't stand here all night, come back when you remember who you want to meet."
The guard closed the door in her face, making her visibly flinch.
"Great going, Zubie, it could've been so much better if you had just asked him what his name was." She set down on the stairs, her legs drawn to her face.
She felt like screaming.
But there were more important things than her fleeting emotions, her wish to go back to where she came from; if that was even possible.
"You're still here? I was sure you had left."