-what's with the sudden call!
-I saw Kevin, today.
-Who's Kevin?
-No way, you mean that KEVIN!
-Are you messing with me ,right now?
-Relax,Jess!It is me remember. I love messing with my best friend.
-Morti, listen here. Choose a number between one and ten.
-Is that the number of punches I should give to that Kevin?
-No, it is the number of days off I will take.
-Girl, if it was really up to me, I would take the whole year off!
-and who's going to pay for all of your designed clothes?
-What! Monica asked you to pay!but I told her to give you everything you want for free, I will…
-Morti, it is not her fault .I want to support you.
-yes but they are really expensive…Maybe 3?
-Oh,my 3!
-I thought you wanted to work to buy my clothes.
-By the way, where are you now?
-I am at Marta's.
-You are still working there?
-I am watching a love story in bloom, it is massive.
-Okay…Can you tell me more?
-Girl, you will have to read "I am not gay but my boyfriend is" to know the details.
-Just tell me next time, I am so fed up with love for today!
-Hey Jessica.
-Should we go for a trip together?
Just the two of us.
-What about work?
-who cares about work! Oh no,I think Marta heard!
I am so dead.
-HAHA, I can't believe this guy.
-Jessica, goodbye. This might be our last call.
-What a drama queen. you won't die Morti.