Chereads / The Breath of conspiracy. / Chapter 18 - Secret Kelly.

Chapter 18 - Secret Kelly.

On the cold bench of the hospital, Angela was thrown into another world. This was the day Claire's tender skin was going to be incised. She sat at a designated place in the lobby and did not want to look towards the left. On the right was the main foyer that lead into ICU wards. In front of her was another passage that lead out of the building and two or more people would walk in passed her into another door just at the end of the raw of benches and seats behind her. Another lonely door led to a staircase that was accessing the upstair rooms. Some human- hearted people would extend a greeting to her as they went into the upper rooms. Some passed her as if they didn't see her at all.

On the left , which she had created a temporary phobia of it, was the door that led into a foyer consisting of only two important rooms. The theater room and the room of the hospital's main nephrologist . She pitied Claire when that same nephrologist, Dr. Ruva, had ordered the day before that Claire should refrain from eating anything totally until the time of the surgery. Her heart wrenched. She did not want to imagine that kind of hunger that she was going to have.

Very early in the morning, before other patients and their caregivers had started streaming into this lobby, Five prepared surgeon had taken Claire into the theater. Two female nurses joined them later. She observed with great despondency and hopelessness the white wooden door closed behind the last two nurses. She could not speak or utter anything but let her tears flow freely. She wasn't sure of what she was experiencing but she hoped that it was just unreal. She felt as if Claire was being snatched away from her forever. Very few people survived major surgeries like those.

All that time that she had been sitting there, not even a single person showed signs of going towards this left door. This confirmed how serious it was. How life threatening it was. How engaging it was to even demand a total of seven highly schooled scientists . Before the surgery, she had a talk with Dr. Ruva who alluded that the precedure was expected to last for at least four hours. She remembered vividly of Claire's face just before she was fully in the hands of the doctors. Claire still presented the same face of hope and optimism as before. She for once thought that maybe that would mean the last time she would be privileged to see her.

She had earlier on talked with her parents when Claire was discharged from Meflon Referral Hospital. She had explicitly explained to them the need to take Claire to the surgery so that the problem could be fully solved. Her mother had hesitated for a moment but after constant persuasion she had finally threw in the towel. Her wavery voice over the phone when she heard of the word 'surgery' told everything and Angela could easily relate. The father was not the man to be easily persuaded. He heard cursed and denounced the option. He heard listed endlessly a list of people who heard survived major surgeries but kicked the bucket days, months or years later. Angela now wondered if what his father was putting forward would be true. That Claire might survive but sooner or later ,the effects of human hands would be visible. That she would suffer from post surgical infections or a major complication whatsoever and eventually died. It was the bitter truth that continued to drain more and more of her tears.

Four hours that Dr Ruva had talked of were now over. The tiniest hopes in her were slowly dwindling away. She could not imagine the inevitable - death! How can she travel with someone who was mirthful and zealous in her talks and then go back to Kenya with a corpse? How could she ever forget her enchanting voice and character? Was it of no use when she bought her a smartphone as a birthday gift a year ago ? Her eyes were now swollen as these last tears welled on her cheeks.

When she closed her eyes effortlessly after she hopelessly stopped hoping. She mumbled a short prayer but before she could finish, a familiar voice whispered besides her. She turned her head and only met a dazzling smile from Dr. Ruva. He bent down to sit next to her as she eyed him worryingly.

"Angela! We have tried our level best during the surgery..."

"And what ?" she interposed impatiently.

"And have been able to fix the problem. She is still under high care and in a half an hour she will be transferred to the ICU ward." He explained while stretching his hand for a handshake. "Thank God! " she interjected emotionally as she raised her hand wildly in the air and looking upwards as though she saw the face of God on the ceiling of the building. Dr. Ruva made something that was like a chuckle and withdrew his hand that had been unconsciously ignored by this lady. He then stood up and went back to the door on the left after leaving her with the remark that she should refresh and stretch a bit before Claire is brought into the ICU ward for further monitoring. There she would be chanced to talk to her sister again.

As she walked out of the gate of the hospital to stretch her feet, she couldn't understand why she thought of George as the first person to broach the news. She walked around and was surprised that her mind felt a little bit released as she admired the shops and buildings around. She contrasted it with the same environment at her home country. It was more tranquil. She didn't bother to call or share the news to anyone as she went back to the hospital.

She trotted straight into Dr. Ruva's room. She found him less committed and volunteered to come with her to the ward where Claire was admitted. Claire was half asleep with an intravenous line on her left hand. She lazily opened her eyes and for a moment blinked at the machines around her. She strained her head to turn the left to meet the two people entering the room. Her eyes were white and sunken . One could think that she looked like one of the scary vampires in horror movies. Her skin was pale and leathery and it seemed like she was dry from any tears in her eyes. Her face was devoid of any emotional feeling and when she finally managed to break her vocal cords and speak , her voice was low and soft. It was not far from a whisper.

Dr. Ruva uncovered the heavy white sheet from her torso and picked her hand gently. " You managed it. You're going to be fine girl okay!" He encouraged with an enchanting voice . Claire only looked at him without a word. "How are you feeling?" Angela peeked and continued, "We must thank God you survived my sister." Claire tried to smile then as if her lips were glued together, she gathering the little energy she had and open he mouth. " Angie! Hope in everything you do. I'm okay!" Angela let in one deep breath and joyously bent down to kiss her cheeks. "Make sure to leave her more time to rest madam. She is still in a critical condition. " Dr Ruva cautioned while he turned softly and went out of the room.

"You're okay Claire?Ooh my goodness. I can't believe it!" Angela cried happily as she cupped both of Claire's cheeks in her warm palms. " I'm okay Angie. Just some back pain and a tingling feeling on my abdomen where I was incised." Angela felt an urge to uncover her whole body and see the magnitude of the incision but remembered that he had been warned earlier on by Dr Ruva.

She was still thinking about how Angela was recovering. How she would be back to her normal life. How she would continue to give her hope and optimism in life . She yearned to see her out and about standing on her feet again. Just then, as if she had been suddenly pumped with energy, Claire poked Angela . "How is my big brother in law? I miss him." Her voice was now audible enough. Angela startled at her. She was abashed for a minute and wondered how she would answer her. "George is still okay. You would soon see him when we go back to Kenya." She knew what she was saying was not from heart. George was not okay. The last time she was privileged to be with him, the air was not favourable. She had loggerheads with him.

"Angie I also long to go back to Kenya and see Kelly."

" Kelly? Who's Kelly?" Angela wondered.

" A boy that Maggie introduced me to."

"You're confusing me Claire!" Angela was alarmed " Who again is Maggie?"

"Maggie is my desk mate at school. She had a boyfriend and also advised me to have one. She gave me the number to Kelly. "

"Claire this is serious! We'll sort it out at home. Rest now first until you're okay." She strained her temper . She was perturbed by this revelation.