Chereads / Astral's Adventures / Chapter 267 - Adventure of Astral Part 17: Darkness

Chapter 267 - Adventure of Astral Part 17: Darkness

Astral planted both feet in the ground as he lifted off the ground and soared in the direction he was pointed as he had no other hopes but to listen to James in his fleeting moments. Gliding through the air he saw a village with people trailing out of the front gate. Astral shifted all of his momentum as they slammed through the roof of the village hall. Sora and Lilac lift up their weapons as Astral sets Tina down and James on the closest table.

"Astral what the fuck is this? A half dead James and no Angel?" Sora grabbed Astral by the throat as Astral had his blade resting on Sora's neck. Both started into each others eyes as neither dropped their guard for one or another.

"QUIT FIGHTING AND SAVE THE KID!" Lilac shouted as Sora let go of Astral. Astral held his blade still as he turned to Tina who covered her eyes.

"What rules have I taught you about magic?" Astral asked softly as Sora failed to move. He wouldn't dare until Astral drops his blade. One of the humans clutched their hand over James' right, having their hands on his to comfort him as grimacing sounds were coming from him.

"It's only allowed when needed, and that some healing spells cannot outspeed death." Tina opened her eyes, uncovering them as the tears started to flow. She wandered to James and grabbed his left hand as he began to wheeze, his body tensing up as both the people holding his hands felt his life fleeting.

"That's true, now watch carefully. Never use this spell." Astral extended his hand as his focus drew inwards. He searched deep as there was nothing. He shook his head and relied on his teachings of old. "Mira Vera Voodoo, Mira Vera Tamashi, Mira Vera Voodoo, Mira Vera Tamashi." Astral began to chant as everyone watched in envy. Wondering what was truly happening as James' wounds slowly fled his body. Astral winced once during the process as no one else other than Tina was watching Astral.

Thirty minutes passed as Astral finally stopped chanting. He never used that spell before. Completely blanking on its true use, but knowing it was the fastest way to heal him and the most effective way to help him back to his feet. James opened his eyes as he popped up from the table. Tina and the lady helping them both hopped backwards as all of his wounds were healed. "WOAH, I FEEL SO ENERGIZED! ASTRAL! DID YOU TAKE THEM OUT? DID YOU DID YOU DID YOU?" James sprinted back and forth in pace as Astral wrapped him up in a hug.

"No, I failed you and your sister. But we do now have the next step of the plan unlocked for us. I figured out a way to bypass their barrier." Astral gave a small grin as Sora rolled his eyes. His life was bound to be more difficult from here. James and Astral started strolling outside the front door as Tina followed closely behind the two of them. Sora and Lilac looked at each other confused as they let the three move away from earshot of the two.

"How did Astral do that?" Lilac looked directly into Sora's left eye as it glimmered white. Being splashed with black before returning to its cyan. "The magic he used isn't like ours, no staff, no tomes, just the incantation."

"He is known to be different and learn at his own pace, I am surprised he remembered the dark manifest." Sora's mouth moved as a feminine voice took his place. Lilac took a step back in shock as it was the same voice from earlier. "In fact, it is something that the little one caught, not due to it being magic, but to its bind. She will be a great mage that I will teach." The voice vanished as Sora closed his mouth forcefully.

"You are full of tricks." Lilac waved Sora away as she helped the lady in the background up and away with the rest of the evacuating villagers. Sora gave a light chuckle to himself as he smiled forward. Hopefully he won't have to use more tricks anytime soon to control the rest of them. And to stop him.

Astral picked Tina up to ride on his shoulders as they stood among the crowd. Walking with them as Tina looked down at Astral. "I waited to mention to be out of earshot of Sora, but you used a binder spell, not a healing spell." James looked at the two as he stayed at their pace as Astral smiles.

"Which is correct, a spell you will never use due to its adverse effects. I used the prolonged version to make sure that it wasn't visible, but now a piece of me is with you now." Astral giggled a little bit. "Or if you are heavily wounded, you could cast a shortened version and swap instantly if your opponent is healthy." James paused for a moment as he caught back up.

"Wait, there is some of you inside of me, more than there was?" James questioned it as he does know the weirdness of the biology behind Astral, but didn't pay much more attention when it was explained to him the last time.

"The binding spell I used is a little fuzzier on the memory than I care to admit, I only studied that spell, I never had a chance to use it but if it works correctly, it gives you a part of me to be used on top of what you can do. My regeneration is otherworldly while yours can get there, it just allots more time to reach that point." Astral ranted as Tina rolled her eyes, she wanted to know more about the other half.

"But he is your kid and has your physical traits? Doesn't that mean he would have those abilities inherited?" Tina asked without knowing much. "My parents told me the mage families wanted to always stay in the family to keep their power. I can only imagine something similar."

"See, I also have that question, if you had any more kids, kudos to you, but I also wonder if they would share your powers?" James asked as his book smarts finally started to show. His few years here he spent studying to be more prepared for a day where Astral ever led again.

"That begs the question of when and why. I had you before the chaos began. Which means any other children that exist around that time may be similar to what you are, a unique child and one of one when it comes to abilities. But nothing compared to what I have to my abilities right now." Astral grabbed a small bottle on his waist and took a sip out of it. "Meaning if I had a kid now, they could share more of that physical ability I have, and no, we aren't testing it. I will get in trouble by more than just one person. Let alone if I do have any more children out there. My early explorations were kinda a blur. But what I can remember is making a vault door for these meep little creatures to store their food."

James understood that immediately as Tina looked confused. The three of them continued to walk as Astral slowly picked away at smaller memories inside of his mind. The early ones were coming loose, but it all became hazy after he met someone. Not remembering quite who right off the bat.