Kaenester was ringing first as Astral caught it on the last ring. "Hello?" Astral muttered as they were prepared to leave, already filled with enough problems. All that Astral heard was a screaming rampage at first as Kaenester took over.
"You wanna know where that is? One of the planets ruled by slavery. They completely turned upside down and took over the planet for themselves." He was highly irritated as the galaxy was now unstable.
"And maybe the robotics faction should not have used any slaves." Astral waved for Jaimie to help out the Ambassador and the wounded. "If you didn't prioritize the illegal ideals. Then you wouldn't have this issue."
"Bullshit. We dealt with them in a trading manner, their drug and humans for the next technological advancement." Kaenester was fuming by this point and prepping all of his forces to take revenge.
"You helped the most evil of all of your allies get power that they didn't deserve by distributing their power through immoral ways. Can you call yourself a great leader?" Kaenester hung up as Astral rolled his eyes. "That coward won't do anything as a second call came in. Astral answered. "Called to apologize?"
"No, cause you have just created the largest displacement of mankind known to this galaxy." Alisha was yelling as Astral was caught off guard. "Your actions by destroying the drug the lower class relies on to do their mind numbing job. And our elite donors across the galaxy are having revolts from the people in the field."
"Act like I care at all. You and your administration are the ones who spent so much into the cartel to give the rest of it to your donors, maybe if you invested in the military with that money you wouldn't have lost the war." Astral was irritated at this point. But something felt off.
"Good day to you." Alisha hung up as she called up someone else. God Emperor answered as Alisha explained everything to him. And he agreed to the allotted terms: He controls the galaxy after he kills Astral. Alisha and Kaenester agreed as it was fair but harsh.
Astral watched the Everlast glide into its hangar bay. "When you guys land, I need Proto, Omaha, James and Angel to the northern bridge." Astral looked out as he rubbed Astrid's hair. It was time for them to leave before shit flew out of proportions. "I have a bad feeling."
"I have a feeling like we are on the defensive, why?" Astrid looked up to him as he shrugged. "I will be ready since Adam is hurt." Astral ruffled her hair and snapped the binder on accident as she put it back into a ponytail.
Proto and Omaha walked in alone as James and Angel were getting chewed out by Anders outside the door. "Sorry sir, the doc isn't ignoring their wounds." Proto pointed back as Anders shouted in anger through the doors.
"That's fine, due to us being ready to leave, I am saying thank you personally for handling the situation on the planet when Jaimie and I couldn't be there." Astral extended his hand to shake theirs as he heard the phone ring. Ignoring it as he shook their hands.
"Oh, trying to ignore me?" God Emperor's voice echoed through the station. Astral turned around as everyone on board froze in fear. Astral flicked his wrist as Shiro isolated the rest of the call to just the bridge. "Ah, this is the neat technology that he was mentioning to me. I hope you know you aren't leaving this galaxy alive."
"I'll be damned if I don't have you killed first." Astral looked over to the table as Proto and Omaha looked over everything as nothing was out of place. "Besides, we were on our way out."
"Not with my daughter." God Emperor was furious that he still didn't have his prize. "I hope you know, the largest combined fleet between the Independents and Empire are about to be on your front doorstep."
"You called it Astral, short range sensors are starting to go off." Astrid yelled. Looking around she sprinted to the control panel and started launching the defense fleets to ambush them directly out of their launch points.
"Besides, how else will I reclaim my daughter?" It felt like he reached through the station itself to try and gram Valkira. She shuddered as she looked around and there was nothing but the holograms.
"Don't worry, she will be the one to kill you." Astral hung up on his ass. "ANDERS!" The door opened behind them as James and Angel were walking in with Anders between them and the doorway. "They need to rest, but let them rest up here. I need you to focus on Adam."
"On it." Anders turned worried as she sprinted out of the room.
"Jaimie, get Valkira and head to the Everlast. Tell the crew to empty out of the ship. We have to take down the God Emperor ourselves." Astral called through the radio as Proto and Omaha looked confused.
"Anything we can do we will." Omaha asked as Astral turned to the two of them.
"Adam did a great job with the training and the improvement of our fleets. All three of our AI's are going to be left here to help Astrid. Take Zeta and defend the surface if they try to land." They nodded as Astral dashed away. Stopping for a moment as he blew a kiss to James and Angel.
All battle fleets were in orbit around the Red Merle as the first few fleets showed up. "Is the Ambassador available for command?" Astrid asked as the crew gave her the green light. "Good, Launch when ready, I will need you to clear a hole for the Everlast when its time. Viper squad will be escorting them till the Everlast hits gold."
"Roger that flower actual." Viper responded as James watched the keyboards light up the area for Astrid.
"All defense fleet and all attack fleets, are you ready, their forces are roughly the size of ours. Except we know their layouts as well as ours." Astrid started her battery attack from the Red Merle as artillery shells opened fire on the incoming ships as they resisted.
"All forces. Engage the closest target once they reach the eighteen hundred mile mark. Swoop in and start dispatching them. The close support from our fighter battalions will keep you guys clean, feel free to launch all support shuttles and fighters." Astid kept giving more commands as they sat back, not moving forward. Seemingly waiting for something. Or someone.
Several capital ships showed up in massive size. Astrid picked out three that looked distinct. "The one that is tagged is the one the Everlast is in charge of." Astrid painted the other two targets as the empire's senate building and Kaenesters personal ship.
"If it's not too late, can I join this battle?" Adam radioed in as he sat in space in his hand drawn spaceship. Its immaculate detail shining above all else as Astrid was pleased.
"We are more than happy to welcome you back. Help the Ambassador clear a way for the Everlast." Astrid gave the commands as they made the move. All In.