We entered the cafe. The loud sound of the bell hanging at the top of the door filled the whole shop. Amanda was sitting next to the glass wall and watching people through it.
Beth looked at me and said " It looks Amanda will be late!"
I arched my eyebrows. "what? can't you see her? She's over there."
Beth looked at the table:" I don't see anyone."
Was it a prank? I stepped forward and stood next to Amanda. She looked at me with a smile. She was so relaxed. She had worn a white shirt and blue jeans.
" Hey, Amanda. I don't like the prank you and Beth try to put on."
She didn't answer. sitting there silently. Beth looked at me strangely. At this time, someone appeared behind Beth. She was wearing a red dress. Her rosy lips had formed a smile and her grey eyes was lighter than usual.
I surprised to see her. Then, I turned my head to look at Amanda who was sitting on the chair. There was no one there. How was it possible?
Beth wrapped her hand around the girl's arm.
" Amanda,You're late again!"
She scratched back of her head.
" It was a heavy traffic"
I looked at her blankly! My heart was beating faster than when we were at the library. Was it a hallucination? Did my head hurt?
The world began to spin around my head. Someone grabbed my arm and helped me to sit.
" Thanks"
Amanda looked worried. Beth asked " do you want to visit a doctor?"
I shook my head. " There is no need. I think I'm hungry only.I only need some glucose."
Amanda sat exactly where the previous Amanda had located.
Beth told" you don't believe, if Amanda hadn't appeared, I would assumed that I was the person who was wrong. You were too serious! even I was decieved..."
I put on a smile, then lied:" I think I have a talent in acting."
In the movies, people who went to the hospital had no good ending. Did serial killers start their murders this way? with stalking and hallucination?? The hair on my skin stood.
Amanda interrupted the strands of my thought excitedly." Tell me how was your hunt?"
I immediately forgot about what had happened earlier and recalled the incident at the library. I told her the whole story. Amanda laughed loudly." It's so funny. but how can he be indifferent?"
I shrugged. The waiter brought our orders at that moment.
" so when are you going to confess?" Amanda asked. I blushed. I couldn't bring myself even utter a word in front of him.
" you can't chase him forever. what if he doesn't come to library anymore?"
My heart sank. She was right. What if he wouldn't come there anymore? Can I tolerate not meeting him anymore? The answer was absolutely No! What should I do? I couldn't be naive and simply admitted.
" I will think of a way." That was only things I could say.
" I have a better idea... tomorrow you buy a cake and go to the library and confess to him" Beth said.
Amanda patted on my shoulder. That was a terrible idea!
I inhaled deeply.I wasn't that brave.
Amanda shook her head.Then began to play with her hair. Before we could speak another word. Beth's smartphone rang!
" Holy Me" Then answered the phone. Beth only uttered two words: " you dare?!" Then hang up!
"what's up?"
She shrugged and looked at the menu. " order everything you want. It's on me." Then started to order the most expensive dishes.
My eyes went wide. " are you crazy? next week, we should pay to landlord!"
She formed a smile and told:" There is no need"
I wanted to protest but a sudden idea appeared in my mind. " Was he the landlord?"
" did he tell we have to move out?"
She had a dumb smile on her lips.
" Do we have enough money to rent a new house?"
Her smile disappeared.
" Do other houses in this area cheaper than the one we have or better I say we had?"
" No"
" Thanks for your cooperation!"
Amanda laughed hardly" Sorry! Don't worry Beth! You both can come live with me. recently one of my roomie moved so we have an empty room and don't worry about the price, I get a good discount for you!"
Beth hugged her immediately." Thank you, my savior!" Then faced me with a frown. I sighed.
20 minutes later, waiter brought our orders. The landlord had given us 2 days to move out. We had still time and chose to enjoy our drinks instead at this moment.
I hadn't been housemate with strangers so far and Beth was my only roommate during the last year.
I got independant from my family last year and Beth was only my schoolmate at that time. During this year we lived together, we became more familiar with each other and became friends.
We both studied hard and helped each other and we made it to phoenix university, the best university in capital and the country.
Beth and I weren't doing a degree in the same major. I was studying Literature and Beth's major was PE. If it was in ancient times, I would become scholar but she would turn into a general and Amanda would be the musician and playing zither or santur. At this age, She was already good at playing piano and was tutoring people piano privately.
Amanda placed her empty glass on the table and looked at her watch.
" I should go. I should visit mother of one of my students. when you were ready to move, call me."
She kissed both of us and left. Beth was still eating, so we couldn't leave immediately but I liked to take refugee to my room as soon as possible. Tomorrow was my first day in university and also the day we should change our home. everything would different from today.