Chereads / The Alpha in Grey Shadows / Chapter 39 - Rivers of Blood

Chapter 39 - Rivers of Blood

"Five reports to the station at the same time, all reporting about human limbs at their doorsteps.... Lisa brutally murdered.....Karl killed in a barbaric fashion....what the hell is going on in this city!???" Gary almost tore his hair with anger.

He would have broken the steering wheel, if he had the strength.

Luckily for the wheel and him, he did not have that kind of strength.

"The worst part is that we have no clue who it is!" He was yelling at Parker at the time.

Parker rubbed the back of his head with a wry smile. "Indeed, we don't. It is very frustrating."

Gary glared at him. 

The car pulled over next to a building. Tony Hawk's residence.

Gary pressed the intercom. 

"Yes, how may I help you?" A voice said through the intercom.

"This is Chief Gary Chevenix, and with me is Detective Ramsey Parker. We would like to have a word with Mr Tony Hawk, please."

There was silence on the receiving end for a short while, then the voice replied,"Mr Hawk is not present at the moment, he has gone to a business dinner at the Blue Moon Hotel. Shall I inform him of your visit?"

Gary replied, "Yes, please. And inform him that I will be at the Blue Moon in five minutes time, so he might as well make reservations for me and my colleague."

"It will be done, Chief," the voice replied.

Gary looked at Parker and said, "Ever been to the Blue Moon?"

"No, Chief." "Let's go."

The red Navara drove off, under surveillance from a woman upstairs in the Hawk residence.

Meanwhile, Parker felt a bit of relief as Gary had asked him to accompany him to see Tony, since he had received that very same order from a certain being he had no idea about.

All he knew was that his life was in that person's hands, and if he made the slightest mistake in carrying out that order, he would most certainly lose his life.

So he enthusiastically agreed when Gary asked him if he wanted to come.

"Sir, exactly why are we going to see Mr Hawk?" He asked out of slight curiosity.

"Saw a note on my desk. It said something about Tony having something to do with a certain incident a while back. I'm trying to take my mind off these bloody matters by focusing on other matters. If we don't do that, we are going nowhere with our jobs."

"You mean the incident when we got a tipoff he has links with the Red Cobras, and supplies them with weapons and ammunition? When we tried attacking their base and eventual aborted the exercise? That incident?" Parker asked.

"That very one. He might not actually be doing that stuff, but the Red Cobras are murderers, we know that. I think these murder cases may be their doing. If Tony helps us and gives us a little information about them, it may at least give us a trail to follow. Right now, all we're doing is move in circles."

Parker went silent and thought about the mission he was given by the ...he didn't even know what it was, only that it was dangerous.

His orders were to get rid of Tony Hawk, and the being claimed that Tony was the one who started the whole mess.

So, the Detective had to find a way to get rid of him.

By hook or by crook? The guy never said, but Ramsey Parker's sense of justice said that he would have to go the legal route.

Only problem was that the man he was supposed to apprehend was quite wealthy, and it would be no sweat off him to pay his way out of prison.

'So how?' He pondered.


"Take your nonsense out of my room! Now!"

"Are you kidding me!? If you wanted me out of here why did you let my 'nonsense' be brought in here in the first place?!"

" of no importance! You just get your stuff out of here and we are okay....ouch!!"

Jayden fell on his bed, his head a bit dizzy.

Davina swung her pillow once again as soon as he got up, but this time, he dodged it.

"Happens only once, you know," Jayden said as he swung his own pillow into Davina's face.

It made contact, but was pathetically weak.

"For a boy, you hit like a girl," Davina mocked. "Let me show you how a boy must hit!" 

Jayden fell off the other side of the bed.

"Fine, you win. You can keep your nonsense in here, but it goes out tomorrow. Got it?"

Davina asked, "So my bed is nonsense?"

"Okay, you can sleep in here tonight, but tomorrow you go back to your own room."

She dropped her pillow and went to Jayden, who held the side of his head, gritting his teeth.

She held his head in her hands and hugged him. "Sorry, okay?"

He said nothing.


"You just can't obey the law, can you?"

"What the heck are you talking about, let me go!"

"Let you go?! I let you go the first time I caught you and your friend in this very alley, doing the very same thing!"

"That was a long time ago, okay!"

"Long time ago? That was yesterday, you idiot! Now hold still so I can cuff you!"

The kid surrendered, and the officer snapped the cuffs on his wrists. "What kind of drug is this, anyway? Cocaine? Marijuana?"

"Codeine, I think," the kid replied.

The officer looked around. "Hey, didn't I see two of you when I came here?"

"You did," the handcuffed kid replied. "Probably ran away so I would suffer alone, the bastard."

The cop replied, "Yes, and this must be a lesson to you. Among criminals, there is no such thing as honor. They will desert you at the slightest opportunity."

Then he smelt something. Something he was used to smelling. 


"Wait here, kid, will you?" "I won't go anywhere, copper, I swear!"

"No honor among criminals, " the cop said, and cuffed the kid to a railing.

He turned on his torch and went into the alley.

He found what he was looking for soon enough. One of the railings had been embedded into the wall, and from it hung the limp body of a fifteen year old boy.

His eyes had been gouged out, his throat slit so he'd make no noise, his jaw barely connected to his head.

The cop turned to the side and threw up all the contents in his stomach.

With a trembling hand he reached for his radio, and pressed. 

"This is John Smith. Sergeant. Murder in Park Alley. Requesting for responsible team."

Not a minute after, he saw blood in his eyes, then a sharp pain in his skull.

His lifeless body fell to the ground.

The kid was still cuffed to the railing when he saw a little stream of red form a puddle at his feet.

The metallic smell hit his nose, and he knew what it was.