Chereads / OGI: The Hunt for Level Three / Chapter 122 - Adapting To Adaptability Part Two

Chapter 122 - Adapting To Adaptability Part Two

With Jason now being made of pure energy, Kage points his hand at him in an attempt to manipulate him.

"Fuck! You are made out of energy; I should be able to manipulate you!"

"Well, not quite Kage. You see I might be pure energy, but I still have my consciousness, which allows me to fight against any manipulation."

"Wait that's how it works? I thought as long as it was energy, I could manipulate it."

"Yeah, but energy that's actively fighting against you will be a challenge to control, won't it?"

"Well, I guess you're right."

"Good job Kage you learn well."

Kage grits his teeth in annoyance.

"Stop talking to me like a damn pet!"

Kage takes a strong stance and breathes in.

"Energy cannon!"

Kage shoots a huge blast of energy from his mouth.

"See now, this is a good attack because of how quick and destructive it is, but in the form I'm in now—"

Jason takes the energy cannon head-on and receives zero damage.

"All those energy attacks of yours are useless."

Jason shoots a huge blast of energy at Kage. Kage uses energy drain to absorb the attack and uses the accelerate technique to run around Jason to get behind him. Kage punches Jason in the back of the head.

"Come on now Kage. I know you're smarter than this. Those attacks won't have any effect on me."

Jason smacks Kage away and instantly starts chasing him down. Before Kage can hit the floor, Jason grabs him by the collar and shoots an energy beam to put another through his stomach.


"Wow, it seems when you don't absorb these energy attacks, they're just as effective as a regular attack. So I think that's enough proof you lose this battle."

Jason drops Kage and kicks him to the ground. Jason makes a massive ball of energy with his right hand and slams it onto Kage.

"Energy dra—"

Kage attempts to use energy drain, but his injuries get to him, and his mind blanks for a second. In that second, Kage gets hit by the massive ball of energy and sustains damage all across his body.


After the massive energy ball explodes, Kage is left down on the ground with his body in shambles. Jason stands over his body with a smile.

"You fought well and tried hard Kage, just like I requested. Now that you're finished, I will push to the next round and win this whole thing. Thank you for being such an amazing opponent."

Mr.Zane walks out of his special stands to end the match. As Mr.Zane examines Kage Unknown slams his fist on the seat next to him.

"Get up Kage! You didn't even use your plan yet! How are you going to go down here?"

Selena puts her hand on Unknown's shoulder with a calm expression.

"You need to calm down Unknown. I know you're worried, but you need to keep watching the match until the end."

On the other side of the stadium, where the teacher stands is Mr.Alex shakes Mr.Chad awake.

"Mr.Chad you realize your student is fighting right now? I think you should at least watch the end."

"Huh? So tiring. Who's winning?"

"Well, it looks like your student Jason is winning."

"Oh, I'm not surprised; he is my best student. He has amazing control over his power and some pretty good OGI control. He's a scary opponent to fight. Plus, not to mention his reason for being here, which makes him fight even harder."

"Wait, does he have a bigger reason to be here other than to find level three?"

"Uhh, this will be so tiring."

"Please just tell me, Mr.Chad."

"You know, for a teacher, you act like a damn kid."

"Well, I am a kid, Mr.Chad."

"Oh, right, I forgot. So tiring to remember. Jason is pretty much a normal kid. He grew up in Grava City with both of his parents, who're level zeros. He miraculously became an OGI user, even though the chances weren't that likely for him. Jason was very happy with his life, so he didn't care to pursue something like level three. All he wanted to do was live a normal life and take care of his caring parents when they grew old, but when he was thirteen, on a drive home with his parents, they got into a bad car accident. Luckily for Jason, his body instinctively activated level one, which is how he survived the terrible crash, but his parents weren't so lucky."

"Wait, don't tell me his goal is?"

"Level three is a complete mystery, so no one knows what it could possibly do. Jason is desperate, so he's willing to take that gamble."

"Does he truly believe that level three can bring his parents back!"

"No, he has no belief, but to this day, he still models himself after his parents ideals. He wants to regain his happiness, and he'll go through hell to get it back."


Mr.Alex looks back to the battlefield, where Mr.Zane has finished examining Kage.

"Ok, that's it! The winner of this match is Jas—"

"Dude, chill the fuck out!"

Mr.Zane looks back at Kage, who is slowly getting up.

"I ain't fucking done yet."

On the mic, Mr.Brown screams, "Amazing! Kage still has fight in him!"

At the same time, Unknown jumps out of his seat in excitement.

"Yeah, Kage, that's what I'm talking about! Now finish this fight!"

As he hears Unknown yelling from the stands, Kage smiles cockily.

"Aye, Jason, I bet you won't be feeling polite in a second."

"Kage. I know you see that I'm still made out of pure energy. You, on the other hand, are beaten so badly that you can barely stand straight."


Kage takes a step forward but instantly stumbles. Jason, seeing this, instantly rushes at him.

"I knew you would fall for that shit!"

Kage's body starts to glow with intensity. Kage expands his OGI tank after five minutes of stirring it. Kage then applies the flex technique to his right arm muscles. With Jason right in front of him, Kage punches him, sending him flying back. 

"Good OGI control, but it's still not enough to do damage."

"Yeah! Keep talking that shit!"

Jason and Kage start throwing balls of energy at each other. With each ball colliding and blowing up, Jason uses the accelerate technique to get behind Kage. Kage instantly turns around and shoots energy beams at him.

"Energy manipulation:energy multi-shot!"

"That still won't work."

Jason starts walking through the energy beams.

"Thanks to you, I'm immune to all your attacks."

As Jason is walking through the energy beams, he notices an energy beam that looks different from the rest. The energy beam was orange and small.

"Wait, is that an energy beam?"

As the orange beam hits, Jason Kage smiles.


Parts of Jason's turn orange. Jason falls to the ground while screaming in pain.

"What's going on? Jason was just fine, and now it looks like he's in absolute pain," Mr.Brown says.

Kage walks over to Jason, who is currently rolling on the ground in pain.

"I gotta thank you, Jason, because if you never beat my ass in the snow area, I would have never started working on this. Meet my new power set! Chemical energy manipulation! And the first move of this new set! Energy poison!"

After Kage makes his announcement, every teacher in the teacher stand looks over to Mr.Mink in shock. Mrs.Iris asks Mr.Mink a question with sweat on her face.

"Did you know he could do this, Mr.Mink?"

"Nope, but his power is called energy manipulation; who knows? The possibilities with his power could be limitless."

In Mr. Mink's mind, he says, "Good job, Kage! I knew my theories about your powers weren't too far-fetched. Now that I have confirmation, this is just the beginning."

In the student stands Unknown says, "He finally executed the plan!"

Liz hears what Unknown says and asks him a question.

"Hey Unknown what do you mean plan?"

Before Unknown could answer, Selena answered first.

"Well, you see, Kage lost to Jason before, and he couldn't take that defeat lying down, so he took advice from our teacher to research his power in search of a way to expand his versatility."

Selena starts to think back to the week between the survival round and the tournament. Kage and Unknown showed up at her house to ask for help with expanding on Kage's power in a way that would help defeat Jason.

In Selena's living room, she's on her laptop, with Kage and Unknown sitting behind her. Selena turns around to the two boys.

"Hey, Kage, do you know the different types of energy?"

"Umm, I did some research, but I forgot."

"Well, there's a lot of different types of energy, but the main two most people think about are kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion, and potential energy, which is stored energy that can have the potential to become kinetic energy. Now we don't have all day to go over every type of energy. Let's focus on the one that I think will help you if you ever have to fight Jason again."

"And what energy is that?"

"Chemical energy."


"You said he can become different types of elements, so what if you use chemical energy to mess with whatever element he becomes?"

"Ok, I think I get it, but wouldn't that take a long time to start understanding everything about chemical energy?"

"Yeah, you're right, that might take a long time to master."

Unknown hears the two of them speak to each other and come up with an idea.

"Wait, Kage understands his own energy better than anyone, so what if we used chemical energy in sequence with his regular energy manipulation?"

"Wait, that might be a good idea. If Jason can adapt to Kage's energy beams and become pure energy, then Kage could take advantage and somehow create an attack with his chemical energy to damage Jason in a big way."

"So I am making an attack to hurt my own energy. That sounds like a plan to me; it's almost like I'm making a weakness for myself but for someone else. Which should be easy!"

"Yes, but the only problem with that is that I don't think your energy has a chemical composition, which might be a problem."

"Don't worry, Selena. I'll just give my energy a chemical composition."

"Do you really think that you could do that?"

"I can manipulate any energy at will. I got to find a way!"

After this conversation, Kage trained every day he had left to be able to use chemical energy manipulation. After Selena thought about that day, she returned her mind to the present.

Selena looks down at the battlefield.

"Kage might not have gotten it all down, but he worked hard to be able to gain this advantage. This battle is his."

On the battlefield, Jason has started to stand up.

"Oh, Jason, you actually want to stay in that energy form. You know I poisoned the energy you've become."

"Yeah, and if I stop using the form, the damage will still be the same in my regular form. So I'll just fight to the end."

Jason starts shooting energy beams at Kage. Kage uses the accelerate technique to dodge all of the beams of energy.

"You know you should just give up already; that energy poison is just going to keep getting worse!"

As Kage is speaking, he sees Jason throw his hands to the back of his head.

"Mom. Dad. Give me the strength to win this battle."

Jason throws his hands to the front and releases a huge beam of energy that hits Kage head-on.

"Woah! Even with the critical play by Kage, Jason is still pulling out all the stops! Can Kage survive this one?" Mr.Brown screams.

In the beam of energy, Kage is taking the full brunt force of the attack with a smirk on his face.

"This dude is strong as hell; no wonder I lost to him."

Kage starts walking within the energy beam toward Jason.

"I told you I would best your ass, Jason, and now it's time for me to end this!"

Kage's right arm starts to be coated in energy poison. Kage also applies the flex technique to the muscles in his right arm. Kage jumps out of the energy beam and looks down to where he sees Jason.

"Chemical energy manipulation: poison energy fist!"

Kage slams his fist onto Jason's head as hard as he can.


Jason gets sent flying to the other side of the ring. Jason turns from pure energy back to his regular form after being completely knocked out. 

"Bang! That's another victory for Kage in the bag! Kage is the winner of the legendary sixth round!"

Kage looks over to Jason on the ground. Kage lays on the ground after a breath of relief.

"I told you I wouldn't lose twice haha!"

Chapter 122 end