Chereads / OGI: The Hunt for Level Three / Chapter 101 - Let the first match begin

Chapter 101 - Let the first match begin

The Grava Acadamy tournament has begun. The stadium is full of people from all around the world. At the top of the stands are the specially made stands for the teachers. The stand has Mrs.Iris, Mr.Chad, Mr.Alex, Mrs.Iris, Mrs.Nova, and the lower-class representatives are seated in those stands.

Mr.Mink, with Tota and Arcta following him, enters the stands. Mr.Mink sits down next to Mrs. Iris, and the other two sit in the seats behind him.

"Hello, Mr.Mink!"

"Hello, Mrs.Iris I see you're excited to watch the tournament."

"Of course I am! How could I not be? I get to watch my babies become class one right in front of my eyes in real time! I'm ecstatic!"

"I'm sure you're. You realize that even if one of your students wins, you won't become the number one teacher."

"No, once the principal sees how superior my class is, he will promote me to where I belong."

Mr.Mink says "Sure" with a sarcastic tone.

"Have you made precautions like I asked?"

Mrs.Iris's face becomes serious after hearing Mr. Mink's question.

"I placed my blood all over Grava City. If someone tries to assassinate the principal, I will know before they even get a chance to attack."

"Good, this is why I asked you to do this job."

"Haha, of course, who else were you going to ask, Mr.Chad? He would probably sleep on the job."

As the two of them speak, David sits down next to Mrs.Iris.

"Oh, hello, Doc!"

"What's up, Mrs. Iris?"

"Oh, I'm surprised that you don't have a cigarette in your mouth today. Did you finally qu—?"

David instantly starts sweating.

David quickly covers Mrs. Iris's mouth.

"Would you shut your mouth?"

Mr.Mink enters into their conversation.

"What do you mean, Doc? Is there something wrong?

Mr.Mink looks behind David and sees a dark-skinned little girl with short purple hair. She is wearing blue overalls with a pocket in the middle.

"What is a cigarette daddy?"

David turns around to his daughter with a worried face.

"Oh, it's nothing, honey! It's something you'll learn about when you get older!"

Mrs.Iris smiles and looks over David's shoulder.

"So this is your daughter! I think you told me her name; what was it again?"

"Her name is Skylar."

"Oh right, Skylar! She's adorable!"

"Yeah, I brought her with me to watch the tournament."

"Are you sure she should be here? These fights might get a little crazy if you know what I mean."

"I know I didn't want to bring her here, but I couldn't find a babysitter, and I can't stay home because I'm the best healer this school has! Uhh, we shouldn't have had this stupid tournament."

After David says this statement, the speakers in the stadium turn on.

Above all the stands is an announcer's room, where Mr.Brown and Nixion sit.

Mr.Brown grabs his mic and starts speaking. Everyone in the stadium turns their attention to Mr.Brown.

"Hello to all you people from around the world! Welcome to the very first Grava Academy tournament! This tournament will be a five-day event! Round one will be today with sixteen fights, round two will be tomorrow with eight fights, round three will be on the next day with four fights, round four will be the day after that with two fights, and the last day will be one final epic battle! Now before we call out our contestants, let's hear a word from our pristine principal Nixion!"

Nixon stands up and grabs the mic.

"Thank you, Mr.Brown. I welcome you all to Grava Acadamy's first tournament. This will be a tournament showing the greatness of our students. These students have proven themselves deserving of being on this stage. Please enjoy the next few days, and please be respectful of our students; they all worked their hardest to get to this point."

Nixon sits down in his seat, and Mr.Brown stands up.

"OK, now to welcome our contestants! Here is class one!"

When Mr.Brown says those words, class one walks onto the battlefield. As they walk to the front of the field, Unknown starts looking all over the place.

"Woah, this field is huge. Is this really where we will be fighting?"

"It's just an open field Unknown. It's not that exciting."

"Tch, you take the fun out of everything, Kage!"

Class one stands shoulder-to-shoulder in front of the battlefield. Mr.Brown then calls out the other contestants, and all of them line up shoulder-to-shoulder on the battlefield.

A brown-skinned man with short black hair wearing a suit walks to the front of all the students. This is Mr.Zane, a lower-class teacher. Mr.Zane pulls out a microphone and turns it on.

"Hello students I'm Mr.Zane, and I will be the referee. My job is to make sure all rules are followed. Now, of course, I have to tell you the rules!"

A huge digital screen rises on the right side of the stadium. The screen displays five rules:

"There are five simple rules for this tournament. No killing of any sort, no fighting outside of the tournament until the tournament is over, no unauthorized weapons, no researching your opponent from here on, and no outside support from anyone or anything unless authorized. Also, remember, you can forfeit the match at any time."

After the rules are explained, Mr.Brown starts to speak on the mic.

"OK, now it's time to get this tournament started! On our digital display, we will be shuffling all the contestants and creating the matches as we go! Now it's time for our first match! Shuffle!"

The display takes all the students and starts shuffling them.

On the east side of the stadium, there's a white-skinned boy with blonde hair wearing a blue jacket and joggers.

"This is going to be so crazy! These students are the future top OGi users, so I bet we are going to see some insane action! I love OGI users so much!"

A familiar, hooded man sits down next to the boy.

"Oh hi! Did you pick this spot to sit because it has a better angle to see the fights as well?"

"Oh well, you could say that."

The display shows two students on the screen, and Mr.Brown announces the fighters.

"The first battle of this amazing tournament will be Kage vs. Dexter!"

The crowd cheers loudly after hearing the first match-up. The boy in the blue jacket instantly pulls out his phone and starts typing on it.

"Have you placed any bets yet, Mr?"


"Oh, you haven't heard about Grava Acadamy's betting app! Well, Grava Acadamy made an app for betting on who's going to win the matches in this tournament. The app shows you the stats for each fighter based on observations from their teachers. Wow, it looks like this Kage dude has a power called energy manipulation, and he also has a strong attack stat! They also use the bets from this app to judge who's more popular among the contestants."

"Oh, what an interesting app, but aren't you a little too young for betting?"

"My parents gave me a bunch of money, so I will be fine!"

"Oh well, I suggest you put all your bets on Kage."

"Oh, if you think so, then I will!"

The mysterious man looks at the battlefield.

"Let's see, Kage Frost, will you be able to win this tournament?"

Mr.Brown announced that the match would take place in ten minutes. Kage and Unknown start walking to the waiting room.

"That's some strange luck you have, Kage! Out of all of us, you were the first match."

"Nah, Unknown this is terrible! I wanted to be the last match so I could end the first day with a bang!"

"You're so full of yourself, you know that."

As they are walking, Kage sees Jason sitting in a chair on his phone.

Kage turns back to Unknown.

"You know, Unknown, I really want to win this damn thing, and no, it's not only because of the dagger!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know you've been wanting to fight Paul ever since the first day."

"Nah, not even that!"


"If I rise to the top of this tournament, that will mean that I'm the number one student at this school, which will mean I am destined to find level three!"

"That's not how it works, but you can keep dreaming."

Kage starts to smile cockily as he walks. He then stops walking when he sees Seth standing in front of him. "

"Oh well, if it isn't the class six loser. I saw the turnout of your class, you know? Only two of you made it on."

"Tch! As I say, every time I don't belong in that class, but soon you'll be in this class in my place."

"I suggest you stop talking because you'll be eating those words soon!"


Seth looks at Kage with a serious expression.

"I don't care who you have to beat; you better not lose until you battle me!"

"Yeah, then I will beat you and win the whole thing!"

Kage and Unknown walk past Seth to continue their walk to the waiting room.

"Yeah, in your dreams, upper-class fake."

Seth starts walking in the opposite direction.

A few minutes later, on the battlefield, Mr.Zane is standing in the middle of the field. With the tournament being broadcast by Zone News all over the world, Mr.Brown starts to announce the first fight of the Grava Academy tournament.

"Ok, here we go! The first battle of the tournament is here! From the left corner, we have the number three of class three taught by Mr.Chad! Dexter!"

From the left entrance to the battlefield, Dexter walks onto the battlefield.

"And now, from the right corner, we have the number four of class one taught by Mr.Mink himself! Kage!"

Chapter 101 end

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