Chereads / OGI: The Hunt for Level Three / Chapter 85 - Battle for Respect tag team edition

Chapter 85 - Battle for Respect tag team edition

It is the day after the Grava Academy tournament was announced. Flyers have been put up all around the city, and it's even been announced on Zone News. They are calling this coming tournament a "can't miss event."

While the world hypes itself up for the tournament, all students at Grava Academy are putting their all into their training. On the west side of Grava City, Selena is typing on her laptop. Her house is neatly kept and has good lighting.

"Yes, that could work. If I manage it well enough, I can become an unstoppable force. Hey Aurora, come look at this."

Selena passes her laptop to a white-skinned 5'8 girl with brown hair in a ponytail. The girl is also wearing green pajamas and glasses. This girl's name is Aurora. She is number one in class four and is also known for her amazing intellect, which even surprises Selena from time to time. Aurora yawns and looks at Selena's laptop.

"Another theory, I see."

"Tell me your thoughts on this one, please."

Aurora puts down the laptop in front of Selena.

"It's a good plan, but there's still a risk for brain damage, memory loss, personality damage, physical damage to brain tissues, and, worst-case scenario, you become a vegetable."

"Hehe, wow, you just think of everything."

"We have been working on this all night. There are a lot of problems with trying to do this. Are you sure doing this will be a good idea?"

"You're smart, Aurora. If I can do this, I will be able to calculate things in fractions of a second."

"I know you've been telling me this for twelve hours straight now."

The door to Selena's house gets knocked on.

"Could you answer that, please?"

"Uhh, isn't this your house?"

While Selena continues typing on his laptop, Aurora opens the door. The ones at the door are Kage and Unknown.

"Selena! Oh, you aren't Selena."

"Nah, Kage, she's Selena in disguise."

"No, I assure you that I am not Selena."

"I was joking."

"Oh, right, a joke that makes more sense."

Selena walks to the door and stands next to Aurora.

"Hello, Kage and Unknown! What could bring you to my house?"

"Well, Kage here has a question for you."

"Wait, I do? Oh right, I do!"

"What do you think we came here for, idiot?"

"So, Selena, do you know where Paul is?"

"Oh, Paul, well, I believe when the second class ended, he left for the Moro zone."

"What why?"

"I believe he went to do his form of training."

"Of course he did."

Kage starts walking from Selena's door to his motorcycle.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Well, Kage has been itching to test his strength against Paul for a while now, and he thought today would be the perfect day for a sparing match. Now that he knows he's left, he's probably going to be annoyed all day."

"Well, you two should go to the Grava Academy training grounds. Everyone in Grava Academy is probably training there right now."

"Oh yeah, you're right, we will go there right now!"

Unknown quickly runs to Kage's motorcycle.

"Thanks, Selena, and good luck with whatever you are working on. I bet it will be so good that it will knock people's pants off. Come on, Kage, let's go to the Grava Academy battlegrounds."


The disheartened Kage starts his motorcycle and takes off.

Selena closes her door after watching them leave.

"What you're working on is pretty extraordinary, but I don't think it can knock people's pants off."

"You really need to go outside more, Aurora."

Five minutes after Kage and Unknown left Selena's house, they arrived at the Grava Academy battlegrounds. Both of them quickly run up the stairs and enter the battlegrounds, but when they walk in, they are met with a disappointing sight. Every battleground has been occupied, leaving both of them nowhere to train.

"What the fuck!"

Kage punches the wall in anger while Unknown walks in circles.

"Well, I guess it makes sense that Selena did say that everyone from Grava Academy would be here. Only if we got here earlier."

"I hate this new occupied policy! I remember the times when you could just enter any battleground without being blocked by a door."

"Well, that led to many crowds being stuffed into one battleground, and it also led to people like Seth disrupting training for others, so they made this new policy."

Both of the boys hear a door open and instantly look over to their left. They see that one of the doors to a battleground has been opened. Kage instantly starts running towards the door in excitement.

"Come on, Unknown people are about to come out of there; we got to get in there before someone else does."


As the two of them are running to the door, they see a light-skinned girl with black hair walking out. The girl is wearing a black skirt with a black jacket that has gold strips running down the sleeves. The girl yells, "Go to hell!" as she walks out.

Kage and Unknown stopped running.

"Hey, Kage she looks familiar."

"Well, duh, you said earlier that pretty much everybody from Grava Academy would be here to train."


Both of them look back over to the girl and are surprised to see Akira walk out after her.

"Wait Emiko I just want to talk before the tournament!"

"I told you to leave me alone, you privileged bitch! If you want to go talk to someone, go talk to your father since you're his perfect child."

"Emiko, you're his daughter too!"

"Are you sure because, in his eyes, I'm the adopted one? And take that dumbass anime shirt, you damn child!"


"Don't talk to me again until the tournament, and there I will completely stimulate you for our father to see."

Emiko walks away from Akira and leaves the battlegrounds. Kage and Unknown walk up to her with worried expressions on their faces.


"Oh, Kage and Unknown, what's up?"

Akira falls to her knees with tears in her eyes. Unknown quickly catches her.

"Akria, are you okay?"

"Yeah, dude, that seemed like an intense argument you just had."

Akira quickly wipes her tears and gets up.

"No, I'm fine! It's just a little family dispute."

Akira runs out of the battleground while biting her bottom lip in sadness.

"Wait Akira!"

Kage grabs Unknown's shoulder and says, "Let her go; this is none of our business."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but now that I think about it, that Emiko girl is the number four in class four."

"Maybe, but who cares? We get a battleground all to ourselves."

"Yeah, you're right, let's go!"

Before Unknown can start running to the battleground, he gets bumped into. Unknown falls to the ground, and Kage instantly runs to his side.

"Watch where you're going asshole; you knocked him ov—. Of course, we had to run into him here!"

"What do you mean, Ka—. Never mind; I see what you mean now."

Both of the boys look up, and they see Seth, who has fully healed after his battle with Paul. Seth smiles and looks down at the two.

"Well, if it isn't my two most hated dumbasses! I see you two have learned your place under me and are choosing to grovel at my feet."

"Yeah, and I see that your arm has fully healed. Allow me to break it permanently for you."

"That's pretty bold of you to say, Kage, but I guess I should expect that from you."

"Oh, you don't like how I talk. Maybe I should call up Paul and let him speak instead, but I suggest you be careful because I don't want to have to carry you to the infirmary again."


As Unknown gives Kage a fist bump, Seth grits his teeth in anger.

"Well, if you're so confident, how about we take this to the battlefield two-on-two?" Damion here will be my partner."

From behind Seth, a shaggy-looking 5'5 white-skinned boy comes out. The boy is wearing a long brown robe that covers his entire body. His hair is long and black, and it is a mess. The second Kage and Unkown see Damion, they start laughing hysterically.

"Haha, is this supposed to scare us?"

"Yeah, what Unknown said!"

"Hey! I'll have you know that this is Damion, the number two in class six."

Kage and Unknown look at Seth and continue laughing.

"Haha! Fine, me and Unknown will fight you two, but I'm just letting you know."

Kage punches his fists together.

"I haven't felt this confident in a while!"

Inside the battleground, Seth set it to a rocky mixed-with-water terrain. The terrain consists of tall stone pillars and rocky plates on top of a body of water. Both teams jumped onto their rocky plates.

"What's wrong, Seth? You're not going to set it on icy terrain so you can get an instant advantage."

"Not all of us stay foolish forever, Kage. After my battle with Paul, I realized I would never get stronger training in a terrain I already do well in. So I've been training in a multitude of random terrains ever since!"

Kage smirks with pure confidence. Seth and Kage get into a fighting stance.

"Well, that won't help you against me! Unknown, you handle the shaggy guy; Seth is all mine!"


Kage jumps from the rocky plate towards Seth. Seth puts up an ice wall, but Kage instantly kicks it down with the flex technique applied to his leg. The kick also sends Seth flying into a stone pillar.


Seth starts falling toward the water. Before he falls into the water, Seth shoots frost from his hand, which freezes the water under him. Seth lands on the ice and instantly sees Kage flying toward him using energy jet.

"Oh, neat new trick, but that won't help you!"

Seth forms a long icicle in his hand and throws it at Kage. Kage dodges it and continues flying toward him.

"What type of attempt to hit me was that?"

"You shouldn't celebrate too early!"

The long icicle breaks apart into smaller icicles. With a wave of Seth's hand, the icicles turned around and hit Kage in the back. They left many cuts on Kage's back.

"What the hell?"

Kage starts to descend downward.

"That move he just used"

Kage starts to think about the attack he named the "Unknown Destroyer."

"It can't be!"

"So you do recognize it, but I did the opposite of you; instead of making it bigger, I made it smaller!"

Seth covers his arms and legs in ice, and when Kage gets close enough to the water, he uses the accelerate technique to bounce off the pillars and get next to Kage. Seth kicks Kage through multiple pillars and instantly hops back on the offensive. Seth uses the accelerate technique to once again bounce off of the pillars to get to the pillar that Kage is flying towards. Seth freezes his feet on the pillar.

"Guarantee this one is going to hurt!"

Seth puts his hands together and spikes Kage up into the air. Kage goes flying into the sky, and before he descends again, he uses energy jet to catch himself.

"Wow, you have actually gotten stronger! Hehe, but let's see how you like an energy cutter."

Kage throws multiple slashes of energy at Seth.

While Kage and Unknown fight, Unknown and Damion are still standing off.

"Damn it Kage and Seth look like they are having a good battle! I could be having that too, but this Damion guy has been just staring at me the entire time! I want to go in for an attack, but I feel like he's just baiting me. Well, this is a tag team match; I got to do something!"

Unknown jumps from the rocky plate towards Damion. Damion looks at Unknown, preparing to punch him, and cracks a small smirk.

Unknown punches Damion with the flex technique applied. The punch sends Damion to the ground and leaves Unknwon in shock.

"Wait, was it really that easy? Well, he is friends with Seth; maybe I expected too much."

All of a sudden, the room turns pitch black, and Unknown is the only one there.

"What the hell is this? Kage!"

Unknown's heart starts to beat fast. The darkness changes into what looks like a kingdom. The kingdom is on fire, and there are burning corpses at every turn.

"Where the hell am I? Where's Kage and the others?"

Unknown heart rate rises once again, and his body starts to let off a bright white glow.

"This glow? It's the same flow from that night."

Unknown looks over to his left and sees a red castle completely engulfed in flames.

"That castle again? Seriously, where the hell am I, and why do I feel this way?"

Unknown starts to excessively sob in pain.


In the battleground, Unknown is standing frozen stiff with eyes that look lifeless. His body is giving off a harsh white glow.

Damion gets off the ground and wipes the bruise on his cheek.

"Damn, he packs a punch, but at least I was able to get him to touch me. Wait, why is he glowing? Oh, whatever, he must be remembering something beyond traumatic if it caused him to glow."

Damion smirks and walks over to Unknown.

"Well, time to win this battle."

Before Damion can attack, he gets hit by an unexpected energy beam, which knocks him out. Unknown returns to reality and instantly falls to his knees. The glow coming from his body stops.

"What the fuck! It feels like I've seen my entire family die a thousand times."

Unknown wipes the tears off his face and looks over to the knocked-out Damion.

"Oh, I guess it was just his power. That power is terrifying; it almost feels like torture. Wait a minute! That castle! I know for a fact I've seen it in my dream before I went to the Moro zone. Could what I have seen be my memories?"

Unknown looks over to Kage and Seth and sees that they are still fighting.

"I guess I will just watch since my opponent is knocked out."

Unknown sits down and enjoys the show. Three hours later, Kage and Seth lay on a rocky plate, completely exhausted. Their battle completely destroyed the terrain around them. With many bruises on his body, Kage starts a conversation.

"You know, man, you've gotten a whole lot stronger since our last battle."

"Hehe, yes, I can admit, like usual, you're a formidable opponent, even though it's pretty obvious your position in the school is a mistake."

The two of them lay on the ground in silence for a few seconds.

"Aye Kage."

"What do you want, you stuck-up rich bitch?"

"I'm going to use this next month to train even more, and I will obliterate you in the tournament."

"Yeah, and I can say the same to you."

"Yep, and I will finally prove my superiority to you."

"Whatever you say, man."

Chapter 85 end