Chereads / OGI: The Hunt for Level Three / Chapter 81 - You know what???

Chapter 81 - You know what???

On frinstion City Beach, the rest of class one has been fighting Death's zombies for ten minutes straight. On one side of the beach next to the water, Unknown is fighting a zombie.

"Damn it, why do I have to fight the zombie that knows how to fight?"

The zombie dodges a punch from Unknown and kicks him in the neck.


Unknown gets up and punches the zombie in the chin with the flex technique applied. The zombie counters with a kick to the chin.

"Damn it!"

Unknown falls to the ground. The zombie quickly jumps on top of Unknown and attempts to punch him in the face. Unknown dodges the punch and backs away.

"Would you stay down already?"

As Unknown and Zombie fight, Akira is dealing with swarms of zombies.

"Ahhh, they're so creepy!"

Akira starts to glow intensely. Akira slams her fist on the ground, and lava bursts from the sand under the zombies in front of her. Akira looks around and notices there's still a bunch of zombies surrounding her.

"What the hell are you all looking at, you weirdos?"

Akira slams both of her fists onto the ground, which causes lava to erupt from the sand all around her. The zombies drown in the lava, completely melting.

"These zombies aren't that tough!"

The very second Akira says that, hordes of zombies start to rush at her.

"I just had to open my mouth! Now I have to fight the hard ones!"

Akira rushes into the horde of zombies and, with one punch, sends multiple of them flying back. She continues doing this over and over again, but it seems no matter what she does, the zombies just keep getting up. More zombies start to come out of the ground as well.

"Do these things ever die?"

On the far right side of the beach, Mr.Mink is casually stroling the beach, easily dispatching hordes of zombies. No matter how many zombies come at him, he can't break a sweat. Each time he punches a zombie, they instantly go flying. As Mr.Mink easily deals with the zombies coming at him, he starts to think to himself.

"Why in the world are these zombies not disappearing yet? If I truly killed Death, then all these zombies should be gone by now, but they are still attacking like normal. Unless she's not dead, then that would explain why these zombies are still attacking. I mean, she is a feared legend, so killing her that quickly would be kind of anti-climatic."

Mr.Mink kicks ten zombies out of his way so he can continue walking in circles.

"These zombies are kind of weak, but then again, I don't think I'm fighting the strong zombies like Unknown and Akira are doing. They better start fighting harder, or I might have to step in for their safety."

While Mr.Mink thinks to himself, Unknown continues fighting one-on-one with one of the zombies. Unknown falls to the ground in exhaustion after fighting for so long.

"Damn it, this guy never runs out of energy! He must have infinite stamina or something like that."

Unknown gets up with a serious expression on his face.

"I guess I'll have to fight a little harder! I wish I could use the charge technique, but I'm not seeing a good use for it right now."

Unknown puts up a strong fighting stance.

"Let's go already!"

Before Unknown can rush towards the zombie, he hears something. In the sky above the beach, Kage, Tota, Selena, and the knight's armor appear in the sky.

"Ahhh! What are we doing in the sky?"

"Calm down, Tota, I got you! Energy jet!"

Kage grabs Tota and the armor and starts using energy jet to descend them slowly toward the ground.

Selena lands on the ground next to Akira.

"Hello, Akira I see, while we were underwater, you all got into a predicament."

"Yeah, it's really bad. A feared legend showed up!"

"Yes, I know I already read your mind and got all the information."

"Of course you did."

"OK, enough talk. Let's go regroup with the others."

Kage and Tota land next to Unknown with the armor in hand.

"What's up, bro?"

"Kage your back!"

"Of course!"

Kage fist bumps Unknown. Tota looks around at all the zombies and instantly starts stressing.

"What in the world did we just get ourselves into?"

"Oh, right, I almost forgot we were surrounded by hundreds of zombies."

Kage looks around and also sees all the zombies.

"What the hell happened while we were down there?"

"Oh well, short story: a feared legend named Death showed up; Mr.Mink killed her, and now we're fighting these zombies."

"So if she's dead, why are her zombies still here?"

"I don't fucking know!"

Akira and Selena run to the three of them. Selena looks at the strong-looking zombie Unknown was fighting.

"Hehe, I see you got the short end of the stick once again, Unknown."

"Yep, like always!"

The zombie looks at Selena's hand and sees the dagger she's holding. The zombie's eyes instantly turn green. The zombie face starts to scrunch up, while at the same time, its body starts getting shorter. Akira sees this and asks, "What the hell is going on over there?"

"That dagger you have in your hands—I'm going to need that."

The zombie's hair starts to grow and change colors. The hair color turns from black to gray, while at the same time, its clothes transform into the same outfit Death was wearing earlier. The watch Death was wearing had forms on its hand. Unknown sees this and makes a quick observation.

"That zombie has transformed into Death."

The newly transformed Death twirls around with a creepy smile on her face.

"It feels good to be back."

The muscle definition of Death completely returns to how it originally looked. Mr.Mink uses the accelerate technique to get in front of class one and Tota.

"I knew you weren't dead."

"Hehe, of course not. I am Death, or did you forget that?"

"Hey, Selena, is that dagger what you found in the underwater sea cave?"

"Yes sir."

"OK, and what would a feared legend such as yourself want with it?"

"That piece of information would be useless to you. Just hand it over so I won't have to get my zombies to tear you piece by piece."

"I guess you won't back down. Class one, get ready for the battle of your life."

All of Class One get into a fighting stance while Tota cowers in fear behind them. All the zombies in the area start surrounding them.

"You said earlier I should have stayed out of your sight, but you should've stayed out of my way."

Death's green eyes start to glow brighter.

"I will take that dagger from that girl's dead body."

Before Death can rush into battle, she feels something vibrating in her pocket. Death pulls out her phone and checks it.

"Hold on, I have to take this call."

Everyone looks at her in confusion.

"Hello, Nisugi I'm kind of busy right now. Wait, you need me to go to a base in the Moro zone, but one of the daggers is right in front of me!"

On the other side of the phone, Nisugi is in a helicopter heading to an unknown location.

"Wait, you actually found one of the daggers."


"Damn it! I can't believe I have to say this, but leave the dagger."

"What but the dagger is in the hands of some Grava Academy students?"

"Oh, it is then that makes it much easier for us to get it later. Abandon the dagger and go to base 12 in the Moro zone right now! If that intruder can do what I think he's doing, then our entire operation could be in danger. There's a man who has barricaded himself in a room for a week! I'm just learning about this since the communication systems at that base have completely been knocked out."


"Good, I'm sending you the coordinates."

Nisugi hangs up the phone and throws it to the side of the plane.

"Damn it, how could one of our bases get leaked?"

Back on Frinstion City Beach Death puts away her phone. The zombies start to crawl back into the ground.

"Sorry to have to do this to you, but I have something I need to attend to."

Death starts walking away, but then stops and turns around. She smiles creepily, with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"But don't worry, though; we will definitely meet again, and next time you won't even see it coming."

Death takes her right hand and punches herself in the chest. Death slowly and gruesomely pulls her heart out of her chest. She instantly dies and falls to the ground. The entire class looks at Death's dead body in confusion. Kage picks up a stick and starts poking her dead body with it while Unknown watches.

"Do you think she's actually dead this time?"

"No way, if she actually went out like that, she would be the worst-feared legend of all time."

Mr.Mink starts walking past everybody.

"Come on, you guys; no need to stress now since she's gone dead or not. We're heading back to Grava City tomorrow, so we need to get back to the hotel before it gets too dark."


Everybody starts leaving the beach. Akira looks behind her and sees that Tota is struggling to pull the knight's armor.

"Dang, this thing is heavy!"

"Hey, do you need help carrying that thing back to the hotel?"

"Oh yeah, that would be helpful."

Akira picks up the armor and throws it on her back with ease. Tota is left shocked by Akira's amazing strength.

Both of them started following the class to the hotel.

In the Moro zone, at the same unknown base, Luthor infiltrated a week ago the helicopter Nisugi is riding on land.

In the middle of the base, Luthor has barricaded himself in a room without any technology inside it. It's a dark, small room, and Luthor has been stuck in it for a week with no food or water. All he has is his laptop, which he is currently typing on.

"It's been a week since I've been stuck in here, and I still can't find a way to break through whatever is blocking my communications."

Luthor presses a button, and his screen glows green.

"Yes, I did it! I need to hurry and get this video out to the public."

Luthor types as fast as he can for three minutes straight. While he types, a decaying hand pops out of the ground behind him. Luthor presses a "terminate" button on his laptop.

"I guess my time is up."

Back in Frinstion City, class one and Tota have returned to the hotel. With Mr.Mink leading the group, they walk through the doors past the front desk. Before they walk too far, something catches Mr.Minks's eye. What catches Mr. Minks's attention is the TV next to the front desk. There is currently a picture of Nubuki on the screen.

"Hold on, class. I think we need to hear this. Hey, excuse me, could you turn the TV up?"

The man at the front desk turns up the volume on the TV. The TV is playing Zone News, and it seems the reporter is starting to speak.

"Hello, yes, this is zone news, where we cover all news that happens throughout the four zones, and the person speaking to you now is Linda. Today we have many stories, and the first one is a good one. The former leader of the secret Frinstion gang, Nubuki, was arrested a week ago for secretly controlling a city for many years. He has committed many crimes that would have guaranteed he would be in prison for at least sixty years, but on his way to prison, he escaped alongside his subordinates Spatina, Brock, and Jasper. With him escaping, the government decided to make him one of the dangerous feared legends. His feared legend name is Dominator, which they gave him for being known as a ruler of pure power. If you see this man or any of his subordinates, call the police immediately because he is dangerous."

After hearing what Linda just said, Kage clenches his fist and puts on an expression of anger.

"He just had to escape! After all that effort I put into beating him!"

Kage looks over to Tota and sees that he has a calm expression.

"Are you okay, Tota? I know this might—"

"No, it's okay. Kage Nubuki is very powerful, but I have my dream of being a journalist to worry about now. I'm not scared of him anymore."

"Haha, yeah, that's right, he's old news now!"

Unknown taps Kage on the shoulder.

"What's up, Unknown?"

"Look at the screen, bro."

When Kage looks at the screen, he sees a picture of Luthor with the words missing under it. Linda starts to speak again.

"Now for the next story, we have a sad one. Renowned detective Luthor has gone missing. He's been missing for a week and two days now. Police are in search of him throughout the four zones; we will update you when we get an update."

As she speaks, Linda hears something in her earpiece.

"Wait, are you serious? Alright, I will announce it right now. I just got an update from Luthor, and we have a video from him. The video was just uploaded all over the internet, sent to the police, and sent to us personally. The location of where Luthor is is still unknown, but we will play the uploaded video right now."

The screen transitions to the video Linda is referring to. The video is of poor quality and has bad audio. Luthor looks tired and extremely famished.

"I hope everyone watching this can hear me, and I hope this video gets to the place it needs to get to, but let's get straight to it."

Luthor's expression becomes serious.

"I know how to get to level three."

Chapter 81 end

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