Chereads / OGI: The Hunt for Level Three / Chapter 77 - Dive into the sea cave

Chapter 77 - Dive into the sea cave

A week has passed since the battle between the Frinstion gang, and now it's finally time for class one to head to the underwater sea cave.

Kage, Unknown, and Mr.Mink are gathered outside of the hotel with their bags, waiting for Akira and Selena. Kage is wearing an expensive jean jacket alongside ripped jeans. Under the jacket, he is wearing a plain red t-shirt, and of course, he has his blue headphones around his neck. Unknown is back to wearing his blue school clothes alongside his usual mask, and Mr.Mink is in his regular suit.

Kage is walking around the front with an impatient expression on his face.

"Where are those two? It doesn't take that long to get ready!"

Unknown who is sitting on his bag starts to laugh at Kage's statement.

"Dude, calm down; it's not the end of the world!"


Mr.Mink walks over to Kage.

"Don't worry, Kage, I can sense them coming right now."

Akira, who is wearing a new shirt that has a man wearing an orange GI and weird spiky hair on it, and Selena, who is wearing a new purple dress, walk out of the hospital, and Kage instantly reacts.

"It took y'all long enough!"

"Calm down, Kage. Me and Akira were just making sure we were completely prepared for this trip. Oh, and speaking of preparation, where's Tota?"

Mr.Mink excitedly answered Selena's question.

"Tota said he would meet us there at the beach! So since everyone is here, I will start the briefing."

Class one stands in a signal file line in front of Mr.Mink.

"Now, class, we will be going to an underwater sea cave. Can anyone explain to me what that is?"

Selena raises her hand in excitement.

"Yes, Selena!"

"The underwater sea caves are caves deep in the ocean, and inside them house many mysterious items that are unknown to the world. Well, that's what scientists said based on the evidence they have."

"Good answer, Selena; that's exactly the answer I was looking for!"

Mr.Mink turns around.

"Since we already postponed this trip long enough, let's get going right away!"


Class one uses the Frinstion City transport system to get to the east side of the city. From there, they walk through the city until they make it to Frinstion City's beach. This beach is currently empty since the discovery of a new underwater sea cave scared people away. Akira looks around the beach, and her eyes start to glow.

"Wow, the beach is so empty; it's beautiful. Time to get this fun day at the beach going!"

The entire class looks at Akira with faces of confusion. Selena scoots over to Akira and whispers in her ear.

"You realize we aren't here to have fun on the beach, right?"

"Oh right! What I meant to say is I can't wait to have a fun adventure."

The entire class shakes their heads in disappointment. Kage looks to his left and sees Tota entering the beach with a bag hanging on his shoulder and a digital camera around his neck. Tota is also wearing khaki pants, a plaid button-up shirt with a black t-shirt under it, and a pair of glasses.

"Hello guys, I'm here!"

Selena looks at him in interest, Akira nods her head in approval, Mr.Mink says, "So this is what he spent the money I gave him on," and Kage and Unknown hold back their laughter.

"Hahaha, bro, what the fuck are you wearing?"

"Stop, Kage, that isn't funny!"

Unknown tries to hold back his laughter longer, but the second he starts talking, he loses it.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, Tota; it's just that Kage started laughing, and it made me laugh! I actually think your outfit looks nice."

Tota walks up to class one and starts laughing nervously.

"Thanks for inviting me on your adventures, guys."

Kage finally stops his laughing so he can respond to Tota.

"Of course, man, just make sure you get a good story out of this adventure!"

Mr.Mink walks over to the water.

"Does anyone here not know how to swim?"

The only ones who raise their hands are Unknown and Tota.

Kage looks over to Unknown in confusion.

"You don't know how to swim?"

"I don't know! I haven't exactly done any type of swimming ever since I fell out of the sky."

"I guess you're right."

Mr.Mink looks back to the water and starts thinking.

"Aye Unknown OGI users can breathe underwater for long periods, so just watch how the rest of us swim, and I'm pretty sure you'll catch on quickly."

"Umm, Ok, I'll try, but what about Tota?"

Everyone looks over to Tota.

"Sorry guys, my time as a slave didn't really require me to learn how to swim, especially since Nubuki didn't want me to get any ideas of escaping."

"Hey, Tota."

"Yes, Kage?"

"We have to get you in that cave, so I have an idea. Selena, the underwater sea caves have oxygen inside of them, right?"

"Well, yes, depending on the sea cave you go into."

"Great, then I'll use my fast swimming to drag Tota into the underwater sea cave!"

"Dude, that's a terrible idea!"

"And do you have a better idea, Unknown!"

"No, but what if your swimming speed causes him to stop holding his breath? He will definitely drown, especially since he's not an OGI user."

"Actually, Unknown that idea might work."

"Wait really?"

Selena walks up to Tota and puts her right hand in his face.

"I can create and produce force fields with my mind manipulation, but the downside is that I can only make a bubble around myself, and that takes a lot of OGI to do. That's why I have been training to do this."

An invisible force field bubble appears around Tota's head.

"This aspect of my power is pretty weak, especially compared to Spatinas barriers, but by entering Tota's head, I was able to force his brain to put out a small force field around his head. It's not going to take any types of attacks, but at least it will be able to keep the water out so he won't drown."

Kage, Akira, and Unknown look at Selena with sparkles in their eyes.

"So cool!"

Selena walks away from Tota with a sense of confidence.

"With that bubble, Tota should be safe to be dragged through the water by Kage."

Mr.Mink smiles, knowing that the problem has been solved.

"Great job, Selena! Now all of us will jump in the water and start swimming forward and then downward. Once we reach the bottom, the underwater sea cave should be at the bottom."


Kage quickly grabs Tota and starts running towards the water.

"Come on, Tota, this will be fun!"

"Woah Kage Slow down; I'm not ready yet! Let me at least get into some swimming gear!"

Kage throws Tota onto his back and jumps into the water. Selena and Akira jump into the water as well. Mr. Mink, seeing this, says, "I guess none of us are changing into swimming attire."

Mr.Mink slowly walks into the water.

"Come on, Unknown, or you'll get left behind."


As Mr.Mink completely submerges into the water, Unknown looked at the water and started jumping up and down in an attempt to hype himself up.

"Ok, all I have to do is get down there and follow their movements!"

Unknown jumps into the water, and when he gets down there, he sees Mr. Mink, Akira, and Selena swimming at regular speed. In the front, he sees Tota on Kage's back. Kage is swimming at top speeds towards the bottom of the water.

"Ahh! Slow down, Kage!"

After hearing Tota's request, Kage starts to swim even faster.


Unknown starts to look at Kages swimming motion. He puts all his focus into reading his movements.

"Oh, I see now!"

Unknown gets in position and starts kicking his feet. After kicking his feet, Unknown starts flapping his arms.

"Oh shit, I'm moving! That was way easier than I thought!"

Unknown starts off slow but slowly starts to speed up to the point where he gets closer to the others.

"I finally caught up!"

After three minutes, the group reached the bottom and instantly saw a huge temple-like cave. The cave is orange with multiple markings on it. The front of the cave is wide open. Kage, Tota, and Selena swim into the cave. When the three of them enter the cave, the sides of the cave instantly shut. Akira, Mr. Mink, and Unknown are shocked after seeing the cave shut. All of a sudden, they hear a voice come from the cave.

"Only three may enter!"

The three of them swim to the surface. On the beach, Akira, Unknown, and Mr.Mink start conversing.

"What the hell was that, Mr.Mink?"

"Hmm, it seems that this underwater cave is completely different from others from before. It almost seems alive. Welp, it seems like we will be having a fun day on the beach until the others come back to the surface."

Akira, hearing this, instantly changes into her bathing suit.


Unknown shakes his head in disappointment.

"Well, good luck down there, Kage."

Inside the sea cave, Kage, Tota, and Selena fall from the ceiling onto rocky ground.


Kags looks around the cave and sees a bunch of corpses lying all over the hallway.

"What the hell?"

Chapter 77 end

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