"Bell!" I wake up sitting on my desk, I look around and I see my Teacher. I smile sheepishly as I can too what seems too be a large overwait Oger. "Hello miss Oger" "I,-I mean miss tulip" Catching myself as soon as I can. "MR.BELL, I'D NEVER HEARD A MORE RUDE THING IN MY INTIRE LIFE.GO TO THE OFFICE NOW!" You know how some people do the walk of shame, well to avoid that I do the run.
I grab my stuff as soon as I can and shove it into the endless void of papers witch, is my backpack. And I run run myself to the middle of the highway my black curly hair is all over my face, and I can't see a thing but I somehow manage too get too the Highway.
And i get my hair out of my face jest it time too see a car coming at me at least 200 miles per hour and again a miracle happens. I get out of the way from the car just in time.
I Fell on the grass and I'm hyperventilating. I get the thing I can never remember the nave of but it helps me when I have an asthma attack and press the button. and I can breath. and then, jest then my phone rings. "Holly Crap" I mumble. My father if calling me.