Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

I wasn't going to lose it. Especially not when the night is still young, it's not like anything could possibly get any worse.

The hunters were here, hellbent on making my life a living hell. The way they touched me in the office, Eros was this close to taking me. To make all worse, they found out how I cursed them and to top it all off, they were clearly planning on using my club as beacon for them to go on a killing spree and kill all their prey. I wasn't going to tolerate this. I couldn't give them control, I had to think of a solution. I had a chance to tell Axel that they were here, but I didn't and for some reason I don't know why.

'Okay, Tara. Breath.'

I closed my eyes and took in a deep and calm breath. If somebody else saw this body it would cause problems, and I couldn't let Ira know about this because then I'd need to explain to her about the hunters and right now I couldn't tell her anything. I had no other choice but to get rid of the body.

I stepped back and bit my thumb so I could drip some of my blood on the body, which set it up into bright reddish flames, burning it till there was nothing left. I even used some of my perfume to get rid of the smell and then looked back at the door, making sure nobody saw this.

I probably had to go back inside, so that Ira could know that I was ago, but I hesitated. I feared that those four would find me there and corner me again and I couldn't be seen with them. I had to leave.

I reached for my phone inside my purse and called Jordan. I then remembered that I told him that it was okay for him to actually join the party tonight, so I shouldn't expect him to be available.

I ended the call before he answered in anyway and went to look for a taxi, before sending Ira a text telling her that I was calling it a night.


It's morning time now and I couldn't get any sleep. Especially since I had to sleep with one eye open the entire night, getting startled at every sound I heard. I was afraid that those four followed me so they could grab onto the opportunity of finding me alone at my house. I locked all the doors, but I don't think that would be enough to keep them out. Luckily they didn't come after me.

At the sound of my alarm going off, I groaned before grabbing my phone and turning it off. I then covered my head with the sheets so I could get back to sleeping. I didn't want to go to the club. This might be the first official day of its opening, but I didn't feel like dealing with an entire day of those four assholes being on my case.

After the promise Blaise made to me last night, I didn't think I wanted to be near any of them and maybe I even wanted to call Axel so he could help me with this. Afterall, I saw how they reacted he knocked on the door. It looked like they also had some supernatural awareness and the moment they knew it was him, they just left. Almost as if they were avoiding him. 'Or maybe they feared him!'

That made so much more sense. I had to call Axel, he was my only hope. But just as I grabbed my phone, Ira's name popped up on the screen. She was calling me.

'Do I answer? No! If you do answer, your bestie would love to know why you didn't show up for work today!'

With my subconscious holding that over my head, I knew that answering the call would be a terrible idea. So I ignored the call.

Five minutes later, I received a text message.

Ira: "Where are you!? The inspection is today!!!"


I completely forgot about that. Although it was on short notice, we've been so busy that Ira only got a chance to tell me about it yesterday and me not showing there would leave a bad impression. Especially since I was the one who started all this. I didn't have much of a choice but to be there.

"Uhg!" I groaned before texting her back.

Me: Sorry, I'm stuck in traffic! Me there in a minute!

I was terrible liar and surprisingly I was getting really good at it. After sending her my text I got up from bed and headed for a quick shower before I got dressed in a formal outfit. I then grabbed my car keys and rushed to my car garage, before I got in and drove as fast as I could to the club.

This was Chicago and like every other city, it got pretty busy in the morning. I could hardly grab myself a coffee along the way because I didn't want to be late. Tara also didn't tell me what time the inspector would be there, and I'm pretty sure an inspector sent by Edinburgh Council, wouldn't tolerate tardiness.

The Edinburgh Council is basically like the royal council of the supernaturals. All five main supernatural branches have a leading representative in this council and the heart of the said council, is actually in Chicago. Nobody knows where it's located and all people ever know is that whenever Edinburgh wants something, you oblige or be never heard of again. 'I need to stop listening to these rumours. They will become the end of me!'

It took me more than just a minute to get at the club. It felt like jinxed myself when I lied to Ira about being stuck in traffic. Back at home, traffic jamming was never an issue because cars could actually fly. Yes, hell did have flying cars.

Once the road finally became clearer for me to drive, I made it to the club. I parked my car just outside before I went inside.

I was greeted by the bouncers that all made way for me inside. The doors haven't opened yet as opening hours actually is in a few minutes and I already saw Ira standing behind the bar counter, busy with polishing diamond glasses.

When she saw me she stood with her hands on her hips, tilting her head. "Took you long enough!"

"Hey!" I smiled apologetically. I honestly didn't know what to say to her and I really needed a coffee. First I needed to know of the inspector was here, but judging by the looks of it, he obviously wasn't here yet.

"I'm going to get myself a coffee!"

"Good." Ira puts the glasses away and once the bar was all cleaned up and nearly set up, she turned around to look at me. "So I was about to tell you that we're having a staff meeting. Don't be late this time, I really can't do this without you Tara!"

Great. Ira was starting to doubt her trust in me. I didn't blame her, but I didn't think she'd understand even if I told her. Okay maybe I myself was doubting her because I didn't precisely know how she'd react if she knew that the four men we just hired are demon killers and last night, they killed one just outside in the alleyway. Right, I was planning on giving them an earful about that on way here.

"I'm here Ira, I'm not going anywhere!" I assured her and then headed to the elevator. The kitchen in the restaurant is where I would find my coffee.

I walked into the elevator, carrying the strap of my purse over my shoulder. Tapping the up button on the touchpad before the doors opened and I walked in. I turned around to touch the up button, but then someone came in.

"You look rather dazzling today," It was Eros.

(A/N: To all readers, I'll he updating three times a week. If you want early access to this novel, you can join my Patreon. Chapter 7 is available on Patreon.