ahh! my head hurts , does wangwoo do this to annoy me I think I'll go insane if it goes on like this .
As she is on the way to her residence , her maid muzu dumps into her and reports to her that she will have to dress up tomorrow for her to meet up with her fiancee the crown prince of the dark kingdom the devil prince " Kim dan " .
haa , what should I have to meet him tomorrow !!
but I'm not ready yet , why didn't you tell me beforehand muzu .
there are many things that I have to prepare while meeting him.
as muzu was so surprised " princess ,why are you so excited to meet your fiance for whom you did suicide to marry him ".
with a surprise and blushing look on her face , she turns back and says there is nothing but unknowingly she is attracted to him .
haa, muzu forgot to ask have you ever seen my would be husband .
princess I haven't " your beloved would be " . but have seen the cruel prince of the dark kingdom .
Muzu , don't tease me . it doesn't matter if I agree with the marriage or not , we can't judge a person just by the rumours right .
yes , yes you are right princess why judge your handsome would be .hee hee
stop it ,muzu there is not much time left and I have to decide what I hanbok should I wear and what hair accessories should I use .
ohooo !! calm down princesses ,what this muzu is for I'll help with everything you need just wait and see .
ok, muzu have I met him before or is this the first ever meet .
princess this is the first time you are meeting the crown prince .
okk let's see how to dress up tomorrow ,
when he sees me ,the devil prince should turn romantic
ohh ok ! your highness , who will not fall for my beautiful princess .
hmm , this excitement is not letting me sleep muzu .
ohh , the princess is in a hurry to get married .
muzu, not like that .
let's see , will the devil prince , fall for Wangsoo .
does Dan's and soo's love will begin
is the devil prince as cruel as they said in the rumours .