Chereads / The Fallen Rise / Chapter 1 - [Bonus chapter] Skating Fun

The Fallen Rise

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Chapter 1 - [Bonus chapter] Skating Fun


I smiled as I saw him walking toward me, Luc's excitement infectious as he weaved his way through the crowd. It wasn't often we could use Earth as a meeting place for just fun, but with Evan and Jinx busy and Requiem on Earth for business, it was a prefect chance for the two of us to hang out.

"Hey! Sorry you had to wait." Luc was almost out of breath as he stood in front of me, taking a moment to smooth out his tee shirt. His eyes were a muddy brown, the best he could do to hide the red and I chuckled as I grabbed his hand.

"Just c'mon, we likely only have an hour or so." I insisted, pulling the vampire into the packed skating rink. I had already purchased our tickets and waved to the centaur behind the counter as I dragged Luc in behind me. "You need a rental right?"

"Yeah, I don't own blades." Luc laughed, his hand lingering slightly as he walked over the rental counter to procure his own skates. I made my way over to my bag, pulling out my custom rollerblades. The rink only allowed power-based skating once a month and I was excited to introduce Luc to how fun it could be. Evan never wanted to come with me, stating how childish it was to still enjoy rollerblading, but I shook it off as I put on the skates.

As much as I enjoyed being with the angel, Evan was so stiff at times, like he didn't know the meaning of fun. He preferred to work than play and even the rare dates we took were always at "sophisticated" locations, as if anything else was beneath him. I sighed heavily as I leaned on the bench, watching and waiting as Luc tried on the rental skates. Sometimes I really wondered what I saw in Evan, why we were still together.

"Ready?" I shook the thoughts from my head as Luc stood over me, wobbling slightly on the blades. I nodded excitedly as I stood, shaking away my thoughts. Right now, I just wanted to have fun, not think about my relationship.

"Let's go!" I grabbed the vampire's hand again as we stepped into the rink, help Luc as he struggled to find his balance for a moment. He had stated he wasn't the best, but I assured him it was okay. I was just happy to have someone with me.

After a couple steps to find a rhythm, Luc and I were skating side by side, following the movement of the other skaters. I had my wings open as I glided, loving the feel of the air passing through my feathers. It was the feel of flying without all the work, and I couldn't help my laugh as I spun, turning to see the vampire behind me. Luc was skating slowly behind me, keeping things simple as he tried to keep up with me.

He sensed me watching him as he looked up, waving slightly as I waved back. My heart sank as I saw another skater coming up behind the vampire, and I immediately began skating back toward him.

"Luc!" I called out, but my warning was too late as the other skater shoved him and the vampire lost his balance, falling onto the floor. I made it a point to shove the other skater with my wings as they passed me, smirking as I heard their curses behind me. Luc seemed to be okay as I paused in front of him and seemed to be more embarrassed than anything else.

"Sorry, maybe I shouldn't be on the main floor..." I frowned as he slowly stood, clearly ready to leave and go the kiddie area since he wasn't moving very fast. Without much thought, I grabbed his hand, placing myself right beside him as I opened my wings.

"Nah, it's not your fault others are assholes." I insisted, smiling up to him as my heart pounded. What in the world was I doing? If this got back to Evan... actually, Evan was likely to be more upset about me skating than me holding Luc's hand while we skated. "I'll stay next to you from now on okay?"

"...Okay." Luc smiled awkwardly, but I could see the happiness in his expression. As we skated side by side, slowly moving faster as I increased our pace, the awkwardness faded. Soon it just felt right to be holding Luc's hand and I almost wished he was a better skater so we could skate face to face.

I felt as Luc squeezed my hand slightly and I glanced up to see his face, elated to see the joy in his expression. He was having fun skating with me and my heart pounded in my chest. If only we could have moments like this more often...

"LIN!" I was jolted awake as I heard Jinx pound on my door, and I rubbed my eyes as the dream stuck in my mind. "LIN!!"

"I'm up! GImme a moment!" I yelled back, sighing heavily as I heard the witch walk away. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, almost hoping I could fall back into the dream. I had always wanted to go skating with Luc, but between Requiem and Evan, it never worked out. Evan hating my enjoyment of skating and Requiem was reluctant even then to let Luc go into heavily populated areas.

I glanced over to the coffin in room and couldn't help the slight smile on my face. Even if Requiem meant the date had to be with someone else, he hadn't said Luc and I couldn't hang out. After all, there had not been a limit on how many days Luc could stay with me, so while I doubted, we could go to the rink, maybe we could sneak in some skating.

"I wonder if Jinx would care about me buying some blades. I think I can guess his size..." I mused as I stood, stretching as I tried to shake the sleep from my head. Not like she could stop me, but it was always easier to stay on her good side.