'You can't hurt me if I know I don't belong to you. I am on top of you right now cause I need no sympathy.
I need no tension. My glory is all I need. This glow is a hoax, and when I'll figure it out, I won't need any sympathy,' Elliana hummed as she walked towards the pond.
This place was like her new escape from the world. The silence would've been deafening if the birds weren't chirping so beautifully.
If Daniel hadn't interrupted her yesterday, she would've spent more time here, even if it meant bunking a lecture.
The faint smell of flowers and wet soil and the calming sounds of nature almost felt like a dream she didn't want to end.
The green color of the leaves, some dark and some bright, the sun shining right above the forest, the rays entering the forest, like some light penetrating through holes in a closed compound. Everything made her smile at the freshness.