Chapter 15 - Shopping

Samuel was still staring at the leaderboard even after two whole minutes of staring at the thing. Surely there was someone who had some more impressive achievements, right? Surely the one who awoke first had slain a dragon or some monst-

*Those aren't allowed in your world yet!* A harsh voice sounded out in Samuel's ears, berating him for doubting in his own capabilities. *You were the man who killed me! Even if I was restrained by the gods, and you used the mana from their spell, you killing a Lord like me, unawakened, should be more than enough to put you at the top of the list. You goddamned FOOL!*

Samuel remained silent as he was scolded. Was this really the guy that tried to kill him not even three days ago?

*YOU tried to kill ME to awaken! Check your own memories, feathers-for-brains.*

Samuel could only smile as he remembered that he was the one that tried to kill the Death Knight. He put back the giant bird, which he decided to call Igor from now on, into his pocket dimension. Samuel had a lot of things on his mind, questions about why Will and the others had helped him, what the gods were, and if there really was a skill like the death knight told him.

Samuel reorganized his thoughts, deciding that his first order of business was the skill or item to find his family. He stretched out before walking towards one of the shops, which had "Consumables" in big green letters written on the front as the death knight had told him to.

Samuel opened the door and was greeted by a beautiful blue haired, pointy-eared receptionist lady. Although he wasn't the biggest fan of fantasy, he had played enough video games to know that this was an elf, often praised for their high magic and likability with the spirits— she could have also been some other Fae race, but he could care less.

"Welcome, dear user. What would you like from our shop?"

She greeted in a professional manner with a customer service smile, giving a bow as she saw him enter the shop, but she was met with silence, and when she glanced up to see what he was doing, her veins would bulge as she saw him navigate the system's shop rather than talk to her.

*Look for the common bloodline seeker.*

Doing as he was told, Samuel found a the item he was looking for.

[Bloodline seeker {Common}: Allows you to find all members of your bloodline within 10 kilometers by surrounding them with a red aura for ten minutes, and a red thread.]

It was a rock hard blood red sphere about the size of an eyeball or a slime core priced at a measly fifty points. Samuel quickly pocketed the item and left the store without a word. He didn't use the item just yet, and would instead wait for more people to gather in the mall.

As he left, Samuel forgot about the elf lady he didn't even talk to, who was fuming at the moment. With a loud scream that was cancelled out by the magic surrounding the the shop, she slammed her fist on the counter.

"Fucker! I may not be a god, but I deserve at least a little respect from a level 10 roach, right?! So what if he's the first fucking rank, or even the son of heaven itself?! I'm only half a step from ascension, aren't I?!"

The elf continued to curse and smash things in the shop she was in, but the cause for her rage, the level 10 chicken, was making his way towards a different shop, under the death knight's guidance. Samuel entered a different shop, one that had "Skills" written on it. Inside it sat a skinny old man smoking on a pipe and reading on a book, who glanced at Samuel for a moment before going back to smoking.

'Alright, I followed your instructions, Death Knight. Why did you tell me to come here, anyways?'

*You need some staple skills. Necessities like Appraisal, inventory, minimap, get the other elements you don't have, and just see if any skills interest you. Now pick out the damn things.*

Samuel listened to the death knight, and picked the three skills he was told to take, along with a lightning, life, and death magic. As he finished picking out the items, he saw the crazy price on them, and with much reluctance, paid the seven million points for those skills before leaving. He would come back later, but first, he wanted to get some answers about his current situation.

As he walked to see what the rooms on the second floor were, he saw two guards that let him pass through, even giving a nod as he did. When he got there, he saw the other nine people who came before him reading something at the top of the staircase.

"Wassup, new guy..." A young man in glasses said as he spotted Samuel come up, but immediately quieted down once he saw his unusual look and unwillingness to talk.

The others let Samuel pass to read whatever was there, because he didn't look human, and his aura, along with the whispers they heard in their ears didn't help his case either.

[Rules of the gods' great hall:

1. Users may not attack other users.

2. Users may not steal others' items.

3. The higher the user is on the leaderboard, the better the treatment they receive.

4. Users are to answer to all calls immediately.]

Samuel shrugged as he read through the rules of this place's residency, and decided to go look for his room on the second floor, but none of them had his name. Wasn't he supposed to be treated better than others? But his doubt wouldn't last long, as a familiar voice rang out in his head, seemingly unaffected by the things inhabiting it.

'Sam, make your way up to the fourth floor.'

It was Marie, whose instructions he could only listen to and walk up to the fourth floor. There, he saw three rooms. Way less than the hundred or so he had seen on the second floor earlier.

"Over here!"

Rose called over to him from within a room that looked like a grassy plain, where Marie and Will were seated around some food, waving at him. Samuel could only walk over and take a seat with the others.

"Hey Sam. It must have been a surprise to see us there a while ago." Greeted Marie with a big smile.

"Yeah. Yeah it was."

"I guess you want some answ-" Will wanted to cut right to the chase, but he was smacked in the back of the head by Marie.

"I can't believe you're not even gonna tell the kid to eat first."

"But honey..."

"No buts! You eat too, Sam."

Samuel chuckled as the woman nagged her husband, before digging into the meal before him moments after removing his mask, which the three seemed to be unaffected by. He wanted to get answers right away like Will had said, but he didn't want to get an earful from Marie, so he did as he was told.

As they finished their meal, Will turned to face Samuel before speaking once more.

"Shall we get down to business now?"

"Indeed." Samuel responded as he cleaned his hands with water magic.