A few moment before the crash, the warning system activated -damage to exterior haul critical sub feul systems ruptured evacuation of all personal advised activating sleep pods 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11... Pod twelve offline ...btzzzz
Unitone: activate emergency landing protocol eject fuel subsystem, 2 lock down engine bay,3 and 7 prepare landing pods,4,5,6 secure supplies and weapons from storage bay and units 8,9,10,11 prepare pod twelve for forced activation and restrain unit 12 before awakening.
Units 2 to 11: acknowledged orders commencing orperations.
Navigation system.... Atmosphere entry in 20minutes... Warning projectile of unknown orgin decteced on starboard (meteriorite crashes into side of the ship and breakes apart throwing the ship off course and I a Forrest.
Unit 1 emerges from the wreakage and begins searching for other units after searching only unit 3 and 9 are intact and fully functional while the others are terminated by unit 1 when their control modules are damaged by the impact the pod holding unit twelve is found by the local humaniod creatures that proceed to attack 1 and the other two.