Adonis knew the secret of the matrix and Kathara's scheme as a "System" that they themselves had implanted in support of that phantom matrix. To modify future events and change the events of the serial killer, balance is necessary. Adonis had already left his balance tilted to the left side... He needed that balance that Sara provided him with her selfless and loving acts, which had somehow opened Roger's heart. She had feelings of "Humanity"... He needed her and deep down he loved her.
The question "What is humanity?" at first it seems trivial, perfectly obvious and unnecessary. However, if we take a closer look at the popular hypothesis about the origin of humans, we will stumble upon inadequacy and vagueness. It is currently popular conjectures about the origin of life that are persuading us that humans were primates and that four billion years ago they even had a common ancestor with all other species, including plants. Today the theories of ancient astronauts are also publicly presented in which the population of the Earth is described from representatives of different stellar races.
To define what humanity is, it is not enough to gather all the nations, tribes and civilizations known from Antiquity to the present day. All social cultures on Earth are made up of humans and regulate human life, but that does not mean that their societies acted in a manner consistent with the interest of humanity.
The cultural specificities of a tribe, nation or civilization are an important historical heritage because of how this group had treated humanity. It is evident from social and religious norms, the legal system, attitudes towards other people, who are foreigners, etc. Thus, there are two different and intertwined group subjects: the first is the nation, the second, humanity.
The consideration of humanity as a separate legal subject with its own legal interest is a comparatively new concept, which is a direct continuation of the process of humanization of law and international relations in recent decades. This humanization mainly includes the recognition that humans have rights and freedoms and the establishment of these principles as imperative norms (jus cogens) in the legal systems of most states. Despite this positive direction of the development of civilization, the main driving force remains service to oneself. The methods and means of organization of the State are in contradiction with the service to the whole and with respect for the interests of all the participants.
What is the legal status of humanity today?
In contemporary international law we find the terms "humankind", "humankind" and "humanity" in some of the most outstanding international treaties: the Charter of the United Nations; The Outer Space Treaty; The Convention of the International Maritime Organization; the Antarctic Treaty; The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and others. Although the term "humanity" is used, there is no official legal definition of it and what its legal meaning is.
Every group of people, regardless of whether it exists as a legal entity or not, represents a manifestation of a specific community. He has his own social program that he wishes to complete and his own interest that he protects. The group must be able to organize its members and interact with other groups to achieve its objectives and fulfill the mission with which it was created.
On this basis, when we compare different groups of people, we clearly see that humanity is a primordial group entity, without which all human social structures, including states, peoples, nations, religious organizations, corporations, parties, universities, etc., could not arise. clubs, families, etc. None of these communities at this level of development can exist without humans. This means that the interest of humanity must be placed higher in the hierarchy of group interests relative to the enumerated communities. This means that the actions of all of them must not be in contradiction with the interests of humanity.
We can derive the following definition of humanity:
Humanity is a primary group entity that includes all human beings who have ever lived, are currently living, or will be born in the future. Humanity perceives each human being as its only manifestation, which is equally valuable with all others.
This definition provides the basic characteristics of humanity and leads to the important conclusion that the sum of all states and nations does not constitute humanity, has no representative authority of humanity and cannot be an expression of the interests of humanity.
Neither the United Nations, nor the so-called international community, nor any international organization, informal structure or state have the legal right to legally and politically represent humanity. In addition, up to now none of these subjects has declared that they will be subject to the interests of humanity and they are violating and ignoring it.
If we consider the UN as a subject of law, we see that it is an international organization in which national interests are united. The arithmetic sum of all national interests is not equal to the interest of humanity. Typical examples of the disparity between the type of interests (the total of all nations and that of humanity) are the way in which the Earth's environment is used, the inhumane treatment of large groups of people, the exploitation of natural resources without regard to future generations. ; waging wars between nations.
Concrete examples are the UN goals, which are described in the strategic document Millennium Development Goals. They set the goal of "halving the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation". Such an objective does not correspond to the holistic vision of humanity and demonstrates the weakness of the current international system of service to self in which national and corporate interests are pursued in violation of the interests of humanity.
From the point of view of humanity, access to clean water is a basic need for all human beings that must be satisfied before and before economic resources and human labor are used for other purposes.
Achieving a specific ratio or a statistically acceptable result that the UN wants is not a measure for humanity that can be trusted or acceptable to humanity. It is because the death of people in poverty, who do not have access to clean water, will be in favor of these statistics, but against the interest of humanity.
These UN objectives, which should be the guide for the global governance of the world, demonstrate that the goals that this organization has set for itself are not necessarily in line with the interest of humanity. More importantly, even if the UN goals are humane, the UN does not have the actual authority and competencies to implement them or to exercise control over their implementation. The UN serves only as a discussion forum for states and this means that a qualitatively new legal organization is needed to represent humanity and its interests.
All states exploit the resources of their own territory as well as the resources that are the common heritage of humanity (outer space and the seabed) based on their own national policies for environmental protection of the Earth and their development policies. The economic benefit of these resources is distributed according to market principles, which means that inequality is pervasive and future generations are not taken into account at all.
Another example of a significant contradiction between national interests and the interest of humanity is the resort to war to settle international disputes. From the point of view of humanity, all war is unacceptable and extremely undesirable, because humans are dying, regardless of their citizenship, political opinions, religious beliefs, and other factors.