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Jinn in MHA

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My life was dark....darker than most I wish for a new life and a loving family SADLY I WAS GIVEN FEAR AND RESENTMENT. being locked away before I got a chance. Revenge is my only goal now!

Chapter 1 - Chapter one: Reborn and a name (Hoshiko Midoriya?

Rain pelted down as a boy the age of 12 could be seen running through alleyways and the sound of harsh breath and footsteps could be heard

Pov. ?

Dashing through the left alley and ducking under a stack of crates I rush into a corner hoping to not be seen. Holding the wallet of a man I had just pickpocketed. Not knowing what to do next I sit against the soaked wall and slide down onto my butt and curl my knees into my chest, wrapping my arm around my legs. Tears streamed down my face as I began to weep before slowly drifting off to sleep.


"JASON GET UP!" hearing the matron of the orphanage scream from the hallway I could hear her coming toward my room, rushing to get up and dressed before she could come in knowing I would be reprimanded regardless of whether or not I had done something wrong. Standing from my bed I move to the box with my clothes and grab my shirt and shorts slipping the shirt over my head and my legs through the shorts. Once I was dressed and was about to fix my bed the door slammed open and a woman around 5'7 with brown hair, a common face, and an upset expression could be seen. "YOU BRAT CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT" She walked toward me and roughly gripped my shirt before smacking me in the face and knocking me to the ground. " NOW GET UP AND MAKE YOU BED" Not saying anything in return I stand up and begin making my bed before turning and looking toward her hoping I didn't get punished once more for not doing it to her liking." Good let us go" She grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall and toward the lunch hall, as we moved down the hall the open doors and neat bed could be seen. Once we reached the Hall group of children could be seen quietly eating not looking up from their meals. "Now eat your meal then do your chores like the other children" She shoved me toward a plate that was sat the table. Moving quickly I sat beside the other kids most eating quickly since most didn't want to be put in the 'BOX'. The BOX was a small area in the basement where kids were put and locked inside until the matron deemed they were punished enough. It was dark and cramped and many kids ran out of air or they starved to death, most were then buried in the backyard by the other children as a way to remember what would happen if they were sent to the box.

Finishing my meal I stood and immediately began cleaning the table of plates of children who had already left stacking them I move from table to table collecting plates as I had them all I move to the sink. Stacking them in the sink where another child would wash, rinse, dry, and then put them away. Moving onto my next task which was sweeping, knowing I would need the broom and dustpan I move back down the hall and find the door for the storeroom. Once inside the storeroom, I looked for the dustpan and found it in the spot next to the mop once in hand, I turned to look for the broom since it wasn't in its spot next to the hand duster and could not see it anywhere. "WHERE IS JASON HE SUPPOSED TO BE CLEANING THE FLOOR" I heard the matron yell and my search for the broom became hurried. Not finding it I returned to the hall where the matron was fuming at another child. "ma'am I cannot find the broom in the storeroom" She spun and glared at me before my arm was gripped and I was dragged to the storeroom where she looked on a high shelf I couldn't reach and had the broom." YOU LITTLE LIAR WASTING MY TIME" she took the broom and handed it to another child which I knew was bad because the only time another child got his job was when he was punished.

Understanding what was about to happen I struggle to get my arm free and succeed, turning to run I got three feet before she gripped my hair and dragged me toward the basement. " please no I promise it was a mistake I didn't see it" she looked red and screamed at me "YOU DIDN"T SEE IT HUH WELL MAYBE YOU WILL SEE IT AFTER YOU HAVE A PUNISHMENT" beginning to cry I struggle to get away but failed. We reached the basement in a few minutes my cries for release seemed to irritate her as she chose a darker and more cramped box "IN OR YOU WON'T LIKE THE CONSEQUENCES" knowing she would have the other children beat me to avoid the same punishment I climbed into the box slowly and was kicked in the back then the door was closed. "Please let me out I'm sorry I won't do it again I promise" I begged her but it seemed to have the opposite effect " Well you might not make the same mistake again but to make sure you will stay in overnight and we will see in the morning" the sadistic smile she had on her face could be felt through her words.

" NO please I'm sorry please, please, please let me out" I hit the door hoping she should change her mind but hearing her laugh and footsteps leaving I just curled deeper into a ball and sobbed myself to sleep.

At 8:45 Pm at night I was starving and couldn't breathe correctly feeling the box back of the box give way I fell into a separate hallway I stood up hoping to get out I dusted myself off and looked for a window finding one at the end of the hall, running toward I see it exits to the backyard. Opening the window I climb through it on my stomach and roll out onto the grass. Getting to my feet I stood for a moment and ran toward the fence and was about to climb it but a scream caught my attention spinning on my feet I widen my eyes as I see the orphanage on fire and the cries for help and the maddening laughter of some of the children. The disbelief I felt toward the situation happening was equal to a mountain hitting me. Knowing I might be blamed for what was happening I climbed the fence and ran into the night.

{dream/flashback end}

Pov. Jason

Waking up from the same dream I sigh and think about the past four years. After that night I had lived on the streets stealing and pickpocketing rich-looking people for money to live. I had found an old apartment I stayed some nights but most people call the cops if I make too much noise, coming back to my senses I hear the men running around looking for me standing I get ready to run. " FOUND YOU FILTHY STREET RAT" he screamed at my back as I ran from him hoping to escape him and his men. Taking a left I slip and yell in my mind hoping I have enough time to get up and continue, a boot slamming into my ribs breaks any hope I had left.

" Please I'm sorry I just needed money to live" he didn't seem to care as he stomped on me and yelled at me " TOO BAD LITTLE RAT NOBODY STEALS FROM ME AND LIVES" I knew I had no chance but still struggled against his foot on my back it seemed to send him into a rage he stomped on my back multiple times and kicked me in the ribs breaking them. " BOYS GET RID OF HIM AND FIND MY WALLET" The men that were behind him until now move forward taking the wallet from my hand and breaking my fingers before kicking me in the face and knocking out some teeth. They beat me for 30 minutes before the boss got bored and pulled out a gun shooting me in the Knees, stomach, and my sensitive place before laughing and spitting on me before walking away.

I lay there bleeding and in pain. I just had one thought, Why, I had suffered my entire life only to die not even getting to experience school or have a family. Why can't I have a family? Why can't I have money? Why can't I have a Power like that man who shot me? After thinking for a minute I realize I could have all I want if I just have the POWER... that's the power it is the only reason people could do what they want. Power is the only reason the matron could abuse the children. Power is the only reason people got families. Power is the only reason people got happiness. Power is the ONLY reason that man got to shoot me!

I could feel my life fade as I Wished for nothing but power. A type of power that would let me be happy! A power that would let me have a family! A power that would let me experience school! A power that would let me STOP people like that man! A power unyielding to others, A power unbreakable, A power Unstoppable, A power that eclipses all others, A power that lets me have everything! As I said this the last of my life left me and I was left in darkness once more 'Darkness how familiar... hahahahahahahaha!'

Pov. Inko Midoriya

Sitting at home I was extremely happy because the doctor said that I would be having twins today it was my seventh month of pregnancy. I was kinda upset that Hisashi wasn't gonna be there but I understood he had work. Relaxing while waiting for my friend Mitsuki she had just given birth to a bouncy baby boy. She was coming over to come up with baby names together. The phone began to ring interrupting my thoughts I stand and pick up the phone and answer "Moshi moshi Midoriya residence how may I help you?" "Yes, miss is Inko Midoriya at home?" Hearing she was asking for me caught me by surprise because most ask for Hisashi. "speaking what do you need?" " We were given your number for a massive Inheritance in your name we need you to contact your lawyer for more details, have a great day ma'am" Hearing her hang up so abruptly confused me but what caught me off guard was the inheritance knowing I didn't know my parents and grew up in an orphanage caught me by surprise. I was about to call my lawyer as she said but the knock on my door caught me before I could, I put down the phone and walk to the door and look through the peephole and see Mitsuki. I let go of a sigh of relief and open it and let Mitsuki and her baby inside "Hello Mitsuki how are you and the little one doing?" I say to her hoping the tone in my voice didn't give me away " I'm doing just fine Inko and little Katsuki here is a hassle but he is fine as well, but what is wrong I can tell something spooked you" Know I had been caught I *sigh* she always did have a good sense about the people around her " I got a call about some kind of inheritance" she shows a face and answered " I know you are going through a lot with the twins and everything I could deal with this if you want" I didn't want to bother her but I wasn't sure if I could do this either" I don't want to force anything onto you Mitsuki but if you could do this for me I would be grateful I will watch little Katsuki for you so don't worry" she showed a smile knowing he would be fine in my care and I write her the number and address for my lawyer and she leaves saying " Don't worry Inko I got this covered" she left closing the door and I sat down with little Katsuki in my arms rocking him to sleep.

Months passed and the inheritance went without a hatch, I didn't have to worry about money but I also fell into depression when news of Hisashis death came to me. It was time for me to give birth and after the birth and recovery, I and Mitsuki were planning to buy a different house so we could take care of the boys together. As I was giving birth a feeling of warmth passed over the room and most of the doctors felt it and I relaxed feeling it. After hours of pushing and different bursts of pain and warmth, both boys were finally out and in view. One of the boys had a green tuff of hair and freckles dotted on his face the other had light blue skin a black tuf of hair and red glowing red ruby eyes, the feeling of love and attachment I got had when I looked at them was unlike anything I had experienced before. Holding them both in my arms and looking at each of them I say their name out loud so the doctor may record it " The one with green hair is my cute little sun Izuku Midoriya and the one with black hair is Hoshiko Midoriya my little moon". After returning home me and Mitsuki were constantly cooing over the babies while Masaru and the movers were cleaning out the apartment, we had bought a nice four-bedroom three bathroom house with a bed backyard. Once we were back we packed up the babies into the car and drove down the road I was in the back watching over the kids as Misuki and Masaru talked in the front, as we stopped at a light you could see heroes patrolling and using their wide variety of quirks I stopped and began thinking to myself " I hope you get a nice quirk my little heroes" Then the car continues to the new house in Musutafu, once we arrived I and Mizuki got out and I smiled at the home we now have.