Exiting the command floors with a police escort, Ayse strolled onto the Main Deck. He waved goodbye to the lone officer guiding him through the employee-only areas. "Thanks for the shortcut."
The man nodded, tipped his hat, and closed the door.
That left Ayse on alone for the first time all day.
"Looks as busy as ever… Now, what shall I do next?"
His uncovered eye scanned the deck-turned-amusement part. He didn't memorize the faces of the rolling crowds. But Ayse did take that moment to subtly spot a few people in particular.
"Figures. Just cause I'm cleared for now doesn't mean something else won't happen to drag me back into suspicion."
Ayse threw his arms behind his head and whistled. The flow of the crowd carried him to and fro until Ayse happened upon a few familiar faces. "Yo, Kater, Pilor. What brings you two away from your booths?"