"Now do you understand, Baloo?" Aegri questioned the teen. "This isn't a simple gift offered between drinking buddies. This is a gift to impress people and get in their good graces.
"So why would an old man dressed like that offer you such a bottle for free? That's the issue. There's no way he would do so for free, not without an ulterior motive!"
"U-Ummm… I-I don't… know what t-to do…" Baloo stammered in overwhelming bafflement.
Aegri pointed at the robot waiter. "It's simple. You return the gift!"
"Right!" Baloo reached for the tray. However, Baloo failed to open the locked container.
"Thank you for your patronage," the robot waiter stated, wheeling away toward the wealthy old man in a bathrobe.
Seeing the robot leaving Baloo panicked. "What do I do? What now??"
Sighing, Aegri shook her head slightly. She didn't realize it at first, but Aegri also started giggling.
"What? What's wrong now Sis– I mean, Miss Boss?"