"Deck 39 is nearly identical to Deck 38, which you shall see with your own eyes shortly," the guide blitzed through the information. "Deck 40, however, is our second hangar deck. Expect, Deck 40 houses only large or luxury vessels.
"Decks 42 and 43 are considered our second-most extravagant suites, with fully attended manors aboard the cruiser. It's a mansion away from your mansion, the best you'll find anywhere in the universe.
"Finally," the took in a fast breath, "there's Deck 44, our most exquisite package available. Though it has the fewest suites available for purchase, that's merely because we focus on quality over quantity while caring for our most loyal patrons."
They crossed the ceiling between Decks 37 and 38 the second she finished her explanation. Next, the elevator slowed to a stop at the base of Deck 38.