:::[THUMP! … And thus concludes our little detour…]:::
:::[Though I do look forward to sharing more of the many side stories and expansions at my disposal, for the time being, I think it's best to return to the book at the nucleus of our tale. The tale of how the universe collapsed and destroyed itself…]:::
:::[We are still only at Ludok however, the first of dozens of worlds on Ayse's perpetual itinerary.]:::
:::[So… Flip… Flip, flip… let's see what our principal protagonist is up to… And how Ayse will weave himself out of yet another entanglement that he's unknowingly brought upon himself…]:::
"Hmm. This is all you've got? And you call yourself a prince?"
"... Hii! Hamm! Heh! Hrince! …"
"What was that?" Ayse exited the bedroom's huge walk-in closet, empty-handed. "Sorry, but I didn't hear you clearly. If you want to inform me or where all your valuables are, I think I can help you."