Baloo cracked a smile when hearing LaRee's statement. It couldn't fully pull Baloo out of the emotions being pulsed in his blender of a heart. But it was enough to get him moving.
The broad man barreled through the wall, expanding the opening even more.
They crossed an apartment's entryway and darted through the living room. And the middle-aged couple living there was hunched over in the corner, using their couch and coffee table as a barricade.
"You monster!" "It's the ogre!?"
Both statements reached the dashing duo as they ran through a bedroom door, or plowed through the wall in Baloo's case.
"Jump! And do not slow down!" LaRee yelled while launching himself back out the window.
Baloo did just as he was told. He was completely compliant. But for the sake of his own freedom instead of the whims of his masters.
Ptff, ptff! Ptff, ptff...