Prof Binayak is now in his study room, we can consider that as a library, so many books so many subjects and only books and books everywhere.
He is reading continuesly from threr four hour. But this is not a surprising matter for the persons who are having informations about him.
Actually this is not a new matter for him. Sometimes he continue his study for ten or twelve hours Yes this type of rigorous study and dedication make him as a resources person He is having knowledge of various subject. We can consider him as an information center.
This is definitly a matter of great pleasure. But at the same time here one may be surprised to see his worriness for collection of informations regarding that slum area and forest.Can it be taken as justified.?
Prof Binyak must be hiding something?
is his work acceptble or justified.?
Although the work is seems to be not justified but we should think again before giving any remark.
Actually the informations are to given in suitable time and in suitable situation.
Providing or announcing the information in wrong situation may causr a great loss.
We should always tell truth.
This statement is wellknown to everyone and this is the advice of greatpersons.
But sometimes situation forces us to hide the truth. Hiding the truth means, remaining silent in that situation where you are having some informations.
Well let's see what Prof Binayak kept as secret.
A noble person, well cultured person must feel very much disturbed when he has not performed his duty as expected by the society.
Prof Binayak is also in same situation.
He is very much worried for the reason that he had not informed some important matter to his friends at time of discussion.
At the same time he is sure about the matter that Mr Samarudra and Dr Asutosh is also hiding some matter.
Actually the programme of visit to slum area and forest may help them to speak the matter clearly or in indirect way but programme is postponed number of times due to various reason.
Prof Binayak is very much disturbed condition but that does not mean that his study and reaserch work is disturbed. He is a Proffesor and any situation he continuues his study and reaserch work. So something is going on.
But when will we get the informations?
Yes, that most awaited moment come.
The door bell rings and disturbed Prof Binayak.
He come out of his study room and moved toward the main door. He suddenly not opened the door, first he looked the computer monitor where the photograph of persons standing outside his maindoor are displayed.
He become very happy by noticimg the photigraph of his friends, Dr Asutosh, Mr Niranjan and Mr Samarudra.
Without wasting a moment he opened the door and welcome them. All of them sit on the chairs in the drawing hall. Prof Binayak looks toward them to know about the purpose of this visit and important point is all three frienda together..
Yes, the friends didnot waste more time and tell him that their visit is for discussion about that new construction project.
Telling these they remain silent.
They become silent, this is not an unusual matter, because after speaking something one should give scope for remark or criticism.
Remarks and criticism is very important to rectify the mistake, sometimes remark is in form of reply.
We have to think about prrsent situation.
Here the friends become silent and we are considering that they become silent to get remark.
But here no different person is present. Prof Binayak is not a outsider, he is within their group so how will he remark about his work?
The actual matter is something different .
They ate feeling very much uneasy to discuss same matter again and again. Thete is no progress practically, only discussion about new construction project, discussion anout information about slum area and forest continuing without any valuable informations. Not only that the planning to visit that place for investigation and collection of various informations is also postponed various time.
But still then they all are coming together giving indication of some progress.
Truly all of them remained silent for some moments. All are actually want to start discussion but perhaps waiting fir another one to start.
Prof Binayak is also in same condition and he is understanding other's condition also.
But he decide to start the discussion as other three friends had already taken one step by ciming here together to start something meaningul.
Another thing which may be seems to be very funny that all are understanding the requirement of coffee at this moment but feeling uneasy to tell as no work has been done, Prof Binayak is also wanting coffee but the same reason is stopping him to celebrate or treat the guests.
Prof Binayak is going to break his silence. He stands up and now the attentiom of all friends are toward him he has to start the discussion with some meaniingful or valuable informations.
Can he able to do that?
All are very much anxious at this moment.
Yes the moment come.
Prof Binayak tell others that he has some very imporyant information about the constuction of the present road connecting this city to Subarnpur and aboit the forest.
Telling this remained silent for a moment
Suddenly Mr Niranjan stands up and tell others that he has also some informations aboit that forest
Mr Samaridra also stands up and tell them that he has some unbelivable experience after getting that new construction project.
At this time Dr Asutosh also breaks his silence and tell them that during the health check up he had noticrd something abnormal in Mr Samarudra's behaviour
All of them tell like this in an excitement
But at the same time it become clear that all had kept hidden some matter. It seems to be quite unbelievable for such educated, well cultured persons. The most important thing is their friendship, yes trueness of their friendship. Everyone feel ashamed for their mistake and at the same time each one excuse truly the others. Yes their friendship is not so weak that is actual true friendship everyone understand that .
All feel relaxed and happy when they come to know that they are actually having so much informations only sharing of those informations will show them a path to solve the problem.
First of all Prof Binayak tell others to sit down.
He tell without hesitation that it is definitly our mistake to hide the informations from eachother. Now I am going to explain my informations and then one by one other has to do that, then we will reach in a conclusion. I am very much hopeful for a meaningful discussion.
Prof Binayak tell other a very important matter, before explaining the informations. He tell them that our love and respect to each other is the reson of this problem
We should work like heartless person in time of giving remark or in time of criticism. True remark is required, we should not hive remark to only please someone.
Actually I have some informations but did not disclosed that at the time of discussion to avoid confusion. Now we are noticing Srijagannathpur city and Subarnpur city and we are also going to discuss about that forest means that place which is considered as forest at present time, but to get informations we have to analyse the past.
In past years that means before hundred or more years that places were were different kingdoms.
That means our city Srijagannathpur pir was one kingdom at that time and also the city Subarnpur. Butvthe most important point to noted is the large area which is considered as forest at this time was also one independent kingdom.During that period the relationship between the kingdom of Srijagannathpur and Subarnpur was friendy, while the kingdom of that forest area was in hostile relationship with both the kingdom. At that time king of that kingdom did not allowed the construction of road through their kingdom and for that reason the road had been built taking so path.
Time passed and both the kingdom developed. and now become well developed or advanced city and allthe three kingdoms are within one country in this modern time.
I hope this informations may help all to understand the situation, telliing these things Prof Binayak remained silent for a moment
He noticed that all are sitting with a great hope.
He again started explanation.
He tell them that the kingdom of forest destroyed by natural calamities and the peoples of that kingdom run away to the neighboring kingdom that mesns to Subarnpur and Srijagannathpur.
From the explanation it is clear that in these cities the people of that kingdom also present.This is matter of fifty years ago. From various books andreaserch papers I have collected this informations.
Actually the rectangular forest is a kingdom, but before fifty year that was destroyed and after that period the forest remain untouched. Three sides of this rectangular forest is having highrise boundary walls and another side is unaccessible due to geogrphical reason. These are some informations about forest.
Speaking these things Prof Binayak feel little relaxed. He inform others thatthe boundary wall was built in that period means before fifty years so the forest is remained untouched from fifty years.
But now when there are numbers of high rise buildings are present in our city so from the balconies of those highrise buildings forest is visible. So now we can say the forest is not remained unnoticed.
I think this is the reason that leads to give an idea of constructing a road through the forest.
Another thing I also want to infirm you that some informations about that slum area. Actually that is unauthrised one, but having area nearly sixty sqare kilometers, that means a very large area and the slum is also of rectangular shape having fifteen kilometers length and four kilometers breadth. The boundary of nothon side of city is complately occupied by that slum area. From the news papers I have collected so many informations about that area. Some news papers are considering that as sister city of Srijagannathpur, yes thatmay considered as one town of poor persons. I think some informations byactual resident of that area will give clear picture.
Prof Binayak take rest now.
Someone has to continue the discussion.
Mr Niranjan stands up and tell everyone that he had collected the required informations from actual residents of that area.
He informed others that he is having one small groceries shop in northon part of the city.So many persons of that slum area are his costumers and some of them also taking in credit. They discuss vatious matter of that area but all are general matters In that area poor peoples, daily labours are staying and some antisocials are using that area as there safe shelter.
The most important matter that he informed to others is that some peoples of that slum atra enters to that forest sometimes. Those persons had noticed the presence of some people at that place numbers of times. This matter may not be considered as an ordinary information., because they had noticed a person of city may be person of our city or other.. A person of city means a rich person a person living luxurious life.
With hesitation he tell everyone another information. He explained other just like a teacher that this matter is to analyzed very carefully. Those persons who had infirmed me about that are actually taking food items and groceries from my shop so to satisfy me they discuss various matter of that area. The noticable matter is they had told that matter with confidence.
Suddenly Dr Asutosh stands up and tell Mr Niranjan to tell clearly without hiding anything
Mr Niranjan tell everyone to keep patience and he explained that those people had pointed out person of city in that forest. They had recognised him by good physique and rich appearance.
The rich and very rich persons are truly looking something different although the poor person may have good physique and good appearance.
Everyone agreed to that arguement to some extent and accept that.
Yes, we are understanding that, but what is the conclusion.
I am explaining that, the persons of slum have marked the presence of person of city various time in the forest and the matter to be noted that perticularly in morning they have noticed that. The well cultured and gentle man sometimes asked the road to city. Due to his well behaviour they assist him.As that is the matter of morning they consider that case as missing the road during morning walk
But before one or two months they got another information.
Actually they got that from the young boys of the slum area. Those youngboys had entered to forest after dinner nearly in midnight to drink and enjoy wine. During that programme they noticed presence if one outsider, that means a person of city in the forest. They tried very hatd to catch him but couldnot get sucesses.
Is it an acceptable matter?
When other people of that slum area come to know about that matter some of them become very angry because the presence of outsider in midnight must be for some bad reason.
Some persons couldnot believe that because there is no other way to enter to the forest except the slum area and outsider, perticularly sophisticated person may not able to walk so much distanxe by foot to enter to the forest.
Some persons consider that case as the super natural powers, just like ghosts or demons. because that man able to escape from number of young boys so easily surprisigly and actually it is a very difficult task for an outsider to reach near the boundry of forest as he has to travel through the slum area a large distance
Mr Niranjan explain others that the presence of an outsider or some oitsider had disturbed the people of slum area..For that reason they are not allowing or cooperating any outsider at present days. They are considering that the rich persons of the city are not considering them as humanbeing and theu are entering here for purpose of enjoyment.
Remaiming silent for a while he informed others that definitly in that slum area perticularly in interior region of slum area so many things are going on
Yes, these are meaningful and helpful informations, said Prof Binayak. But I want to know what is happening in that area, there must be something that has to be investigated.
Mr Niranjan replied without easting time that in that area the administration has no control over that area.Some antisocials are controlling that area. Although numbers of good persons and poor persons are there, but luxury of different kind is present there. Some of them ate rich but the source of income is unknown to others. This matter is also present in city
Now we come to know that the forest area is not remained unnoticed and untouched. First of of the high rise buildings provide the views of forest and the people of slum area perhaps made payhs in that boundaries of forest and thay are entering to the forest for collecting forest product. It is a matter of surprise that some times presence of person of city in that forest is pointed out by some persons and they are sure about that. Not only that the prsence of outsider is also marked during night means in midnight..The law and order condition is also not good in that area.
Dr Asutosh tell others the summary of the explanation as described above.
Now two other persons has to continue the discussion. That means some more informations will help us to understand the situation.
Mr Samarudra tell everyone that he is also having something to tell them. He had also done the same mistake of keeping something hidden to other, but now he is feeling the requirment of disclosing that hidden matter to other for solving the situation.
He explained others that during thereturn journey from chief engineer's office he had expetiencef something unbelivable..
Everyone become anxious to know the details.
Then he described the matter
While returning from chief engineer's office a great desire arise in his mind to get the informations of the areas through which the new road has to be constructed. He take help of internet and satellite picture of the area by his mobile phone. He notced the northon part of city is the part of the city where the new road will reach. The important matter is the road will be construced through the forest so he tried to watch the details of forest by help of internet but it is matter of great surprise that he did not get any information by mobile phone. He search again and again to get the photographs and satellite pictures. He didnot get any picture as if that place is covered by roof. Noticing that he decide to take help of experts of this work but at that moment suddenly a peculier picture become visible in his mobile phone.
That peculier picture is image of broken statue, that is upper half of a girl or princess. The face is not in perfect condition, but the eyes are seems to be complately alive. This picture disappear and the mobile phone become out of ordet, that means failed to work.
Suddenly the speed of the car increased, although this is not a new matter as the car is very much powerful and the driver is one expert driver. So hetakes the matter as a general case. The car run like that stopped near the slum area and the door opened automatically this time he also consider this an advanced features of the car and without fear he come out of the car. He noticed the driver is just sitting like statue and not maintaining the protocol.
He couldnot take this matter granted and watch carefully and it is a matter of surprise that he noticed the driver in unconscious state as if he is sleeping from some time. This matter truly unacceptable because if driver was in that condition how the car was running. At that time he decide to take help of police and also he decide to call his friends, that means Dr Asutosh, Prof Binayak and others.But to inform this matter to anyone he requrie mobile phone and at that time the phone is not working so he become helpless. Without getting any way he entered to the slum area and ask others to help, but he find only small children and old man having no mobile phone
Suddenly he noticed one painting on piece of paper. He tried to remember about that figure and get sucesses, yes that is the painting of thatpeculier picture that appeared on his mobile phone before some time. He decide to take that painting but before he pick that piece of paper a sudden blow of air take that paper to some distance then he run behind that.
Then he donot know what happened he find himself near that statue for some moment and then everything become dark and aftet sometime he again find himself is in his car.
Then he returnto Planet club as the driver was in fit and fine condition at that time and whatever happened after that is wellknown to all.
Telling these things Mr Samarudra looks toward others but he do not find anger in anyone's face. He beg permission to sit down.
Yes, yes you can take rest that means you should take rest all friends tell these at a time.
Mr Samarudra sit on his chair. Actually he is feeling very much guilty as he he had not informed those matters ti his friends at the time of discussion in Planet club.He again looks toward all friendd buthe find cooperation in everyone's eye.
Dr Asutosh stands up. Everyone become very worry as they are not in a state to lisyen any more hidden fact.
Dr Asutosh able to understand that and tell them to be relaxed because he had already informed everything He informed others that in tine of discussion in Planet club he had already informed them that Mr Samarudra's health condition is not normal, but no such external or internal injury is not there only tiredness.
Now we come to know so much informations from his description and from that description it become clear that Mr Samarudra had travelled a large distance inside the fotrst by that supernatural force. Some other matters I am not not informing now because that matters can be discussed with doctirs only.
Today we get so much informations, it is definitly a matter of great pleasure. We should not do any arguments with each other for keeping the matter hidden for so much time. Let's forgive each other.
Prif Binayak interfere in this matter and tell other that all are my guests now in my housr but till now I have not asked anyone for coffee or snacks for this I shouldnot get excuse.
Everyone laugh listening this
However the situation become cheerful.
Prof Binayak run toward his kitchen,and arranged the snacks and coffee. Mr Niranjan also rushed to the kitchen to help him. Within ten minutes some eatables and snacked served in front of the friends.
All enjoyed the sncks and then hot coffee also energies them to great extent.
Then they continued discussion.
Prof Binayak start his explanation
We know it very well that noone is ready to listen any remark or criticism of his work., but at the same time everyone know it very well the requriment and effect of remark and criticism.
Now it is the time to analyse the situation clearly
All of us had done the mistake of keeping something hidden from each other in tome of discussion so now I am requesting you to not repeat the mistake again.Actually we are waiting for a suitable situation to soeak something but that cause so much delay Sometimes we are also thinking about remarks and criticism for that we are hiding some matter But now we have to be strong enough to handle the situation. We have already wasted three days after the discussion of this matter in Planet club so we havenot to waste a moment . Let's proceed for investigation.
I am asking Mr Niranjan to inform his persons to remain alert to find out that outsider who is many times noticed in forest. I may also inform him to make arrengement to get the information about those boys who had entered to forest in midnight to enjoy drinking and we canget some informations by cross questioning .
It may be very helpful if Mr Samarudra can drscribe the shape of broken statuethen an expert artist can draw the figure. Then we may get some informations. Another matter he has ti also inform that is the perticular spot where his car was parked near slum area that day.
Next impotant thing is we have to decide about one very critical but required step that is involving police in this matter.
Speaking these things Orof Binayak take rest
Mr Niranjan tell others that he will take necessary steps to catch that outsider. He will try his level best.
Dr Asutosh tell othersvthat it is our duty to inform all informations about crimes so we have to inform all the matters to police. All are definitly thinking thay how will we discuss this unbelivable matter with police but we have to do that. Donot think this is an or or request, take some time and think carefully. We are free to do all the things remaining within the rules and regulation and at the same time keeping hidden any mattet from police is considered as a crime.
Yes we are understsnding that but it will be better to first collect some infornations just like place, date, time, and suspected intentionor purpose then we will definitly inform the police to inyerfere in this matter
Dr Asutosh get such answer from other friends and he also agree with that.
Mr Samarudra stands up and tell others that from the above discussion we come yo know that the situation is not normal and also not favorable to us and the coming days may be more unfavorable. So my opinion is to before entering to this critical situation let's have a party in Planet club in today's evening because we may not get a chance in near future.
Allthe friends accept this proposal. They decide that all will meet in planet club in evening and enjoy.
Prof Binayak tell other three friends that in evening party presence of other friends is also important. So we have to inform them now and we have to also inform that next party will take place after sucessesful completion of the construction project.
Before returning to home the three friends visit the study room of Prof Binayak and become very happy. They understand that Prof Binayak is also trying ti get some informations by reading various books related to that matter and news papers of many days.
They also assure him that they will continue assistance.
All of them decide to remain alert everytime.They understand that the presence of super natural power may be a conspirancy of enemies. They decide to remain together and truly alert to face any critical situation.
All say goodbye to Prof Binayak .
Prof Binayak also say goodbye.
All the friends return to their house.
Prof Binayak return to his studyroom and again start his reaserch work.
End of the chapter
Next chapter Grand preparation