"It was a good match, Isagi-kun." Leon wiped his sweat with the white towel given by an eager Bachira.
"It was scary how you adapt far too easily." Isagi shyly rubbed his neck at the compliment.
"I'm still not over at the fact that you stole what is mine."
Poor Isagi was so confused. He had no idea what Leon was talking about. Leon was talking about his weapon. Half serious and half joking, Leon continued to make Isagi's brain a mess.
The blonde placed his face near Isagi's face and their breaths were touching each other. A pair of violet and blue eyes stared at each other and for a moment, Isagi didn't even dare to breathe loudly.
After that, Leon put his mouth near Isagi's ear and said, "I will not lose a goal next time. You better come to the next selection Isagi-kun," and proceeded to blew hot air into his ears.
Blood rushed to Isagi's face and he almost fainted. "Isagi, are you okay!?" Dad Iemon supported him and the rest didn't care about the bxxtch.
"Are you going back, Shion-chii?~" Bachira clung to Leon's sweaty form and Leon pushed his head away, "Don't cling to me, I'm sweaty."
At that Bachira smirked and Kunigami, sensing that he was about to say something dumb… or flirty, cut in, "It was a good match. I hope to play with you someday."
"I will be looking forward to it, hero." Leon gave him a smile.
Two down. Kunigami spluttered. From a short moment of spending time together, Leon was passed over the knowledge that Kunigami's dream was to be a real-life superhero.
"Please don't tease me…"
"I'm not teasing you! I believe that you could become a real life superhero!"
Leon gave him the most innocent puppy eyes possible.
"Hey! How about you play with me instead of those douchebags!?"
Leon's shirt was pulled over by another to meet their height. The blonde's feet were suspended in the air and he was right now, honestly, hoping to meet the gravity.
"Maybe, if you put me back to the ground, Raichi-kun."
"Let go of Leon, don't you see he's uncomfortable?"
Just when Raichi opened his mouth to expose his sharp teeth to the world again, Chigiri intervened.
Thank you, Hyoma-kun!
Leon sent him grateful eyes.
Chigiri nodded and continued glaring at Raichi. Then, Raichi tched and let Leon back to the ground.
"Thanks, Raichu-kun. Next time, you could have asked normally. That must be why you don't have a girlfriend."
Leon said sarcastically, the rest went down with an 'Oof', covering their mouths as if they didn't know Raichi knew they were laughing at him.
Raichi blew up and curses were thrown everywhere. Leon felt his ears being covered by his new friend, Chigiri Hyoma. 'Thank you,' he mouthed, and smiled softly.
Chigiri felt blood rush to his cheek from the soft smile and gentle eyes, and tried to fight it.
While the rest were fighting (verbally and some restraining some from fighting physically) with each other, Leon and Chigiri were in their own little world.
After their little fits were over, Leon waved them a small goodbye, "Then, I will be going now."
He readily covered Bachira's mouth and continued, "It was a good decision to come here today," His eyes briefly gazed over to Isagi and then to Chigiri, Kunigami, etc, and finally to Bachira. "Some of you had said that you want to play with me, no?"
"Then, survive." His tone was absolutely serious. "Survive and come and play with me. I will be expecting you."
With those words, Leon left. Leaving Team Z alone to process his words.
Honestly, Leon was so damn tired right now that he could sleep for three days–
Wall? No.
"Sorry." The exhausted Leon gave a 'sorry' to the human 'wall' and went on his way.
Behind him, Nagi stared at him for a long time even after his back disappeared.
"Ah, I thought he seemed familiar. Wasn't he that ice-skater Reo really liked?"
Nagi muttered to himself.
"Reo would never believe me if I say that I met his idol in a football facility."
(Spoiler: Reo believed. "Damn it, I should've gone with you just now!" "I told you to 'come with me earlier." "Yukiiiiiiiii-channnnnnn!!!")
(Another spoiler: Yuki-chan is the stage name from Leon in ice-skating world. Like, J.J's)
(Back to the first spoiler: "By the way Reo, why did you believe me?"
*Reo rolling his eyes* "Because why wouldn't I know that my beloved-" *taking out a photo of Leon and gazing lovingly at it* "-play football." "Don't tell me, the reason why you want to win the world cup is because you want to impress him?" *silence* "ReAlLy?" *silence* "I dIDn'T exPeCT yOU tO bE ThIS kiND oF pERsoN, rEO.")
Leon almost fell asleep while walking. He had many, many excuses, he could give to Ego though.
"Are you okay?"
Leon blearily blinked his eyes. The intoxicating sleep was seducing him.
"Thanks, 'm 'kay."
The other looked at him with concern -he could feel it although the boy's bangs were covering his eyes for fuck's sake- and only after he reassured him a third time, did he let Leon walk away on his own.
And Leon could feel Bangs's stare on his back until he disappeared from his sight.
- - -
"Hey, get up!"
Oh…? Did I fall asleep?
Leon brought his hand up to cover his eyes. The exhaustion of using False and Shadow Instant and non-stop training since before he arrived at Blue Lock had finally paid its price.
Ego had given them a schedule and he surely didn't make the players train nonstop. He knew when one had to rest.
No, it was Leon's own decision. It was him training nonstop on his own.
'Leon, go take a rest.'
'Don't train too much, Leon.'
'Hey Leon, have you eaten?'
Damn it.
Leon could feel little moisture covering his eyes and a heavy lump in his throat.
"Get up."
For some reason, the man's -or, was it boy?- voice became visibly softer and he held him up gently. (Later, he learnt that there's no association between gentle and Barou Shouei.)
He let himself be manhandled.
He never moved his hand away from his eyes until the one who was carrying him stopped and dropped him onto a soft something.
Leon tentatively lifted his hand and blinked his eyes rapidly from the brightness. There, he saw a player in a blue lock uniform who had a burly and tall build with shoulder length hair. He had red eyes and he had the kind of face that would make a two years old cry.
Well… I better not judge someone by their appearance. He could secretly be a softie or something–
"What are you looking at, huh?"
I take everything back.