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Superior Splendor - Tyranny ErotiCake (REDUX)

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Inspired by the tale of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, Superior Splendor - Tyranny ErotiCake continues the story of Bijou Luisant, jumping the story 18 years into the future. In the year 2059 After Gleen, the children of Bijou and Chole and their friends follow their parents' footsteps and take the reins of the powerful Tyranny ErotiCake, a special Splendor that is the personal machine of the mysterious Divitiya Iran. Join a new generation of characters, as they are drawn into a conflict fueled by the desire for vengeance by the Ascension from Above, in a story that will determine the fate of billions of lives.

Chapter 1 - Superior Splendor - Tyranny ErotiCake - Chapter 01

At the beginning of this story, 18 years will have passed after the crushing defeat and destruction of the Divided Islands of Columbia. Since then, the Ascension will have long since left behind the planet Gleen and will have sent the SEED to the planet next to Gleen, being Grissom. The terraforming process will have taken 10 years to complete, to which during those 10 years the Ascension will have procreated with each other-and some with the remnants of the RF, in order to create a more stable population. Mix-breeds between Ascension and Consumer children will be called "Ascended Consumers"-or "AC" for short, to which under the new rule of Queen Alexandra's two children-all will be welcome into the new society built by the new Queens. Several prominent figures such as Howard Pinnacle, Stanley Tempest and a researcher named Noihs Ikuzu will also rise to stardom during this time in Mainland, as they will each offer their knowledge to the Ascension to further propel their culture into the modern age. For Noihs Ikuzu, she will have had her obsessions with AndroIs taken into regard, in which the Two Queens will have allowed her to take the Hyper AndroIs "SYSTEM-DESTINY" for herself for study. They will have given this individual the new position of lead researcher of her own R&D Department, to which after analyzing SYSTEM-DESTINY, Noihs will've found several blueprints for new Superior Splendors called "Divides", to which the Ascension will have created their own military with actual Ascension pilots. Most importantly, the Ascension will have used the SEED's capabilities to create everything they ever would've needed, including more advanced models of AndroIs called "E-AndroIs" (Enhanced-AndroIs). With these components, the Ascension quickly become a new superpower in the coming years.

Back on the planet Gleen, the Confederation will have fared less favorably, as the entire planet will have suffered a planet-wide ash storm/geomagnetic mixture from the impact of the Kinetic Warheads into the DIC. At that moment when the Warheads struck the Understructures, deep below these areas lay many veins of dormant magma lanes, to which when the Warheads exploded, they caused for these magma lanes to become active and erupt, thus awakening the dormant volcano system and causing simultaneous eruptions all over the territory of the former DIC. Within a week, the ash caused by these eruptions blanketed all parts of the DIC, which then caused an immediate and sudden change in the environment and climate. The lives of all remaining lifeforms on the opposite were threatened, as the ash storms were nearly 40 km high and could turn anything they touched to solid ash. In order to save themselves, the Confederation managed to erect many Next-Curtain Barriers around its major cities before the ash storms/geomagnetic storms reached their boarders, as the ash storms took almost a full month to arrive within the Confederation-due to the unusual wind patterns of the planet. With 99% of its major and minor cities protected, their residents and whatever animals they brought into their cities were all shielded from the now extremely deadly environment. With the lives of over 1.7 billion people secure, the Confederation then turned its attention to securing it's future, to which after 18 years of hard labor, the story of Tyranny ErotiCake begins...

On October 2, 2059, on the now Ascension-controlled planet called Grissom, the Ascension will be seen gathered in a massive metalic city. This city will be known as Pendragon, to which in the middle of this city, an enormous palace will be seen. Here, a familiar Ascension Queen will be seen to approach two thrones, where her daughters will sit now. Several other empty Thrones are also seen, to which the former Queen will then speak.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...It is almost time, my daughters. Are you two ready to lead our people against the Confederation, under the title of the "Two Queens"?

Queen Alexandra says, to which now, both Princess General Azalea and Princess Media are seen to be sitting on two thrones in the room. With their new titles, they speak.

Queen Azalea Ascension

Of course, mother.

Queen Media Ascension

We have prepared for this moment for the past 18 years already, so as to finally discover Fayola's killer. All you need do for us is relax, as the title of Empress allows for you to take it easy-while we handle beginning this new war.

Now with the title Empress, Alexandra will speak.

Empress Alexandra Ascension

...Of course, my daughters...

Empress Alexandra will then take a few steps back, as then, the two thrones that both Queen Azalea and Queen Media are sitting on are then surrounded by many new model AndroIs. These new model AndroIs act like walking cameras, linking the two Queens to the whole world of Grissom instantly. With the go-ahead from one of their AndroIs, the Two Queens then begin speaking.

Queen Azalea Ascension

...Greetings, people of the planet Grissom. My name is Queen Azalea Ascension, and today I and my younger sister Queen Media want to give you all our newest proclamation against our sworn enemy-Consumers.

In many homes all across the planet Grissom, many Ascensions and Consumers are seen to be paying complete attention to the live broadcast. As they watch, their children-some of which will be Ascended Consumers-will watch the broadcast intently, to which the view then briefly shows many more individuals in four large AA Space Fortresses that are situated in space around the planet Grissom. The names of these AA Space Fortresses will be Hypnos, Minerva, Yemaya and Neith.

Back at the palace, Queen Media will then speak.

Queen Media Ascension

It has been 18 years since we managed to leave behind the planet Gleen, where the DIC tried to force us to solve their problems-before choosing to discard us.

Queen Media says this, indicating that the Ascension are using the excuse that the DIC wished only to create the Ascension to lead them into the future-before then disposing of them. Queen Media will then continue.

Queen Media Ascension

Despite that, thanks to the efforts of some key individuals and the RF who helped us in our time of need-and also with a little luck from Mother Nature-we managed to escape that hopeless situation and also destroy the whole of the DIC, which we only did to ensure that they couldn't immediately retaliate after their space fleet was defeated.

Queen Media will now look down as if she is pained greatly by what she is about to say next. She will then speak.

Queen Media Ascension

Believe me when I say this-I am well aware that the actions of our mother back then cost the lives of over 1.3 billion consumers. I often wake up in the middle of the night from having nightmares about how we just murdered them so that we all could live on

Empress Alexandra Ascension


Empress Alexandra, who is in the background, looks remorseful as her daughter speaks on her behalf. Queen Media continues, with a pained expression on her face.

Queen Media Ascension

...However, had we not done what we did 18 years ago, we all would not be here right now, breathing, eating, laughing and raising our children next to us.

Queen Media's words ring true for many people, as parents now look at the children next to them and hold them tightly next to them. Many other similar scenes play out, as Queen Media finishes speaking.

Queen Media Ascension

Remember that, as me and my sister now make this new proclamation to all of you.

Now, Queen Azalea will speak up.

Queen Azalea Ascension

Today, we are proud to announce to you all that due to our hard work over the course of nearly 2 decades, we Ascension now have our first graduates from our military academies. Please, give them all a warm welcome-and soon a warm goodbye, as they board the shuttles that are heading towards the Space Fortress Neith.

Now, at several military academies across the city, many Ascension and Consumer individuals will be seen to be graduating from the academy. Four individuals will stand out here, of which one Ascended Consumer female will stand with the Rear Admirals; one Ascended Consumer will stand with the Generals and two Consumer twins will stand with the Pilot core. A huge round of applause will now occur for them all.



Above the applause and cheering in this area, Queen Azalea's voice will be heard to be explaining the situation.

Queen Azalea Ascension (voice)

With our young pilots now graduating from an extensive military training regiment headed up by Howard himself, once they arrive at the Space Fortress Neith they will then gain access to our newest line of Superior Splendors called "Divides".

Now, back at the outside of the palace, many small hangers will open up from several positions outside of the palace to revel a showcase of the new AA-SW D1 Divide. They are all equipped with huge physical buster swords, to which after their revel, Queen Azalea continues.

Queen Azalea Ascension

With these new Superior Splendors-and our new line of AndroIs called "Enhanced AndroIs"-or E-AndroIs for short, we will be targeting the Confederation of Pioneering Uniforms-where our new enemy resides. To all of our brave pilots who endured all of the years of military training under Howard, we personally wish you the best of luck!!!



Queen Azalea's call to action now ignites a roar of new applause all across the planet Grissom, as it is now reveled that the Ascension will have expanded across the planet Grissom by this time. Millions of Ascension and Consumer citizens now cheer on Queen Azalea and Queen Media, to which back at the shuttles, they are then seen to finish loading up their passengers. As this happens and the graduates are seated, the shuttles will then activate their EffectPhase armor and then will begin rising into the air. Now, the four characters that were highlighted earlier will be seen to watch the cities below them from their windows become smaller and smaller.

Sometime later, in the space in-between the planets Grissom and Gleen, an enormous Space Fortress will be seen-with Mainland close by to this space fortress. Here, the shuttles will be seen to be landing now, to which as their passengers are then let out, three of the key individuals will be seen to look out to several AA Capital Dreadnought Mk-IIs that will now be reveled within the same hanger. There will be 10 of them in just this one hanger alone, to which 4 of them will then be seen to be preparing to leave. As the graduates move, they will then silently pass through security and then will be immediately directed to a large lounge area, where they will wait for further directions to their specific waiting Capital Dreadnought Mk-II. Many Ascensions and Consumer personal are now revealed to be doing their usual jobs together in the backgrounds, to which as a few minutes pass by, an Ascended Consumer is seen to be sitting-alone for the moment.



One of the individuals is the Ascended Consumer man who was standing with the Generals back at the academy. This man will be seen to be sitting lazily on a bench, to which he will have his arms over the sides of the bench. He will be drinking something with his left hand, while in his right hand he will be reviewing a data pad, to which he speaks out loud.


...The D1 Odin Divides...they are our latest "Divide" Superior Splendors, which comes equipped with beam cannons in their palms, Enhanced EffectPhase Fabric and a Buster Blade that has that new "Disruptor" technology. This blade also has a "maximum" setting as well, which should prove useful...

The man says, as he lazily looks at the data pad in front of him. He continues.


Hopefully with these armaments, I will be able to slash through the Curtain Barriers that the Confederation had installed along most of their cities, before the ash and geomagnetic storms swallowed everything up...!

Just after speaking this to himself, the man will then realize that his drink that he was drinking is now empty. Just then, two figures will then arrive next to the man, to which the man will react to with glee in his tone.


!...Ah, "P-Twins"! I'm glad you two came-

Suddenly, one of the figures will step forward slightly and she will then "gently" place her right index finger on the Ascended Consumer's lips-cutting him off from finishing his sentence. She and the person behind her will then be revealed to be Consumers who are twin girls with long hair. Both of their hairstyles will go over the right sides of their faces-similar to Howard's hairstyle, to which they are then seen to be dressed in similar pilot uniforms.

Now, the woman placing her finger onto the man's lips will speak, while also holding onto a drink in her left hand.


Big brother Idris? Haven't we made it clear to you by now NOT to call us that anymore?

As the woman says this, Idris then looks down at the finger on his lips, to which the woman then sees this and then takes her finger off of his lips-thus allowing the Ascension man named Idris to speak. She then hands him the drink that she was holding, to which she and the woman behind her then sit next to him on both his sides. Idris then speaks.

??? Idris ???

...I'm sorry, Faith. It's just that it's much easier to call you two that than the names that you want me to call you...

Faith then speaks-as she now has one of the drinks that the woman had in her hands.

Faith Nadir

We know. However, we still insist that you call us by our new last names, as we have no relation to the Pinnacle family anymore. Absolutely none...

Faith and the girl behind her now look down, to which hints to Idris that they are remembering horrible memories. Idris then speaks.

??? Idris ???

...Does it still hurt? What they said to you 11 years ago?

Faith Nadir



...I don't think we'll ever forget what she said and did to us back then...

Upon remembering these horrible thoughts, both Faith and the girl behind her are then seen to be in deep pain at remembering something that happened in the past. Idris then speaks.

??? Idris ???

!...Alright. I understand. I'll do my best to start calling the two of you by your new last names of choice. Faith and Grace...Na...dir...

Upon saying the word "Hakai", Idris will be shown to be hard pressed saying that. However, Grace will then speak up-reluctantly.

Grace Nadir

...Just "N-Twins" is alright. There's no need to include our names in that.

??? Idris ???

...That won't be easy...

Idris says, without even thinking. But then, he will see the looks in both girls' eyes, to which will then convince him to speak once more.

Faith Nadir


Grace Nadir


??? Idris ???

!...But, I'll give it my best shot, just for the two of you.

Idris will say this meaning it, to which will then convince the two. They will then speak.

Faith Nadir

Thanks, Idris.

Grace Nadir

We really do appreciate it.

??? Idris ???

Anything for you two.

Idris will smile, to which both Faith and Grace will also smile in return. Then, the announcement will go off.

Attention Personal 01 (open comms)

...Your attention, please. Graduates within lounge area #32. May I please have your attention, please?



Now, everyone in the lounge area pays close attention, to which the Ascension personal over the comms speaks.

Ascension Personal 01 (open comms)

Would all graduates who departed from shuttle #12 earlier please proceed back to hanger #3 to then board the Capital Dreadnought Mk-II Tenebris Root. Your ship will be leaving in precisely 15 minutes, along with the other three ships-the Calamity Jane, Raider Tremble and the Forbidden Hand. I repeat...

As the Ascension personal repeats his request, Idris speaks.

??? Idris ???

! Looks like we are about to head to Gleen now.

Faith Nadir

Yes. After 18 years, the Ascension are now about to impose their own Tyranny onto the Confederation...

Grace Nadir


Faith and Grace speak, as if they have no problems with the Ascension attacking Consumers. As Idris stands up, he, Faith and Grace will then discard their now empty drinks into the trash Bin near them, to which as they walk back to the hanger, the scale of the Tenebris Root will be shown. It is a gigantic vessel, to which as Idris, Faith and Grace board, many other graduates will be seen to be entering the Tenebris Root. After they all enter, around the hanger area, many other such individuals are seen to finish entering into their own Capital Dreadnought Mk-IIs, to which once all of them are inside, the doors behind them then close. The Ascension personal then speak over the comms.

Ascension Personal 02 (open comms)

Attention all personal within hanger #3. The Tenebris Root, Calamity Jane, Raider Tremble and the Forbidden Hand are now cleared for launch. Please prepare for the hanger doors to open-due in 60 seconds...

Ascension Personal 03 (open comms)

Any personal who isn't wearing a spacesuit is to head immediately to sector 1 of hanger #3. I repeat...

As several Ascension and Consumers head the words of the Ascension Personal on the open comms, all of the individuals who are without a spacesuit are seen to leave the area. Now, the Capital Dreadnought Mk-IIs are shown to change their color scheme twice, which indicates that they have Enhanced-EffectPhase armor. As the countdown to launch nearly concludes, the Ascension personal speaks-

Ascension Personal 02 (open comms)


With the go-ahead, the Tenebris Root, Calamity Jane, Raider Tremble and the Forbidden Hand are now seen to leave the hanger of the AA Space Fortress Neith. As they fly out of the hanger, they will move very fast through space, to which they will be able to quickly close the distance in between the AA Space Fortress and the planet Gleen. As this occurs, three other large lights will be seen in the distance, along with all of the remaining planets of the TRAPPIST-1 solar system.

Inside of the Tenebris Root, Idris, Faith and Grace will be seen to be walking together down a hall, to which upon coming to a fork in the road, Idris will then speak.

??? Idris ???

...Alright, here's where we'll split up. Please, go to the bridge and stay with my sister, alright?

Idris says, as he looks back to both Faith and Grace. They speak in acceptance.

Faith Nadir

Of course, Idris.

Grace Nadir

Good luck down there, Idris!

As the two waves to Idris, he will also return the gesture, as the two girls then walk to the right. Idris will instead walk down the left, to which once coming to a small elevator, he will then enter, to which after a short decent, he will then come to a private hanger, where three Divides stand. Idris will then board one of the three Divides, to which as he climbs inside and activates it, he will then receive a comms from the bridge. Now, a beautiful Ascension woman who is sitting in a Motocycle-style captain seat will speak to him via a new kind of comms that produces an image within the cockpit. She then speaks.

??? (comms)

...Big brother Idris? Can you hear me?

??? Idris ???

Yes, Irena. I hear you.

General Idris says, as he finishes activating his Divide from within the cockpit. The woman then replies.

??? Irena ???

Excellent. Your friends just contacted me, asking to be patched through to your Divide. Are you ready to speak to them before we leave arrive in the orbit of Gleen?

??? Idris ???

Yes. Patch me through.

Now, Irena's comms cuts out, to which three more holograms then appear in front of him. Idris then speaks.

??? Idris ???

Hey there, Alex, Cosmo and Erick. How are things on your ships?

From left to right, the holograms show three more Ascension individuals. They then speak.

General Alex ???

It's amazing, General Idris. The SEED's capabilities are so incredible to have created all of this technology for us to use during these past 18 years.

General Cosmo ???

I agree. We really do have to give some applause to the DIC for their ingenuity.

General Erick ???

...However, despite this technology now being used by us, the Ascension from Above, we have to still return to the planet Gleen and continue fighting against the Confederation, now...

Erick will then be seen to have his reservations for fighting. Idris will then speak to him.

General Idris ???

...Erick? Do you have some reservations against fighting?

General Erick ???

...Something like that...I guess I'm just feeling a little off because my mother is a Consumer...but, I won't let this fact affect my performance out here. I promise...

As Erick says this, the four Capital Dreadnought Mk-IIs will then begin launching. General Erick will then speak.

General Erick ???

! Anyway, this is something we can discuss some other time, Idris...

General Idris ???

Alright. Just remember to keep fighting outside of the ash storms to an absolute minimum. While that invisible field produced by the Enhanced EffectPhase will protect you for a short while, the intense heat of the ash and geomagnetic storms will eventually cause your machines to melt if you fight for too long in there. Everyone, remember that.

General Alex ???


General Cosmo ???


General Erick ???


With that, all three men then cut the comms, to which the scene then transitions to the outside of space. There, all four Capital Dreadnought Mk-IIs are now seen to be quickly approaching the planet Gleen.

Sometime later (so as to allow for the other three ships and their personal to interact), the four Capital Dreadnought Mk-IIs are seen to get close enough to enter into the orbit of the planet Gleen. Before doing so, they now cease moving forward and hold their current positions in space. The planet below is then seen, to which the view is now shown. When once it was a planet that had a clear distinction between landmasses and water, now, a dark-tan haze envelopes the whole of the planet. Idris speaks, as he can see the planet from his cockpit's monitor.

General Idris ???

"Whistles"...The effects of the kinetic warheads sure are devastating! The entire planet's ecosystem is completely destroyed-save for the areas where the Confederation managed to save itself with that old Curtain Barrier tech...

General Idris ???

...But, which side created them to use against us in the first place? Was it the DIC...or the Confederation...?

Idris says to himself. Then, Irena comes back onto the comms and speaks to Idris.

??? Irena ??? (comms)

...Big brother Idris? This is where you will take command of the mission with 20 Blockades and 30 Frontiers. You are to test the capabilities of your Divide against the enemy's Curtain Barrier-to which if it is capable of breaking through the Curtain Barrier, you are to then withdraw at once and then return to the Tenebris Root.

General Idris ???

...Irena? What happens if the Confederation sends out it's Superior Splendors?

Idris asks, to which his sister replies.

??? Irena ??? (comms)

Combat with the Confederation's Superior Splendors is not advised by order of the Two Queens at this time, as we are only deploying a small fraction of our overall Superior Splendor force at the moment from this ship. This mission is more of a test of our new Divide's power, as we need to determine if it is capable enough for our next operations.

General Idris ???

...Alright. I'm on my way out now.

As Idris says this, he then moves his Divide and then heads to a catapult system. Once he's on the catapult, Idris then engages his Divide's Enhanced EffectPhase Fabric, to which has two coats of color-similar to the Capital Dreadnought Mk-II. With that, he then heads out, to which 20 AA B3 Blockades and 30 AA F3 Frontiers launch from the Tenebris Root. Across the way, similar Superior Splendors are also seen coming from the other three ships, to which they then begin their decent to the planet. As Idris and his fleet of Superior Splendors fly into the planet's atmosphere, they soon descend into the hostile environment. The air is polluted with huge amounts of volcanic ash-as the volcanic eruptions on the opposite side of the planet will be perpetual. While this volcanic ash will not damage any of the AA Superior Splendors just yet, they will descend quickly so as to not melt completely. After a short amount of time descending, all AA Superior Splendors will then breach the atmosphere, to which as they continue to descend, the barren landscape below will then be seen. Once on the ground, the AA Superior Splendors will be shown to stand on an enormous blanket of ash. All around them, blazing winds and huge geomagnetic storms will assault the heavens, but on the ground, the Superior Splendors will be fine-for the moment. They will then begin to walk forward, to which after a short distance, the AA Superior Splendors will then come up to an enormous curtain barrier, which will be shown to protect a massive city from the harmful environment outside.

Inside of the Curtain Barrier, the environment will be shown to be more stable than on the outside, as most of the city within will be that of technology. There will be several structures that resemble climate towers, which are shown to produce clouds that can even produce rain within the city. Several artificial landmasses will also be seen, along with small pockets of artificial oceans, which indicates that the Confederation had the capacity to at least produce some presentation within their bubble cities. After this is shown, the view will then zoom in on the city, where life for the people will be shown. Most people will walk around normally, but without the winter attire that they were shown to wear 18 years ago. This will be because the environment will still have caused an increase in heat-even within the city, to which people will have had to adapt accordingly. As people do their normal day to day activities within the massive city, towards the edges of the city, suddenly, a loud sound will then alert some of the people to look out towards the artificial ocean.




As people turn to face where the loud noise just came from, on the opposite side of the Curtain Barrier, it will be shown that Idris just used his Divide's Buster Blade to attack the Curtain Barrier. However, there will be hardly any damage, to which Idris will then speak.

General Idris ???

...Damn. The Curtain Barrier is still holding. I guess I'll have to use its maximum

Now, due to the attack from General Idris, the alarms will go out from the Curtain Barrier on the opposite side.


Back inside of General Idris's Divide, he will speak.

General Idris ???

...Well, there goes our element of surprise. But, it would've been such a waste if there wasn't any fighting today, anyway.

Idris says, as he then prepares to engage his Divide's maximum settings for it's Buster Blade. Right as this happens, back within the Curtain Barrier at the military base, a scene will unfold.

At the military base within the city, several new Confederation ships are then reveled-along with a new Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II, which will be shown off now. It will be stationed on the surface-in front of a large, closed bay door, to which as the alarms go out in the distance, two young men will be revealed to be approaching the bridge of the Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II. They will walk along an open bridge from an elevator, to which as they approach the bridge, they will speak to each other.

"Alarms noise in the distance"

As the two men approach the bridge of the massive Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II, it will be pointed towards the disturbance in the distance. Now, the man behind the man leading the two will speak up.


...It's been 18 years since the DIC was destroyed by the Ascension...




Do you think they aim to destroy our Saviour Ships?


I don't think so, Robin. Afterall, this is the Ascension's first return in 18 years, so there is little chance they could've already deduced that we have the Saviour ships at our disposal.

Robin ???

...Of course, Phillip.

After this brief interaction, both men get to the bridge and then take their seats. The Bridge staff then begin speaking to the man named Phillip.

Bridge Staff 01

...Rear Admiral Phillip! We are receiving an alert condition from our Next-Curtain Barrier Tower #39. There seems to be something striking the Barrier from the outside.

The person says, to which Rear Admiral Phillip then replies.

Rear Admiral Phillip ???

I see. This could only be the work of Ascension from Above, as only they could have created more Superior Splendors during the past 18 years and then sent them here to reignite the war that ended back then.

Bridge Staff 02

So, the Ascension really do aim to start another war with us...?

This person says with some worry on her face. Robin then replies to her.

Robin ???

It would seem that is the case. However, this is exactly why we built up our military for the past 18 years as well, as Francoise knew that one day we'd have to fight against the Ascension again.

Bridge Staff 02


Bridge Staff


Robin ???

Thus, we will defend ourselves and our Saviour ships against the Ascension-but this time, we won't be holding anything back-like the DIC did before us. Is that understood?

Bridge Staff


With the morale on the bridge now high, Rear Admiral Phillip will now speak.

Rear Admiral Phillip ???

Now...before we launch the Hydra Noon into battle, tell me what is the situation in the city?

Now, another bridge staffer speaks up.

Bridge Staff 03

Sir! Just before you two arrived on the bridge, we had received word from Francoise herself, telling us that our Next-AndroIs are ready to be sent into the city to direct the civilians to safety.

Rear Admiral Phillip ???

Excellent. It's nice to know that she has our back in this situation. Was there anything else from her that I need to know?

Bridge Staff 03

She did mention that she was also on her way here with her friends-including some reinforcements. "They" should also be arriving soon, sir.

The Bridge staff says, with a hint that tells Phillip what he needs to know. Rear Admiral Phillip then cooly responds.

Rear Admiral Phillip ???

...Alright. Send out every available Next-AndroIs into the city with orders for every civilian to head to the Next-Understructures immediately. We can't afford to have any civilian casualties right now-not when "L-Day" is beginning in at the end of this month.

Bridge Staff 04

Right away, Sir!

After Rear Admiral Phillip says this, he then looks above him to see a female Next-AndroIs face embedded into the ceiling. He now speaks to this individual.

Rear Admiral Phillip ???

...Nai-omi? Can you hear me?

Now, the Next AndroIs responds.


Yes, Rear Admiral Phillip Kai. What can I do for you?

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

Starting today, the AA have returned to start another war with us. They are currently trying to bypass our Next-Curtain Barrier from above the city. I've decided that we will be the first ones to launch and meet the Ascension in battle right now.



Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

Please get the Hydra Noon ready for immediate takeoff at once.


Of course, Phillip.

As the Bridge Staff proceed to order out many trucks of Next-AndroIs into the cities to begin getting people to safety, Rear Admiral Phillip then speaks once more.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

Activate Next-EffectPhase armor!!



Just like with the Tenebris Root and other three Capital Dreadnought Mk-IIs used by the Ascension, the Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II that Rear Admiral Phillip controls then changes its color twice. However, the armor that the Capital Dreadnought Mk-II has it much shinier than the Tenebris Root, which indicates that the technology is more superior than the Tenebris Root. Rear Admiral Phillip then speaks.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

Nai-omi! Raise us up into the air at once!



A moment later, the Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II then rises into the air. Rear Admiral Phillip then speaks.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

Keep the Hydra Noon at this altitude, as we move closer to where the alarms first went off.


Of course.

With that, the Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II named Hydra Noon beings to move towards the edges of the Confederation. It has to pass over the city first, to which as it does, its speed is greater than the Cerberus Midnight seen 18 years prior.

Now, on the opposite side of the Next-Curtain Barrier, General Idris will be seen back in his Divide. His Buster Blade will have now been activated to its maximum power, to which just before Idris is about to use it, he sees the Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II on the opposite side and then speaks.

General Idris ???

...Hm? The Confederation are already sending out one of their newest Dreadnoughts? ...That looks like a new model compared to the ones detailed in the photos from school.

Idris says, as the Hydra Noon comes closer and closer. Idris speaks again.

General Idris ???

It's speed is also greater than our Mk-IIs...?! I'll remember to tell Irena that when we get back to the Tenebris Root. Now, let's do this-

As Idris finishes his sentence, he then uses his Divide's Buster Blade on the Next-Curtain Barrier. The attack is so strong that it rips a large hole in the Next-Curtain Barrier, which allows for the AA assault force to enter into the Confederation-along with the harmful environment outside. As the AA Superior Splendors enter, Idris also enters in his Divide and then speaks.

General Idris ???

Alright! If I use maximum mode, then I can slice through the Curtain Barrier whenever I want. Now, let's have a little fun before we have to leave, shall we?

With that, Idris then moves his Divide's hand to then signal to his forces to begin charging into the hole that he just created within the Next-Curtain Barrier. As they make it, Idris then sees something happening to the Next-Curtain Barrier. He speaks.

General Idris ???

...! The Curtain's reformatting itself...

Just like Idris has said, the Next-Curtain Barrier is indeed reformatting itself, as the hole that Idris just managed to create begins to close itself off. Idris then makes a split-second decision.

General Idris ???


Idris then enters into the Next-Curtain Barrier before the hole closes itself off. Once it does, Idris then looks back to the now closed off hole. He speaks.

General Idris ???

...As long as I have this Buster Blade, then I should be able to slice our way out of here. I might as well gather some combat data on that new Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II, so this trip won't be for nothing.

With that, General Idris then watches over the battle from a distance, as the other AA Superior Splendors then charge towards the Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II.

Once the two sides are in range, Rear Admiral Phillip is seen to make the first move. He speaks.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

Nai-omi! Send out our B4 Blockades and F3 Frontiers at once!


Roger that.

Now, swarms of pilots prepare to launch in many CPU-SW B4 Frostfire Blockades and CPU-SW F3 Ignited Frontiers. Unlike the B3 RageLions that had EffectPhase Fabric, their successors will have an improved variant called "Next-EffectPhase" Fabric, which enables them to fly faster than usual. As some of them launch, several returning characters are seen to be inside some of these Superior Splendors at this time. For the returning characters, they will be identified as Jonathan Castlecat and Charlotte Knighthood, before launching in their Blockades and Frontiers of choice.

Jhonathan Castlecat (CPU-SW B4)

Jonathan Castlecat. Launching.


Charlotte Knighthood (CPU-SW F3)

Charlotte Knighthood. Taking off!!!


After their brief introduction, they, along with many other Confederation Superior Splendors, will then fly towards the approaching AA Superior Splendors. Before the AA can attack the city, they will be confronted by the Confederation Superior Splendors coming from the Hydra Noon, to which with them attacking them, the AA Superior Splendors will then not attack the city and instead concentrate on the attacking Confederation Superior Splendors instead. As the two sides begin fighting, the Confederation Superior Splendors will put up a fantastic fight against the AA forces, to which the Ascension will retaliate in full. However, as the battle progresses, neither side will gain the advantage over the other, as both the Hydra Noon and the D1 Odin Divide under the command of Idris will keep back in this battle-letting their respective ground forces duke it out with each other in the distance. Rear Admiral Phillip will then comment on this.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

...What's the status of that unknown AA Superior Splendor keeping back over there?

Bridge Staff 01

Sir. It appears to be a Divide, as it has a Buster Sword just like our own Divides have.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai


Rear Admiral Phillip now takes a look at the Divide on the monitor next to him. He thinks to himself.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

*...That looks exactly like what one of those blueprints described from 18 years ago. If that's the case, then our Divides are superior, as we enhanced those old blueprints as new technologies were conceived.*

Suddenly, the same Bridge Staff speaks up in a hurry. He sounds excited now.

Bridge Staff 01

Sir! We are receiving reinforcements!! It's-

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai


Just before the Bridge Staffer can finish his sentence, outside, a Superior Splendor then flies from the skies and heads straight for the battle. Just before coming to the warzone, the pilots make the Blockade in question preform a flashy entrance, to which the Superior Splendor is then reveled to be the Liberty ErotiCake. The pilots then land the Liberty ErotiCake on top of a building, to which inside of its cockpit, two new faces are seen. Both pilots are young women, to which the main pilot is dark light-skinned; has very long African-style hair and the hallmark of the Luisant family-a blue-colored right eye and a gold-colored left eye. The co-pilot next to her is also similar in her skin tone, to which both girls will be wearing extremely skimpy military-style clothing, which covers up less than 5% of their bodies and only really covers a small part of their breasts and private areas. After their revels, they then speak.


Looks like we got here just in time!


You're right,

Perle ???

What is it, Sabrina?

Sabrina ???

We're getting a contact from the Hydra Noon. It must be Phillip and Robin again.

Perle ???

Hmph. Patch me through to them.

Sabrina ???


After a few seconds, the comms in the Liberty ErotiCake come alive. Phillip's voice them comes out.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

...Perle?! Are you and Sabrina piloting that outdated ErotiCake again?!

Perle ???

That's right, Phillip! Just like our parents before us, we will now pilot the Liberty ErotiCake...!

The girl named Perle says this with joy in her tone. Rear Admiral Phillip continues.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

Dammit...this isn't the time for your jokes, Perle. You need to-

Perle ???

Uh, Phillip! Hold on a second-

Now, the AA Superior Splendors take an interest in the Liberty ErotiCake and try to shoot at it. However, the woman named Perle is able to skillfully evade all of their attacks by pulling off some impressive maneuvers in the air. After this display, Perle lands the Liberty ErotiCake behind a building, to which Idris-who has been watching the display, then speaks.

General Idris ???

"Whistles" Nice moves...

Then, back with the Liberty ErotiCake, as it remains crouched, Perle then speaks back to Rear Admiral Phillip.

Perle ???

Sorry about that, Phillip, but we are in the middle of combat here...

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

...Perle, listen to me. You and Sabrina are in a lot of danger out here, so you two have to return to the Hydra Noon, alright?

Rear Admiral Phillip says, as Perle then begins to subtly move the Liberty ErotiCake. She prepares to launch again, but before that happens, Rear Admiral Phillip continues.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

That Superior Splendor-the Liberty ErotiCake, is now outdated when compared to the B4 Blockades that are already fighting right now-and even they are having trouble against the enemy! What can the Liberty ErotiCake do against such power now?!

Perle ???

I know that, Phillip. However, let me ask YOU something now!

Perle says in a non-threatening way. Rear Admiral Phillip replies-with a worried expression.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)


Perle ???

Why haven't you sent out our Divides or Superior Maneuvers into battle yet? Our Divides have the power to slice through even our newest Next-Curtain Barriers with their Disruptor Buster Blades, which I'm sure can destroy whatever the Ascension are using to protect their Superior Splendors.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)


Rear Admiral Phillip doesn't reply, to which all but confirms that what Perle just said is true. Perle continues.

Perle ???

In addition to that fact, our newest Superior Maneuvers are also equipped with laser-variants of said disruptor technology. So, I ask you again. Why are you holding them back right now?

Perle now snaps her fingers, to which Rear Admiral Phillip then responds.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms) see, I just thought that we should plan ahead a little. Maybe it's not a good idea to show our enemy that we have Divides or Superior Maneuvers yet. In fact, I'm sure that we can defeat the enemy with just our Blockades and Frontiers that I deployed from my ship!

Perle ???

...Probably, but with how things were going, victory would come at the potential cost of some of our pilots' lives. You can't deny that, can you?!

Perle's words seem true, but Rear Admiral Phillip then replies.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

...Sacrifices are always expected in times of war, Perle. However, I'd expect such notions from you, as you've spent all of your training against AndroIs-never once considering the possibility of killing another person with your own hands.

Perle ???


Perle is now seen to flinch greatly, as what Rear Admiral Phillip just told her is true. However, Sabrina then chimes in.

Sabrina ???

Phillip! Don't be mean to Perle!!

Realizing his mistake, Rear Admiral Phillip then replies.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

!...I'm sorry, Perle. This is our first real fight against the enemies that beat our parents and destroyed the DIC 18 years ago... The tension is pretty real for me, so I just said that without thinking...

Perle ???

...You are...correct in saying those things, Phillip...

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)


Perle now sounds defeated, as her hair now covers her face. Phillip then tries to comfort her-

Perle ???


Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)


However, just as Rear Admiral Phillip is about to feel for Perle, Perle suddenly bounces back by shouting happily into the comms. As she does that, she also leans in closer to the comms unit in front of her-to the point that her large breasts begin to press against the comms unit.

Perle ???

Could you just...listen to me this one time, Phillip? We'd like it very much if you' Exactly. As. We. Say.

Perle then begins to slap her breasts against each other, which causes a sound to begin playing out on the comms.


Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)


Perle ???


Perle then looks over to Sabrina with an evil sexual grin on her face. Sabrina then catches what Perle is trying to do and then "reluctantly" follows along. She then turns on the comms unit next to her and then the two being jiggling their breasts together in sync with each other.

"Slap" "Slap" "Slap" "Slap"

Perle ???/Sabrina ???

Please, Phillip...listen to our words and send our the Hydra Noon's Divides and Superior Maneuvers into battle...please...

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

GAH!!!! WUAAGH!!!!!

The sounds that Phillip makes over the comms make both Perle and Sabrina giggle with anticipation.

Perle ???


Sabrina ???

"Rolls eyes"

Rear Admiral Phillip then replies.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

...Al...Alright, you two...

Perle ???


Sabrina ???

...What are you going to do for us?

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai (comms)

I'll...I'll send out our Divides and Superior Maneuvers right away...

Perle ???

...Thank you, Phillip.

Sabrina ???

We really do APPRICIATE it.

Sabrina says, while "nudging" Perle with her elbow. Perle takes it and smiles, to which after this, Perle and Sabrina both cut their comms. Then, back on the bridge of the Hydra Noon, both Rear Admiral Phillip and Advisor Robin are seen, blushing greatly. Rear Admiral Phillip is silent, as Robin then speaks.

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai


??? Robin ???

...Perle and Sabrina always have such a way with their words...and bodies...

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai


Phillip is speechless, to which Nai-omi then speaks up.


...Rear Admiral Phillip Kai? Shall I give the order for our Divides and Superior Maneuvers to launch right away?

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai

...Yes...please...I need a moment, here...before I send for Perle and Sabrina to come here...


Of course...master...

Rear Admiral Phillip Kai


Now, a trickle of blood begins to drop from Rear Admiral Phillip Kai's nose, to which as Robin and some of his bridge staff begin to smirk, the scene then transitions to the outside of the Confederation Capital Dreadnought Mk-II.

Outside, along another part of the Hydra Noon, several more hanger doors open up to then revel the CPU-SW D1 Imperious Divide. Inside of these hangers, several newer characters are reveled, to which as they board their Divides, they then introduce themselves as Teresa and Terese Maverick (Daughters of Alexia, Noel Blue and Cassius Maverick). They, along with several more Divides then launch from the Hydra Noon, to which as the Divides fly out, they then activate their Next-EffectPhase Fabric.

Teresa Maverick (CPU-SW Divide)

Teresa Maverick. Engaging the enemy!


Terese Maverick (CPU-SW Divide)

Terese Maverick. Providing backup!


At the same time, several Superior Maneuvers also launch from the Hydra Noon, who are all piloted by random pilots.

Random Pilots (Superior Maneuvers)



With the launch of these new Divides and Superior Maneuvers, Idris is seen to take immediate notice and speaks.

General Idris ???

What the-the Confederation has managed to incorporate Enhanced EffectPhase Fabric onto Divides??!

General Idris is shocked by this revelation, to which even the Superior Maneuvers have Next-Effect Phase technology on them. General Idris then speaks.

General Idris ???

And even those Superior Maneuvers have the same technology?! ...We'll have to tread carefully from now on!

Upon seeing this, Idris then signals for all of his forces to begin retreating at once. All of his forces then cease their attacks and then rise into the air thanks to their Enhanced EffectPhase Fabric. As they do, Idris then takes a quick glance back at the Liberty ErotiCake, which has now reveled itself from where it was hiding.

Perle ???


Sabrina ???

The Ascension Superior Splendors...are they retreating...?!

Perle ???

...Hold on...what is that one doing there...?

Sabrina ???


Now, General Idris speaks, as he looks at the Liberty ErotiCake from his Divide's cockpit. As this happens, General Idris's Divide scans the Liberty ErotiCake and the Hydra Noon over it, to which as the scan completes, General Idris then speaks.

General Idris ???

...I'd best make sure to keep an eye on that ErotiCake, as that large blaster on it's back could be trouble if I'm not careful...

With that, General Idris then flies into the air and then makes it to the front of the retreating Ascension Superior Splendors. He then has his Divide take out it's Buster Blade and then engages its maximum setting, to which he then slashes a huge hole into the Next-Curtain Barrier. He and his force then make it to the outside of the Next-Curtain Barrier and then make their way back into the hazardous environment outside the Next-Curtain Barrier.

With that, the battle is over, leaving the Confederation the victor.

Chapter END