Chapter 102 - THE UNKNOWN

Miller and Wataon had entered their room in the First Year Students Male Hostel. There was a big Silence, Because of what had just happened in the School Garden.

"Do you think she would be able to prove anything?" Watson asked Miller with great concern.

"I don't know, i just have to be very careful next time" Miller said.

"Yes you really have to" Watson replied.


"I really do." Miller said realizing the danger that he might be in, if his secret was told to everyone.

Although Miller did not know much about Emily. He knew that she was from the Pemberton's family. The world most influential family and the top controllers of the One World Government.

He knew that if someone like Emily found his secret and she had told her parents about it, he would be in trouble. He had to stay within the shadows.

Miller really knew that he wasn't a Mutant, but it was better for him to say he was a Mutant, than to classify himself as A THROSK'BOK; which the System doesn't even want to explain much about them.

Miller did not even know which planet a Throsk'Bok is from? He had searched the website of the Anti-Meta Human headquarters and he could find nothing related to that name.

Was the System's creator possibly from that race? Were Throsk'Bok extinct? Was he the only one? Why does he look so Human? Do they have a Human appearance?

All these questions and more were lingering in his head and he just knew one thing, even if he asked the System it would be a waste of time. The System would still tell him that he would tell him Later, that he wants him to just get stronger for a Great War.

The two of them went to the Library to pass their time with books and for the mean time. Miller promised not to get into trouble.

Inside the library Miller used his super Hearing to hear the words of some students whispering:

"The teacher was actually killed" a voice Whispered to another

"Are you sure" The other replied.

"Yes, i am, i heard we are going to have a stricter curfews than PREVIOUSLY" One of them Whispered.

"So, is it still THE UNKNOWN" Another said.

"I have no clue" The other replied.

Miller was confused as to what 'THE UNKNOWN' meant, it felt like something happened when he left school, so he decided to ask his best friend; Watson who was sitting close to him by his left.

Watson was really serious reading a book. Miller looked the book with frustration Because it was too big. Sometimes Miller felt like Watson reads too much for his age. While, Watson on the other hand thinks he hasn't even read enough.

"What book are you reading?" Miller asked trying to start a conversation.

"It's a Textbook on Advanced Robotics; that's the optional course i want to offer" Watson replied.

Miller knew that Watson hated to be disturbed by anyone including his best friend; Miller whenever he was reading. Watson Loved reading books and thus dedicated much of his free time to reading books. Miller talking to him was a distraction, but he didn't want to appear rude. Miller on the other hand wanted to know who 'THE UNKNOWN' is.

"Who's THE UNKNOWN?" Miller asked.

Watson Immediately closed his books as he was ready to answer his friend. Closing the book and facing Miller was an indication that Watson was really interested in this conversation.

"According to what i have heard so far, it's actually a rumour, I obviously don't believe if it is true, There is a spirit called THE UNKNOWN in this school, it has been Killing students for the past two and a half years every full moon and the full moon is soon approaching. So that's why people are tensed" Watson started. "That's why the curfews are so strict, the soldiers are moving everywhere, they are scared that THE UNKNOWN is going to come again and they want to be prepared for it."

"On every full moon night for the past two and a half, At least ten students would die. Their bodies would be divided into two like it had been torn apart by an immense creature and the blood would spill on the floor and would write the letters: 'BEWARE OF THE UNKNOWN'." Watson made those last words look fearful than they should.

On a normal day, Miller wouldn't have believed this story, but now, given everything he'd experienced, he believed anything was possible. Before Miller would have thought these were also rumours.

"Where any of their bodies ever found?" Miller asked.

"I have no idea if it's true, but i hear it's with the Soldier, they don't want Students to have them or see the bodies, Because they don't want us to panick" Watson replied.

"Miller do you think THE UNKNOWN might be a Werewolf?" Miller asked Watson.

Miller asked Watson that question because the tragic events always occurred during the full moon. Does that mean it relates to the Werewolves. Although through novels Miller has read, he was able to understand Werewolves loose control over their body during full moon. Was that really true, besides that was in a Novel he read, he doesn't know if Werewolves really loosed control over their body whenever a full moon occurred in real life?.

"Ha Ha Ha" Watson laughed loudly. Everyone eyes looked at Watson with anger, he was in a library and he had laughed so loud disturbing the others. A library is supposed to be a quiet place for reading books, not to even laugh widely like a foolish person like what Watson had just did now.

"You are really silly, do you know that" Watson Whispered. "Werewolves are only things in FICTION novels, they don't exist in real life".

'They do, you fool' Miller thought to himself.

"You really got me on this one" Watson said as he could not control his laugh. He only reduced the sound of his laugh as not to disturb others.

Miller stood up from his seat with the intention of leaving the library. On his way to the door....

"Hey, Miller wait for me" Watson said.

"I really need to go" Miller replied.

"Did i offend you with my words? If so i am really sorry". Watson said.

Not many people would apologize to Miller, but Watson always did, bringing a smile to Miller's face.

"Where are you heading?" Watson asked.

"To the cafeteria" MILLER replied.

"Let's go then" Watson replied.

Inside Miller wasn't happy that his friend had followed him. He didn't want to get Watson involved in any of this, that's why he had lied and now he had no option than to go the school cafeteria. Miller's main intention was to meet someone to ask some few questions. He wanted to meet Sophie Smith; The Werewolf.
