Chereads / MimicLIFE,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life / Chapter 95 - Chapter 95 Another World Channel (28) Live Another World Adventure (17) Apostle Trial: Act 2: Cavalry (4)

Chapter 95 - Chapter 95 Another World Channel (28) Live Another World Adventure (17) Apostle Trial: Act 2: Cavalry (4)

Author's Note:

Character Map:

"X" = Loid Orcus (protagonist)

"(X)" = Loid Orcus (strong inner thought)

°X° = Makina

•X• = Soul Goddess Aksa

^X^ = Sebastian (AI Assistant)

X>X = Chat Window/Panel in the Livestream

*X* = God and Goddess

#X# = Deities


[X] = Status Board/What is written on it/ Status Window (New)

--- = POV Change

|||| = Time Skip

(X) = Explanation/author/ A.U.T.H.O.R.

([X]) = Sound effect

{X} = Buttons, or something that may cause a certain action


" A Boss Pattern Change it seems"

With that, the aura intensified, radiating a palpable pressure that made it clear—this was no ordinary chivalrous knight anymore.

As the aura around the knight converged and formed into a majestic horse, the knight swiftly mounted it, creating an imposing sight. Sensing the danger, I acted quickly. I turned one of the attached sniper shafts within the portal and took a calculated shot to stop the knight from fully mounting.

([Pang!])(sound of being block)

—a metallic echo rang out, signaling failure.

The bullet never reached its target. Instead, it was intercepted mid-air by a massive, translucent shield projected by the knight's silhouette.

"What? A shield?"

I muttered, my mind racing as I inspected the unexpected defense.

Attempting to appraise the situation further, I activated the skill. However, the results came back blank—an occurrence I'd encountered before.

"A magic spell, no doubt..."

^Based on data collected from the Goddess and stored in the database, the closest match is a barrier magic.^

"Not just that,"

I added.

"The rendering skill is amplifying the barrier. An attack of that magnitude should have pierced its defenses, yet it didn't. Skills like Last Guard are being applied here, layered and enhanced by Render."

^I concur with your assessment, Master Loid,^

Sebastian replied.

"What with the Master, Sebastian?, you could just call me Loid"

I grumbled.

^Thank you for your suggestion, Master Loid, but I prefer the current formality if you permit it.^

I sighed but let it slide.

"Haha, do as you please what you are comfortable, Sebastian, now then, Sebastian, could you please assist with the appraisal of our guest that is our adversary that at our front"

^As you command.^

^Divine Skill Ascertainment has been activated^

Sebastian activated Divine Skill: Ascertainment, and the results began to pour in:

^[Status Board]

[Name:×^×¥=`§|[€ (Corrupted text)

[Second name: Second Trial

[Rank: √E (√ Degraded)


[Exp: 0 (Exp is used to allot stats and increase skill levels by spending to it)

[Category: €√€π¢÷¢§€ (Corrupted text)

[Race: √¥÷÷€=|ו (Corrupted text)

[Species: √√€=|=|=×| (Corrupted Text)



^[Stats Board]

[Hp:100√^100^ (^X^=Additional Stats)

[Mp:100√^100^(Due to Buff and alike)

[Str:100√^100^ (√ if you see this, It is debuff)






^[Abilitiy Board]

[Weaked: Render

[Sealed: Aura Master^

^[Skill Board ]

[Weakened: Damage Reduction

[Weakened: Last Guard

[Sealed: Etc. (Skills sealed)^

^[Equipment Board]

[Divine: Helm of Intuition^

^[Status Condition ]

[Buff: Resonating Fragment^

"That doesn't look like much has changed, except for the increased stats due to the buff. The question is, where did the buff come from?"

^... It's just a hypothesis, but there's a chance that the fallen knights we recently defeated, which we saw being absorbed, have merged with the lone knight, causing the increase in stats. This merge might be considered a buff.^

"What? You can do that? Wait… well, that… might actually be a good reference for me. It's like turning quantity into quality, a kind of concept. Now that you mention it, there are plenty of boss patterns that do this when their minions are defeated under certain conditions."

Thinking about such things, I came up with an idea. It might work, or it might not—but there's only one way to find out.


•What?! I'm busy operating the portal! Be quick and say what's on your mind immediately!•

"You could just read my mind, you know."

•I don't have time for that! Do you know how hard it is to operate this divine relic of mine? In the first place, it's the user who should operate it, and I, the goddess, should just assist by granting permission and pouring divine power—then I'd be done with it!•

"Don't whine. Besides, you should be more helpful than just idling around!"

•What did you say?!•

"I said—"

Before I could finish my sentence, I sensed a fast projectile heading straight for me. If I didn't act immediately, it would collide directly with me. I leaped out of its trajectory, enhancing my legs to an efficient form reminiscent of a flea's, and sprang upward to dodge.

"Didn't even get to finish my sentence. I'm supposed to be the protagonist here, you know. My dialogue shouldn't be interrupted like this!"

•What are you yapping about, Loid? Another one is coming—dodge!•

"I know that!"

Another projectile flew toward me. Sensing it just in time, I morphed into a smaller form, narrowly dodging it by a hair's breadth.

"Damn it! This thing is ridiculously fast. What even is this?"

^Based on my observations and the data collected, it appears to be barrier magic—but used in an unconventional way. Rather than defending, it's being manipulated to crush things like a hammer. Running simulations, I conclude that this application of the spell may even be capable of piercing or slashing, depending on its formation.^

"Damn. I can already name several protagonists in manga and novels who have similar powers now that you've said it. Makina, stop operating the portal. I have something else I need you to do. Just figure out what it is by reading my mind since you're no longer occupied with the portal."

•Do you think you can just order me around—•

"AAHHhh, dodge! Just do it already!"

•Erghh, fine! But there won't be a next time!•

Dodging yet another attack, I managed to ask the goddess for a favor and sent her off on an errand. Following the thoughts in my mind, she left and disappeared from the stream.

>Oyyy, dodge! You almost got hit there! By the way, where's the goddess going?

>Dodge to the left! Another one is about to flank you. And seriously, where is the goddess going?

>Duck! Host, where's the goddess going? We heard your conversation, but we can't read your mind here, so tell us!

>Jump to the right, boss! And yeah, boss!, we're curious too!

> Dodge and avoid comment and question of whereabout of the goddess and etc.

"Well, well, dear viewers, you do not have to worry about that, the goddess is just going in an erran-hmm, doing something that has to do to change the situation we are in, so trust her and she will be back, don't worry about it"

Close call. There's no way I'd outright say I sent the goddess on an errand. Although I spoke roughly earlier, Makina should be able to filter and edit my words to avoid making it seem like I disrespected the goddess. Maintaining her image is important. Still, I should be more careful with my words. Even though I'm confident in Makina's abilities, it's better not to burden her unnecessarily.

"Now then, let's see how long we can last under this barrage until the goddess returns to help us. Shall we discover the indomitable spirit of Earth together?"

With that, I sprang into action, preparing for the onslaught while staying ready to dodge at a moment's notice.


hello readers, see you long time, sorry for late update, after all, holi week in pinas, with tat, many preparation have to prepare, so sorry and have a good red and days to come