Chereads / MimicLIFE,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life / Chapter 53 - Chapter 53 New God in New World (9) Apostle Trial (5)

Chapter 53 - Chapter 53 New God in New World (9) Apostle Trial (5)

Author note

Character Map:

"X"=Loid Orcus(Protagonist)

"(X)"= Loid Orcus (strong inner thought)

°X°=Makina ( Artificial Intelligence )


As Makina agreed about my participation in  the fight, I took off the Mana Canon, or more like, I took it back and retracted it from inside of my body, and formed the previous armor that I used to fight the Ant army and it Ant empress

I take my steps forward to the battle and come near the fraction that is fending off the close weapon-wielding knights like the knight swinging its sword vigorously at the big shield wielded by the fraction

I take my distance in and face the vigorous knight wielding their weapons, taking notice of my presence, they withdraw their attack for a moment and look at each other but in a second attack again, but some of them decide to confront me

More like, most of them decide to attack me, and for some reason, the ones who return to face the fraction look-like sulking as if that knight lost a bet and has to face off a dreadful consequence

Although I do not know just what happened, the look of it, most of the knights decided to gang me up and try to beat me up together, probably thinking that I was an easy opponent compared to the giant fraction they faced earlier, while the left knights guard the fraction so the fraction could not interfere at their ganging up on me

Well, it's not that I was angered because of it, rather, it went well for me as I could test the newly gained  powers with this opportunity, although, just a little, just a tiny winy little bit annoyed thought

As the nearest knight about to swing it wielded weapon, and that is a sword, I kindly respond by raising my hand and pointing at the head of the knight, and there, at my palm, I grow a spear and sprout like a piston out of my hand

The spear pierces the head but it is not able to pierce thought making it stuck but it is not a problem as the spear continues to grow it carries not only the head when it continues to but also the body making a comical display of a dragging corpse in the air

And also using a spear, the knight that just next to the knight that I pierce, has also a spear that the knight wielding it thrust upon to me the same time that I pierce the knight next to the knight that thrust the spear

Ah, I'm getting exhausted just by addressing the knight, let's call the hostile knight "him" so I have an easy time narrating

Wait, what am I even sayi-

Before I even finish my monologue, the "him" who has a spear already pierced me but I don't mind as the spear thrusts at me

As the spear thrust at me, it pierced through my body but it did not hit me, how and why

Because I turn my body that is about to pierce to make a way so the spear goes through making a shinigami-like hole like in the B_EACH anime that I watch

Why I did do that, I just wanted to see if I could dodge like a certain rubber man pirate(1 piece)

As I see that I could do it also, I take notes at it in my mind and sprout a spear that grows to pierce "him" that wields the spear, and the spear sprouts at not my other hand but the spear that sprouts first making it look like a spear with a beach spear like how a tree who has a brach

The spear that sprouts at first sprouted spear pierces the head of "who tried me

Like this, the spear that sprouted first sprouted spear like a branch, and Peirce the other "him" who was about to attack me, making a bizarre sight, that appearance could be called a "tree of spears" if given a title

As I see that the spears thrust at every single "him", wait the calling "him" for the pronoun of knight is getting out of hand, let change it back

As I see that the spears thrust every enemy knight, I retract it making a spectacular view of how the spears withdraw back from the place they sprouted, it is like seeing a reverse-growing tree

As I retract the spear, the knight falls like a puppet whose strings are cut, but that is what I thought

As the knight slammed their bodies as they fall onto the ground, I thought they had been killed, but after some seconds, they got up and stood back again

"(Well, as expected of golems, it be not be destroyed unless you do it right)"

"Makina, Scan the surroundings and find out if there is something off in here"

°Aye, Scanning°


°Scanning Complete, the scan result shows that the walls continue to supply the golems with the energy mana°

°Based on this data, it was analyzed that the golem could not be unmobilize unless it turned to smithereens to the point that they are not capable of any movement°

"Ohh, tough luck"

I thought it would be the type of troupe where the golem has a core that has to specifically destroy to kill the golem or even a boss golem that controls the knight and the knight cannot be killed if the boss is dead

But I didn't expect a troupe where you have to destroy the golems to smithereens to just stop them, this kind of troupe always force you to use heavy power to do the job

"What a troublesome troup-"

°Report: the knights that been killed at the start are regenerating and about to finish their regeneration and suspected that they would be back attacking us after the regeneration°

"Ahh, goddam" unkillable enemy unless you destroy the source and the source is nowhere to be found in the current area" type of golem troupe"

"It's much more than annoying but also fuking irritating type"

As I see the future development in this kind of troupe, I decide that do what best

"Makina, Breakthrough, don't bother destroying them"

"It's no use fighting them"

"Just fend them off aside and make a way so we could breakthrough"

As I command Makina with my decision, Makina, using the fraction like a clay, shapes something a familiar silhouette, and after some more time, a familiar sight comes out from the fraction shape by Makina

"My Camp Van"

Yes, My old and I have eaten camp van

"It back"

As I joy at our reunion with my camp van, Makina stepped in and entered the van and I saw that Makina had taken the driving seat

The engine started as Makina put their hands on the wheel and started driving

The wheels start rolling and the van moves and arrives at me swiftly

"Please enter"

As Makina said as the van opened the door at the front itself

"Thank you for the ride"

I enter and sit and Makina hits the pedals and starts driving

And with this, Makina also hit the golems with the car turning them into debris of their former self

And on the way to the corridor, we found out there more knights ahead through the GPS, or more like the GPS shows the enemy that detected on our radar

So we do what should we do, ram them with our car

We continue this kind of journey until we face an adversity worth the van stopping at its track and ramming through
