Chereads / MimicLIFE,the tale about choosing to become a Mimic as my Next Life / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39 Mimic Lore (22) (Wary and Worry)(15)

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39 Mimic Lore (22) (Wary and Worry)(15)

Author note

Character Map:

"X"=Loid Orcus(Protagonist)

"(X)"=Loid Orcus (Strong inner thought)

°X°=Makina ( Artificial Intelligence )

'X'= Fraction of me(Protagonist fraction)



[X]= Status Board

Sequence of Event:

||||= Time Skip

~~~~=Change of Point of View(POV)

(X)= Sound effect or describe

([X])= Definition to Clear up Words or Author thoughts


Taking my stance, I strengthen my modified bug leg to exert more strength to leap forward and my appearance blurred

And In front of the enemy front, a blur appears in the front of the right most side ant knight in the formation of ant knight intended to defend the Ant Empress

The arm that is holding the halberd is raised above pointing the sky and as if it fell from the sky itself

The halberd at its axe part, swing upon the protection of the ant knight and slam causing a tremendous sound of collision

Making the earth and even the air tremble that it make the ground the ant knight stand cracked as if being pin upon in the ground, making the limbs that act it feets be bent and fell from impact

The ant Knight that fell on the ground lost its protection as it cracked and shattered and as I am about to thrust my trident between it antenna at it head

The ant empress, as enormous it size making it limbs reach be far more longer that others, is about to strike me from the back of the formation of the ant knight as if it is a spear that thrust behind the shield like a phalanx

Taking this into account, I change my motive and swing my trident to the striking limb of ant Empress and


Receiving a strong force from this assault that makes me to be push back but as I intended I am able to avoid it completely as I shift most of it power by using the swing trident to shift it direction away from me destroying it powerful momentum

Now then, after this assault I step back but from my wand, a light glow and below the fell ant knight that lose it protection from its group

The ground rise and ascend with strong momentum making the ant knight be push from below and toss above but the direction of the toss ant knight are greatly crooked far away from the direction straight above but instead angle to be slant making the push ant knight to be toss in slant direction

And waiting in the end from that slant direction is me raising a staff that sparkling red and at the end of the staff are a red sphere with flaring red blazing around it

Know to be staple of magic world


I called out its name and fired it in the direction of the tossed mid air ant knight

The sphere of fire, Fireball goes straight to the ant knight and is burned upon contact

×Krreee(Shriek of being burn)×

It shriek but after a short time it should be gone dead but I have no time to wait for it as I take this time to leap back and stand at the front of the strike limbs of the ant empress that deeply holed in the earth

And grip my both sword and prepare a double sword stance and attack with both sword that end up to be a classic "Cross Slash" in some anime, slashing the joint that for some reason that I felt to be purposely has no carapace to protect it making it more vulnerable than the others part that have capace that surely be hard that I suspect it like this

But thinking about it, their no carapace to the joint of the ants right even back of our world right?, or is it just me?

Well leaving this no importance topic , I take this chance and take advantage of this con of ants anotomy, I slash it making it be separated from its body making the ant empress-

×Ekkkkkkkk(Shriek of pain)×

With its heinous voice, Shriek in pain

The attack detaches the limbs from its owner body that it is the ant empress and spraying dark blood from slice end of each part

The ant knight near the queen and on the left, the nearest ant knight near to the recent killed ant knight that now still burn like a bon fire, leap and stretch up it limbs to grapple me to pin me down but my wand sparkling in blue glow

Produce a gallon of water and gather at the sole feet of the ant and upon arrival, the wand glow turn sky blue and its end the water that connect at it froze and continue to frozen the water that connected at it reaching the water at the sole of the ant knight be frozen, making the ant knight freeze at it place as it surrounded by ice chilling ice as it continue to crawl at it body engulfing it whole and be prison like a fossil inside a glacier

Causing the knight even protected by protection to be frozen as it has not been protected for simply reason that they have no resistance against cold

Remember, refer to Chapter 36, the skill only provides an increase in defence and resistance they have in oneself or provide protection proportion to their defence and resistance in their target, that in this case, the Ant Empress and their fellow knights

And looking at the ant environment, the climate is that of a tropical area where there is only a climate of summer and rainy season making them unable to experience a extreme coldness that surely makes them unable to gain cold resistance

Making the situation understandable and just logical to think of when this event happens

Causing the ant knight to be frozen in death

I count what left to go against with, Ending two Ant knights and let's add the other two who I killed in Chapter 38 that not able to count in that chapter

Making the number of knights to be brought down by four (4)

Making it 4 ant Knight and the Ant empress left with one disabled hand out of 6 hands making the remaining hand that could still function and attack at it body to 5

"(What a description)"

I thought about what was left to deal with

With eight (8) hands that hold various weapons, an identical double sword making it two, a wand and a staff, both shield in one of my pair of hands making it two, a halberd and a trident

Totalling of eight hands that hold 8 weapons

Let's my asura fighting style, dominate this fight