I leaned heavily on my staff and kept close to the walls, using them for support. Walking was slow at first, but my feet became more sure with every step, my legs trembling a bit less. Whenever I came between gaps in buildings, I slowed to a crawl, taking it slow and steady and always keeping an eye above me. The building's eaves provided some protection from the sky, but out in the open, I would be visible to anyone flying by. I doubted I'd actually be able to see the skyships, but the glow of the mana cannons might be visible against the darkened sky.
A sharp voice sliced through the muddled silence, freezing me mid-step. The words were indistinct and hazy, but the tone alone sent chills down my spine. I pressed myself against the rough stone, holding my breath. One of my hands pressed against the gritty stone, but the other groped empty air. Feeling about, I found a vertical opening stretching over my head. A doorway?