Tyrik was in utter awe of what had been revealed, even if he did not have the full picture of what was laid out before him. Most people would have some kind of crisis if their sense of what was normal was completely flipped around and tossed into a massive shredder. Yet, for Tyrik, it was not the case due to being a massive fan of Marvel and Shonen Jump Anime, like Dragon Ball and My Hero Academia. "This is so damn Cool!!!" He shouted with pure joy, to the dismay of Esmeralda as she tried to shut the nerd. They were practically being hunted by a snake lady mercenary. Tyrik's excitement would just make it easier for the Cobrivite to track them. Upon realizing this, he nervously chuckled before looking over to Ricky for some kind of advice on how they should proceed.
The Elven woman sighed with a small smile on her face. She was grateful that Tyrik wasn't gonna be a burden as the human tried to wrap his head around the new kind of crazy he had just unknowingly entered. However, Esmeralda just hoped that it wasn't his excitement that was gonna screw them over now. "Good to see that you are willing to adapt to the weirdness that is gonna be following you around more often, Ty." She stated while conjuring a spell with a wave of her hand, manipulating the plant life around her to hopefully buy them some time to escape before The Cobrivite could follow. Esmeralda has heard a bit about the Snake that was tracking them, and she had a good reputation under her belt. Yet she wasn't a cheap mercenary to simply hire out of the blue as well. Once the spell had completed its task, Esmeralda gestured for both Ricky and Tyrik to stay close to her as they made their escape. "But do try to keep that excitement of yours in check. Not many know about the... 'Secret Fantasy World' lives alongside what is considered to be normal after all." She advised Tyrik was quick to catch on to what Ms. Ravenna meant.
"We are talking about a Percy Jackson Scenario, right?" Tyrik immediately tried to compare what was happening to some form of fiction within his database of stories. "Something is telling me I am gonna be the group's Izuku for fiction instead of superhero powers..." He promptly announced with an ashamed glance. After all, his love of various forms of fiction was just seen as weird, which led to why he was so antisocial. Most saw this love for SciFi and fantasy stories to be odd. And if you dared not to conform to what was normal, society would do everything to force you to be. Rather, you liked it or not.
Though, to his surprise, Esmeralda was stunned by the comparison and even seemed happy that Tyrik was a fan of the series, too. "Kind of like that, actually. In more ways than one too, Tyrik." She explained as Tyrik couldn't help but blush at her smile. "We can fill you in later. For now, we need to make sure that we can escape Malbec as Kathleen buys us time..." The Elf explained as Ricky did his best to stay close by. "I have a plan and place for us to lay low until she gets back to us."
"Sure that your Kitsune Bodyguard can handle the Cobrivite?" Asked Ricky as they made their way into the large crowd of people that filled the streets of New York. "I haven't seen one before, and from what I have heard about Cobrivites, they are quite nasty to fight against..." The Kapre announced as Esmeralda was quick to reassure the two about Kathleen's ability to handle herself.
"Kitsune? Like the Magical Multi-Tailed Fox, Kitsune?" Tyrik immediately questioned in amazement. Esmeralda was quick to confirm this suspicion as Tyrik's excitement continued to grow, even though he should be taking the situation way more seriously than he is. "My first day in my own fantasy storyline and I have met an Elf Woman, a Kitsune, and a Kapre..." He announced as Tyrik tried to pin down where he had heard about Kapres before.
Ricky quickly rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration at this. "Dude... THIS is why I told you to hold your questions until later, man..." The Filipino declared as Tyrik grew to be quite sheepish by his childish demeanor.
Esmeralda, however, found this kind of cute, but it was clear she agreed with Ricky's thoughts about this. Right now, it wasn't the time nor place to geek out, as their life was endangered by two sets of threats. June Malbec and the potential surprise assault from the company, White Star Corporation. Unlike Gibbs Industry, White Star was known among others like herself and Ricky to capture them as well as relating items for an unknown reason. Part of it was to keep the false sense of what is normal permanent as most Humans tend to hate things that were unexplainable. Yet, it was becoming clear to not be their only motive as of late. The best way to hide from both attackers was to blend in with the mass of people who were truly unaware of the secret world that lived among them. Hiding in Plain Sight does have its set of perks more often than not, after all.
"Sorry... It is kind of a habit to overanalyze things on my behalf..." Tyrik had bitterly admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck. "So... Where are we heading to?" He promptly asked as Esmeralda did her best to ensure that they weren't being followed by unwanted company.
"It is a small cafe called The Ebony Peach Garden. A friend of mine runs the place and has been my go-to person for things like this." Esmeralda declared with a voice of reassurance. "Though... Kathleen would not be exactly happy that we are going to him for help." She stated that a sense of tension was quickly picked up by Ricky and Tyrik.
"Do we want to know?" Ricky bitterly asked as he placed his hands into his pockets with a small huff. "Or are we gonna regret asking this person for help?" He threw on as Tyrik smacked him upside the head. Even though Ricky realizes his minor pessimistic attitude was not helping their situation. It wasn't fun when Tyrik did this to remind him of that.
"I am not exactly sure why they can't get along, and they won't tell me anything..." Esmeralda announced as they entered a train station to make the trip quicker, at least hopefully. "Yet, he has been quite helpful while I was getting familiar with this world. He even was the one who suggested the idea of taking up the career of a Magician Gal." She declared while giving Tyrik a flirtatious wink to mess with him, which was indeed super effective on her behalf.
'OK... She is definitely not gonna let that go anytime soon...' Tyrik thought to himself as the dorky guy tried to hide his blushing face from his IRL Waifu. It was a mixed set of feelings for Tyrik. He felt like Esmeralda would never fall for a nobody like himself, but at the same time. Tyrik held onto hope that he had a chance with a stunning woman like Esmeralda, even if it was a dream that wouldn't come to reality.
"Simp!" Ricky quickly shouted to Tyrik's dismay as Esmeralda laughed at this playful exchange between the two friends. Off in the distance within a Coffee Shop adorning the title of Ebony Peach Garden. A Chinese Man with black hair accompanied by a small beard upon his chin, a scar over his right eye, and a body built suited for a martial artist was smirking at the sounds of a playful exchange of a growing companionship. "Looks like Princess Ravenna of Avalon has found her soon-to-be Dragon Knight. Let's hope he is gonna be able to handle what is coming his way." He bitterly muttered as various sounds plagued his mind. His ears were quite unique among others like himself. They were able to hear what was, that are, and things that have yet to be. Some of them reminded him of a terrifying power from a distant past that would devour the future. A Dark Power that once haunted the world's past and destroyed someone he had once cared for.