Chapter 19 - I'm so happy.
Paris felt a splitting headache as he opened his heavy eyelids. As his eyes adjusted to the light he looked around and saw he was in his room. The last thing he remembered was passing out. "How long have I been asleep…?" He groaned as he massaged his temple. He felt a throbbing headache as he sat up. "Mmm…" He then heard a small voice and noticed something stirring on his side beneath the blanket.
It was barely noticeable but he could almost see a small figure curled up under the covers next to him and lifted his blanket half expecting a cat to be under his covers. He was surprised to see his precious daughter curled up next to him, fast asleep. She clutched his shirt with her small hands as she slept, snoring softly.
Paris felt his heart warm up and he smiled at the sight of his adorable daughter. "Good morning, my precious." He lowered his head and gently kissed her on the eyelid.
He felt her stir a little and thought maybe this woke her up, but that didn't seem to be the case as she scrunched her face, seeming a little uncomfortable. "Irides, what's wrong…?" He gently holds her face as he asks her this and she replies subconsciously in her sleep, her eyebrows furrowed. "H-he…heavy….." Paris became confused. "What does she mean, heavy…?"
He then noticed how she couldn't move her legs. He quickly sat up to check and what he saw caused a nerve to stick out of his forehead as his anger rose within him. His giant oaf of a son was splayed out at the bottom of the bed snoring away like a troll.
His head rested on top of Iridesa's small legs completely crushing them under his large weight. He immediately kicked him off the bed and sent him flying towards the floor. "ARE YOU TRYING TO FLATTEN YOUR SISTER!?"
Hearing a loud sound as though an elephant fell, I quickly shot awake "Whaaaa!?" I sat up straight away startled by the loud thud and quickly wiped my drool. I noticed Brother Tybalt flat on the floor, face down and panicked.
"Brother a-are you ok?!" Brother however still seems asleep as he continues snoring. How did he end up there!? I couldn't have possibly thrown him?! "He'll be fine."
I turn to the voice behind me and my eyes widened in shock. "Father!? You're awake!?" My eyes welled with tears and I immediately threw myself into his arms and he held me. "I'm sorry, did I worry you?"
He stroked my hair and I looked up at him with a smile. "Everythings ok n-now! I'm so happy!" Father smiled gently at my words and puts his forehead against mine. "Thats right. Everything is ok now."
He lets me go and stands up. "I should probably wake him up too, the idiot must have been worried all night long." I noticed how father smiled endearingly at brother Tybalt and smiled too. Father walked over to stand next to brother. "Tybalt, wakeup." Brother suddenly grabs fathers leg and begins talking in his sleep. "Kore baby, why don't you wuv me…Is it because I have big monkey arms…"? Fathers eye twitched as brother kept nuzzling his face on his leg and I tried my hardest to hold in my laughter.
"Kore, did you know I can pick my ears with my toes….." He continued to mumble and I couldn't bear it any longer. "Pfft…?! Hahaha…!" Father Kicks brother off his leg and grips him by the collar waking him. "Wake up you Idiot! you're being a bad influence on your sister! And what do you think you're laughing at?!" I clutched my stomach as I laughed harder. "Also if those are the things you're trying to impress Kore with, I will personally hide the poor girl from you!"
After our morning banter I visited Miss Kore as everyone wanted her to double check for any injuries even though I was sure that I am completely fine they all wouldn't rest easy until I had a thorough examination.
Afterwards I dragged Miss Kore with me to breakfast in the morning and we all sat together at the dining table to eat.
I was placed between Brother and Miss Kore this time as an extra precaution, but it seems that over time miss Kore had begun warming up to brother and though they had a little banter between them she wasn't really avoiding him and brother was also being much more considerate of her feelings this time and didn't propose to her in bizarre ways.
Brother placed a delicious fruit tart onto my plate and offered Miss Kore some who accepted it with a blushed face and I couldn't help but smile at their cute interaction.
"Now that we won the case shouldn't we celebrate!" Brother exclaimed happily. I thought about the idea as I ate a forkful of the sweet and sour berries from the tart.
Miss Kore agreed, "That's a wonderful idea, finally you've said something intelligent for once." She replied to brother. "Pfft…!" Upon hearing her words uncle spits out his tea and I laugh. "E-excuse me…" He dabs his lips with a napkin trying to cover up his embarrassment. Father replies to brothers idea as he also wipes his face, glaring at uncle as he speaks. "I also think it's a good idea. What do you all suggest we should do?" They all become deep in thought. Brother is the first to excitedly make a suggestion. "I know! Let's all spar and go on a hunt!"
I think about the idea and I can't help but think it sounds more like knight training than a celebration. "Wow, that one brain cell you had was very short lived, huh." Miss Kore said as she looked at brother disappointed at his suggestion. "I agree, exactly what type of suggestion was that?" Uncle Arthur adds and brother pouts at their reactions to his idea.
"As If you have a better suggestion, uncle!" Brother says annoyed and uncle pushes his glasses up as he says confidently. "As a matter of fact I do." I listen excitedly to hear what it is. "We will go to the museum of magic to hear the 6 hour wonderful lecture on the history of magic."
Everyone became silent at the idea. "Master Arthur, I thought you were the smart one in this family…" Miss Kore said her eyebrow twitching. "Your niece is 12! She won't exactly find a 6 hour lecture fun!" Uncle Arthur just shrugged, " I found it fun when I was 12." Miss Kore sighs "Explains why you're such a workaholic…"
I replied to Miss Kore smiling sadly, "Don't worry M-miss Kore, I think a 6 hour lecture might be fun…" Miss Kore panicked "D-don't give up Iridesa! Lord Orion, please tell me you have a much better idea!"
Father looks at her and puts a hand to his chin deep in thought. We all wait curiously to hear what he will suggest. He finally decides something and speaks. "Crocheting" The room goes silent even the servants and maids are stunned and stop what they are doing.
"My lord, please be serious…" Miss Kore says and Father looks at her with a straight face. "I am serious. I even know how to create little puppets." Brother covers his face trying not to laugh and Miss Kore nudges him in the side.
He whispers to us "I'm sorry, it's just I was wondering how the hell did father hold a needle with fingers as large as his and then imagined him…pfft! Using tweezers to crochet! Haha!" As much as me and Miss Kore don't want to encourage this we both burst into laughter and cover our faces trying not to laugh.
Father looked at us confused as we cleared our throats and tried our best to hide our giggle and laughter and uncle sighed. "If I recall correctly, didn't Opal like crocheting too?"
We all looked up, I remembered my mother mentioning it once. Father smiles fondly "She did." Uncle Arthur speaks as it begins to make more sense. "I see, so she taught you how to crochet, that's sweet, I guess."
Uncle Arthur says as he takes another sip of his tea Brother, Miss Kore and I all smile fondly at father but father just seems confused. "What do you mean? I taught her."
Were all stunned into silence again. "Pffft!!!" Uncle once again spits tea onto Fathers face. "Will you stop spitting tea all over me?!" Father screams at uncle. "Forget spitting on you, I will pour this whole teapot on your head! How could I not know about this!? How long have you been crocheting behind my back!?"
Father replied "I think since I was 7 years old…" Uncle was stunned. "7 years old!?" Me and my brother couldn't hold back any longer as we laughed at the scene unfolding before us. Miss Kore's eyes twitched as she was holding on to her temper by a single thread. She then slammed her hand down stunning everyone into silence. "A BALL! WE WILL HAVE A BALL!" After some consideration everyone shook their heads in agreement, and Miss Kore settled back into her seat drained of energy. "Glad that's finally over…"
One of the servants comes over and he places a fresh cup of tea before Uncle and he looks at me excitedly. "It's your first ball, Lady iridesa you must be excited! Who are you going to have your first dance with?"
Before I have the chance to answer, my father, uncle and brother reply in unison, "Me, of course." They all look at each other stunned. Miss Kore looks at the three of them and sighs. "Well, this is going to be fun…"All of a sudden I feel pressured on who to choose and find myself in quite a predicament.