Chereads / Fatal Kiss. / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 - Make you smile.

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 - Make you smile.

Chapter 10 - Make you smile.

"I-I had n-no idea!" He began further explaining about Arch-mages. "Arch mages are the second strongest beings after Fae royalty, this is because of our familiars." I watched the chalk delightedly draw a series of pictures as he explained. "There are 16 familiars to be exact but only 15 have ever made pacts with mages and at the moment there are 15 in total." I was curious about the 16th familiar. "W-why only 15?" He began to explain. "There is one that no one has ever seen exactly but those who have ever gotten a slight glimpse of it have been too frightened to make a pact and refuse, at least that's one theory. Now moving on to Fae royalty."

I really wanted to know more about the familiars and Arch-mages but I would probably ask another time as I didn't want to interrupt. "Fae royalty are the strongest being you will ever come across, the reason being why they are immune to magic as their blood is able to neutralize magic. This is due to the chemical in their blood named Xi-Lyne that can neutralize any type of magic. Only another Fae royal could ever kill a Fae royal, which is a very rare circumstance. " I find them to be so curious but at the same time the idea of how invincible they seemed scared me. I wonder what it would be like to meet a Fae. My mind then wandered to the idea of mages, I wonder what it means to have magic affinity and do i have it. My heart raced excitedly at the thought. "M-master Octavius?" I put my hand in the air calling out to him. He looked up from his book at me. "Yes?" I decided to ask him, hungry to know more. "D-do I um…maybe h-have magic affinity…" I was afraid he might think it a stupid question but his ears perked excitedly at my question. "What a fascinating question, Little Iridesa! How about we check and see?" I smiled excitedly "H-How will we d-do that!?" He walked over and stood before me.

"May I have your hand?" I held out my hand to him as he asked. He held it and placed a beautiful blue gem onto my palm. "Now I'm gonna activate this magic stone and if it glows then you do in fact have magic affinity, but if it doesn't then I'm afraid not. "Are you ready to try?" I held my breath as I nodded. I prayed deep in my heart that it would glow. I have never wanted something so bad in my life. (maybe if I have a magic affinity then maybe I will also be able to become a mage and become strong…just maybe…please let it glow…!) I waited with bated breath as Master Octavius put a hand over the stone and activated it, I closed my eyes, becoming very anxious. He then removed his hand and I opened my eyes wide, and just like that all the excitement and energy I felt disappeared. "I'm sorry." He said as we both looked down at the dull stone, there wasn't even the sign of the tiniest glow. "Don't fret, there's a vast world of opportunities out there and this means you get to explore longer, now isn't that exciting?" I tried to fake a smile. "I-I guess." But my eyes don't deceive anyone, the disappointment and loss I felt was clearly reflected in them. I held out the stone for him to take back and he smiled kindly as he pushed the stone back towards me. "Keep it. I have plenty more, and who knows it might be useful one day." I was happy he let me keep it but I also felt disheartened by the fact that without any magic this stone may just serve to be nothing but a pretty trinket. Master Octavius got back to teaching and I immersed myself in learning to help me forget. "How about we now move on to reading and writing! Let's begin with the alphabet!" He walked over to the blackboard. I tried my best to focus but I couldn't help but feel down the entire time.

Later that evening I sat at the dining table, I stared at my soup playing around with the spoon. I didn't really feel as hungry tonight. Uncle Arthur and brother looked at me and whispered to each other "Doesn't she seem a little down tonight, Tybalt." Brother Tybalt nodded "I think so too, Father isn't going to be very happy about this." Father then walked in and they both jumped.

Father took a seat next to me as he always would. He noticed me playing with my soup and frowned. "Is the soup not to your liking?" I broke out of my thoughts and responded "N-No-e-everything here i-is always so d-delicious." I quickly took a big spoonful as I said this but I couldn't really taste anything. "I see…how was your first day of learning today?" I instantly felt disappointed and dropped my head at his words. "it w-was fine.." I quietly replied. Father then stood up. "Arthur. Tybalt. A word please." They both flinched at the mention of their names and followed father immediately.

Paris led the two outside the dining hall and shut the door. "Anyone wants to explain why Iridesa looks very upset?." They both shook their heads. "We have no idea brother, she's been like this since she finished her class today." Paris narrowed his eyes. "Bring me her teacher." Tybalt obeyed immediately and went to find him. "I assure you I only would hire only the best for Iridesa of course, so I don't believe he would have said or done anything to hurt her." Paris watched Tybalt return with the tutor. "We'll find out soon." The Tutor bowed down to greet them and looked at Paris and couldn't help but feel like he's in the presence of a very dangerous beast. He sighed "I'm not going to get murder am I?" He asked with a straight face. Paris replied "That depends, why does my daughter look so upset?" Tybalt and Arthur also looked at him and though they were smiling their eyes weren't. Octavius looked confused at first but soon seemed to remember. "Ah…I see what this is about, Little Iridesa found out she has no magic affinity today and I believe that really upset her." Paris felt his eyebrow twitch as he called her little Iridesa but then his eyes widened at the reason why she was so down. He promised he would provide his daughter whatever she asked for, and wondered how he will work his way around this one. "Arthur, where would one buy magic affinity?" He asked and Arthur and Octavius both looked at him wondering if he was actually serious. Tybalt put a hand to his chin wondering the same ridiculous question as his father. "Maybe we should ask the merchant, but what exactly does a magic A-fi-fi even look like?" Arthurs eyebrow twitched at his words. "Its magic AFFINITY you ding dong." Octavius looked at Arthur with genuine curiosity. "You have to admit, tho such level of stupidity is truly mysterious. Maybe I should do my next thesis on it?" Paris and Tybalt both flinch at his words. "Magic Affinity depends on a person's genetic structure, brother. You can't just purchase it." Arthur said and Paris frowned. "Now what do we do?" Tybalt said as he pouted. Octavius cleared his thought. "If I may be so bold to make a suggestion, perhaps you should cheer her up and let her learn a valuable lesson from this. Not offer her everything she wants on a golden platter. Having to deal with such situations and emotions will also be a good influence on her morals as a human being. She must understand the value of hard work and what she has." Arthur nodded to his words. "Master octavius is the right brother. We can't give Iridessa everything she wants and that's okay. what matters is that we raise her to be a good person." Paris thought about what they said and understood that they were indeed right, even if it pains him to see her like that these moments are only a natural part of life and if he wanted her to grow healthy he can't always keep her in a bubble and give her everything she wants whenever she wants. "I see…" he went back in and sat next to his daughter, Arthur and Tybalt followed behind. He wasn't really good with words, so he just asked her straight. "What can I do to make you smile?" Arthur and Tybalt both sighed at Paris's lack of communication skills.

I was dumbfounded at the question my father had asked. "I-I don't need a-anything. Y-you have already d-done so m-much…" I smiled back at him to reassure him. He frowned, "Don't pretend."I startled at his words. "I know you're upset so please let me cheer you up...I'm already bad at this so please, don't make it harder..." He said as he scratched his head awkwardly.. "I-I'm sorry…" I guess he is really trying for me. I should try too. I thought of what could make me feel better but couldn't really come up with anything at the moment. Then I suddenly remembered something. "C-carrot cake…" everyone turned their attention to me. "I f-feel like h-having carrot c-cake." Father immediately called over butler Mia. "Have chef Jacque make me his best carrot cake."

Butler Mia went immediately and did as told. Uncle Arthur stroked my head. "I understand that it may be upsetting when you really want something but can't obtain it, but sometimes there isn't much we can do. And who knows maybe there is something better meant for you instead?" I nodded at Uncles words and understood what he meant. I then remembered something and feeling a bit brave I asked"I l-learned today a-about your f-familiar. May I s-see her?" He seemed surprised at my request but then smiled. "As you wish." He clicked his fingers and a small blaze appeared out of nowhere and then a phoenix flew out. She was absolutely beautiful. "Talia is her name, you may stroke her if you like, her feathers can't burn you if I don't want it to, it's a part of our pact." I smiled excitedly as I reached out my hands . Talia lowered her head for me and let me stroke her, her fathers were so soft and silky. "Y-your beautiful…" Talia responded just like Blessing the pixie. "Thank you, my lady. Would you like a feather to keep? I rarely give them out but since you can appreciate my beauty I'm feeling a little generous." My eyes went wide at her words. "C-can I, really?!" She held out a feather in her beak and I took hold of it. The feather looked so magical and pretty. I felt all my disappointment fade at having received something so amazing and special. "t-thank you, Talia. I t-truly feel honored to r-recive such a wonderful g-gift." I said excitedly, wanting to show my gratitude as I knew this must mean a lot to her and remembered to truly cherish it. Talia bowed her head to me and I smiled. "Well, Talia certainly seems quite fond of you, Iridesa." I held the beautiful feather in my hand, I couldn't stop smiling and feeling so excited. "Iridesa, your cake is here!" Brother Tybalt received the cake from Butler Mia and placed it before me, father picked up his fork and scooped some and held it to my lips. I happily ate it and the yummy taste immediately cheered me up. Father smiled at me fondly as he fed me more of the cake. I wasn't sure how I was so lucky to find my way to such a warm and loving place but I'm ever so grateful and want to cherish every moment as I'm scared one day it will all disappear. The next day however this fear had become closer to reality as a surprise guest showed up to visit, me especially.