I took an extra five or six minutes to enter the house from the back. I snuck around the side and saw no one in the cruiser. I climbed up the side of the house to the roof where I always sat, and entered Anton's window. He wasn't in his room, and I could hear his voice in the living room. And I also heard the voice of Daniel Ascher. Just what I needed. But why was he here, surely not to just check up on me, right? No. Daniel was smart. If he already linked me to Monty's injury, I wouldn't be surprised.
"Well, I'll tell him whenever he gets home," I heard Anthony say. "He usually comes home late."
"That's okay, I can look around for him. Thanks, son." Daniel replied. I sort of felt bad, if he was just here to check up. So I just decided to go for it.
"Hey, Officer Ascher. I'm here." I jumped down the four steps onto the floor where they were on. Anthony wide-eyed me, not expecting it. "Can I help you with something?" He smiled at this.
"Yeah, just wanted to ask you a few things. Want to come outside for a few?" Shit. I should've stayed back. This was a mistake. Shit.
"Sure. Let's talk."
Daniel was a good person. He never lost his temper, never showed true emotions, and always heard the good people out. I liked him, we all did. Mayland County was a safer place with him and his division. Except for letting girls walk alone and get attacked at night.
"Your friend from school, uh," He paused and looked at his notepad. "Montgomery Montross."
"Yeah?" I said. "What about him." He suspiciously eyed me, the way all police do.
"He's in the hospital, apparently got his ankle fucked up by a car. We're trying to track down the driver, but it's hard without a license plate and tire marks to go off of." He closed his book.
"Jesus, I didn't know. I was just talking to him before." I said innocently.
"I know, you were also just with him."
"...Vince, please. Don't think of me. If you have to go it's okay. I don't want you worrying about me." Angie said, with a melancholy tone. I would have to leave for college soon. A college many states away. It was all I could do for my education. But I didn't want to go.
"I don't even want to go if it takes me away from you. I don't want to think of that." I said. "Plus, there's plenty of people who have successful lives without college degrees."
"Vincent, don't throw your life away for me. That would make me feel so bad." She said
"But Angie, I don't want to leave. I want to be with you. And support you, and live with you. I want to spend our whole life together." I said as I held both her hands. "I love you." We both began to have tears. We were so emotional.
"I love you.....
Why was I thinking about that now? Stop spacing out, god.
"Vincent?" He said. "Did you hear me?"
"Yeah. Um, we went to the park for a bit. But I had to run to town for something. When I left he was standing by the fence near the road. But I didn't know what happened after." I lied. He nodded his head. Again, a thing police officers do. So I had no way of telling if I was successful in my lie.
"Alright. Thank you for your time." He said, packing his things up. "One more thing." He said while turning back to me.
"Hit me," I said.
"Montgomery. We uh, got a tip. At the station. Anonymous of course, but still." He said.
"Okay, what's the significance?" I asked.
"We have some speculation that he was involved in the assault of Angie Foster." He said, grimly. I acted mad and surprised and visibly clenched my fists.
"What," I said. "Are you fucking serious." He nodded. And shook his head.
"I'm sorry, but yes." He started towards the car again. He turned again, which annoyed me deeply. They always had one more thing to say. God.
"Vincent," He started. "I don't know how you and your family are dealing with this, but don't try to be a hero." I slightly closed my eyes into a slight squint.
"What do you mean by that." I said, passive-aggressively. He looked at me with firm eyes.
"Regan Vantse is still missing, and we haven't found the others responsible. DON'T go looking for him, or anyone else. Or I will have your future ruined." He said. I laughed sarcastically. I walked over close to him, only a few centimeters shorter, and looked him in his deep brown eyes.
"Maybe do a better job protecting this town and you wouldn't have to be telling me that," I said. I walked away. He stood there. Breathing heavily, still watching me. I heard the door shut, and he pulled away.
He'd be stupid to think I'd listen.